I actually like this bootleg Persona

I actually like this bootleg Persona
where the fuck do you buy weapons tho

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In the shops?

I like it lot more than Persona 5

While in school campus?
That guy in the cafeteria.

but user its a jrpg

its boring as fuck

It's almost like different people like different games.

The combat is better than persona but everything else, not so much

You don't even have to worry about weapons (outside of the best ones that you need the ores for). The characters auto-upgrade their equipment through the story

>Persona isn't a JRPG

i didnt say that persona wasnt a jrpg

and yes its boring as fuck too

Poor Nanako

Calvard when?

well does your game have garbage girl huh

well it doesnt

You date girls in this shit?

>see people in real life getting hurt
>can't be assed to give a single solitary fuck
>see this image
>get legit sad

is there a cure for my condition

video game characters are made to be lovable, that's why you feel bad for her
normal people, not so much

A franchise years older than Persona.
>calls it bootleg persona
I see the amount of casual scrubs hasn't reduced at all in here.

You headpat the fuck out of them.

But Persona invented the school setting and bonding events, didn't you know?

>red eyes

>tfw can't tell if this is sarcasm

Older Trails games are bootleg Grandias

They copied the bonding system and it isn't even working well for trails,
the events are boring cliches, the personalities are forgettable

>the events are boring cliches, the personalities are forgettable
Just like Persona, then.

This seems like such a silly decision

Why the hell do you buy weapons from a school cafeteria? Couldn't that have just put a shop in Trista or had Micht sell them or something?

>it's the "trails in the sky copied grandia's combat" meme
Falcom's been fucking using this style of combat in their Legend of Heroes games before Grandia was even a thing you dip


It is.

>what is White Witch

>Why the hell do you buy weapons from a school cafeteria?
Military school. Also the building isn't a cafeteria, it's the school's Student Union building.

Shitty bonding system.

>military school
>cheesy uniforms with bowties and plaid skirts on the girls and designer jackets on the guys
>ONE combat instructor
>ONE officer in military uniform
>no one else on active duty

Ya done fucked up, Falcom.

Apparently early scripts of the game actually had Thors be much more stricter and militarized while Erebonia was meant to be much more like the Erebonia hyped up in Sky and Crossbell, but they changed it because they were afraid it wouldn't sell.

Luckily with CS3, nu-Thors looks like it's going to be an actual military school. and not a """"military"""" Japanese high school.

Should I play the other games in the series first?

It'd help.

How can other Kisekis even compete?

Sure is valkyria chronicles 2 in here.


The game isn't worth playing other games first.
Play the other games, but not just for this game.

How can the other Cold Steels even compete?

Not necessary, you can play the older ones later if you like this one.

Too bad Rean "McBurn" Schwarzer is teaching them.

Do bully the Duvalie

Cold Steel was designed to be an entry-point to the series but it still builds off the world-building and stories from previous games.

opinions on the new tracks?


Only you, user.

Rean's going to pull the strict asshole teacher act while he gets drunk and cries about Crow in the dorms

I finished this last week.
Turned the audio off by the 3rd chapter. held down the fast forward button and put Dr. Katz on in the background.

Wouldn't play it again. Or any others in the series.

>A franchise years older than Persona.

Oh did the old games have a school setting and social links then?

>not playing the first game of each series, then the second game of each series ect

Best way

Falcom's sound team is stagnating.

They used to have a ton of variety just a decade ago, now everything is starting to sound the same.


Never heard of this game, bootleg why? Does it ripoff the social link system?


Anything with high schools and linking is a Persona ripoff

It's set in a military school. That's about it.


Actually that does describe a rip-off. High school and social link are the main features of Persona. Otherwise you'd get SMT.

Grandia is so much better though
A shame what they did to 3, and 2 was so short

High school isn't even the main feature of Cold Steel, it's just the hub inbetween chapters whilst you're shipped out to other parts of the country for 80% of the game.

Persona didn't even invent high school settings or social links in JRPGs either.

Only weebs play this garbage, the series was exposed as shit when the huge drop off point between FC sales and SC on steam.

CS won't even get as many as FC sales

>Persona didn't even invent high school settings or social links in JRPGs either.

Try name any other game that did social links in a high school setting before persona. Don't make statements like that without naming the game.

>Try name any other game that did social links in a high school setting before persona
I never said other games did social links in a high school setting before Persona. I said that games have done social links and high school settings before Persona.

As if a high school setting in a jrpg media was a rare thing

High school? Maybe. Social links/Social Sim thats an integral part of the mechanice and narrative? Gimme some names user.

the 3rd is boring me I don't like this dungeon crawling format at all

Yeah so a redundant statement, cool

>what is Jenis Royal Academy
>what are extra cutscenes with fellow TOKUMUSHIENKA to unlock combi-craft.

chapter 6?


When people pretend every JRPG with high schools is a Persona rip-off, it gives the impression that they think high schools are a rare thing.

>Social links/Social Sim thats an integral part of the mechanice and narrative?
Thousand Arms, Summon Night, Galaxy Fraulein Yuna

nah on chapter 3 rn. It gets worse?

yeah, chapter 6 is an excessively long slog with a bunch of dungeons in a row, all with mandated party members

I was going to say it gets better after that, because it does, but if you're getting bored this early maybe take a break and go at it again later or something

>When people pretend every JRPG with high schools is a Persona rip-off, it gives the impression that they think high schools are a rare thing.
Or those people are simply normalfags who never played anything other than FF/DQ/Tales/Persona.

>Galaxy Fraulein Yuna
I miss moe space operas.

Shit that sounds horrible. I'll slog through it somehow. Bless the new turtbo button

It only perfected them.

Mana Khemia and you can even marry them

Well, that beer won't drink itself!


Pre-order SenIII and give Crossbell back

I feel like Sen III is going to be shit

Same here, every reveal makes it look worse and worse

>bootleg Persona

It's called jrpg, faggot. Are you new to jrpgs? This shit is nowhere close to a bootleg persona.

Whoa whoa! Now you made me want to look for more Alisa art.

Why Cold Steel have so few doujins? Argh!

There's a lot of rean x crow

Still hoping for Punished Rean at some point.

Nobody replies to this post because it's truth and fact. LMFAO.

Finished zero no kiseki. The team was excellent gameplay wise. How long till coherent translation of ao?
I don't know whenever to start cold steel or wait for ao.

Rean's facial expressions in all of the trailers/previews/art makes me think CS3 is going to be a Rean suffering montage.

>it's an "Instructor Rean watches powerlessly and helplessly as one of his students die" cutscene

It's Duvalie's day. Say something nice to her.