I can't believe the Deus Ex series is fucking dead (again)

I can't believe the Deus Ex series is fucking dead (again).

Lets have a thread to honour its memory.

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What's your favourite level OP?

I love Paris except for the catacombs, I fucking loved the martial-law-feel of it.

Hong Kong section is my favourite, its where it really opens up and the music is great.

not OP but my favorite level is hell's kitchen when you need to help Paul escape

Not op, but Honk Kong
>when you first step out of the lift into the market and hear The Synapse

>I can't believe the Deus Ex series is fucking dead (again)


What a shame. It was a good franchise. What a rotten way to die.

Oh My God, JC!


Next Deus Ex should be set in a different universe, so there's a new conspiracy to discover.

The studio that made Mankind Divided is set to some capeshit garbage games for the next couple of years. Don't think we will see another Deus Ex game for years.

>When the most intellectually stimulating conversation you have is with a bartender in a Hong Kong night club

I've been playing Revision and apart from the obvious music downgrade its pretty great, why do a lot of purists hate it? GMDX obviously has the best gameplay but .jk...m,lp[k,.;.;'p/

>Deus Ex series

There is only one Deus Ex game.

>We'll never get another true Deus Ex game because right now it would hit too close to home


Reminder that the flamethrower is the best weapon in the game.

>ammo everywhere
>one burst can disable as many enemies as you can get grouped up
>leaves enemies with a dark hue after death, unlike any other weapon
>only way to truly experience Deus Ex, since you miss out on some voice lines otherwise

The second one started the trend. And I still never really enjoyed HR. The takedowns just made the game much more trivial. I liked the improved weapon handling, but everything else felt like a downgrade.

Just finished a replay of the new GMDX. jesus christ that was hard but satisfying.

I love how enemies killed by flamethrower are also one hit away from gib. You can shoot a flamed corpse with a crossbow dart and they'll turn to fucking mince meat.

Why is it always dead with you people? Can't you just let shit lie?


I tried playing hr recently, and holy shit who thought "press button to stealth" was a good idea.
Not only that, but if you don't use it, then you can't even hide when going up/down stairs.
But if you don't use takedowns you miss exp for no reason, yet even director's cut you still have to kill the bosses so get fucked if you didn't gain some levels to stealthcheese them or get combat stats.


Dont kid yourself, would just be some cucked 'das racist' shit about augs. Maybe just scrap the second game from the canon, and make a new sequel. Use the HELIOS fusion ending. Doubt the NSF/MJ12 are going to just bow down. Would like to see a game about an NSF operative fighting remnants of police/mj12/unatco and whatever JC uses to enact his will. Let the themes deal with gov vs private control, censhorship, individual vs community, etc.

Deus Ex has been dead since the remake retard


I hate it. It pulls you out of the game. and makes stealth too easy. I love how its never mentioned that melee -> lower back is an instant knockout, but makes the riot prod go from kinda useless to really strong. HR just stealth button to takedown button.

>using a joke video to prove a point

We get it, you're a contrarian that doesn't enjoy anything made past 2007. HR, MD and even (unfortunately) IW are Deus Ex games.

IW is genuinely better than HR and MD.

>I love how its never mentioned that melee -> lower back is an instant knockout, but makes the riot prod go from kinda useless to really strong.

Even though it is much weaker without the lower back targeting, the real fun part of the prod is forcing NPCs to watch a LAM explode right before them, or setting them up in the position for a GEP gun throw kill.



Mankind Divided was so meh, I'm glad actually the series is dead. I don't want SE to milk the franchise anymore with shitty mobile games and forgettable AAA games.

Kill yourself, not even joking.

He's right though.

Just do it bro.


>he grows facial hair
holy shit my sides

because its new and different and anything new and different is baaaad

>refers to HR as a remake
>calls others retards



You know, now that I see it, a proper Deus Ex version of HR might actually be pretty good.

I didn't think there was any way the fall could possibly be as bad as people said. But it was even worse.
It's almost scary that someone can spend millions of dollars to make a game that shoddy, and still have enough left over to pay off reviewers to praise and 5/5 it.

sweet footage from 1918 dude

Show me ONE 5/5 review for Deus Ex: The Fall

I don't think they spent millions on The Fall.

You mean 1886 but no, it's actually a game calling itself Deus Ex.

Unironically holding this opinion should be punishable by death.

Have you even played IW or are you just parroting what you read on the internet without understanding how it earned that reputation?

Yes, I've played every game in the Deus Ex series and apart from the Fall its the worst game in the series.

>pretends that all three possible endings from the first game happened at once, leading to an incredibly disjointed story that forgoes players choices (a staple of the first game)
>universal ammo, negating ammo management from the first game and being generally silly (I don't care how far in the future you are, a rocket launcher and pistol will not use the same thing to fire)
>incredibly small levels with loading times in between that take upwards of over 20 seconds even on modern rigs due to terrible optimization
>janky as fuck gameplay

You forgot
>Dumbed down inventory management
>Dumbed down combat
>Dumbed down conversations

Yes, it was bashed for being simplified, consolized and dumbed down.
Now let's take a look at HR
>press x for cutscene in place of melee
>3rd person cover shooting
>no lean
>cinematic ladders
>no skills

The levels in IW were actually decently designed except for being cut into parts.
Writing is bad in both so that's not an argument for either game, same for inventory management.
Janky as fuck gameplay is a staple of the series, and seriously please name one actual gameplay mechanic (what's left of them) that HR did better than IW. Combat in HR is a joke, you can stand in a room, aim a pistol at the door at head height and cut down the entire building as they run into your crosshair one by one.

HR was a logical continuation of IW, perfectly predicted in a funny picture years before it was even conceived. Except in the meantime video games became so bad that even this piece of mediocrity stood out above the average, while IW was a noticeable step down below the current trend (or so we thought back then).

No retort?

we were left speechless by your demolishing rhetoric

>(I don't care how far in the future you are, a rocket launcher and pistol will not use the same thing to fire)
Dude nanomachines lmao

To be fair though I kinda hated how nanotechnology was basically magic in IW but this really wasn't the most implausible part of it considering universal constructor technology was already an established part of the universe.

I also agree with this

The story and characters are more engaging in IW, even though it is a bad game overall.

did hr even have animals to kill?

>I can't believe the Deus Ex series is fucking dead (again).

Why would this be surprising to you? With IW, The Fall and MD it has more bad or disappointing games in the series than actually good ones

Thank came out of nowhere during my first play-through, I stuck around the night club area for a long time talking to the party goers in Hong-Kong and Paris. But I'm not a huge fan for Nevada, it felt empty to me.


posting best song

vandenberg is the best level

It's been a while since I've last played the game, but Vandenberg felt like the last non-linear level in the game.

i actually liked HR's aesthetic and I thought the whole game was a good enough prequel to the original, even if lacking in some parts (boss fights, skills being merged with augs, AUGS AUGS AUGS)
it didn't really activate my almonds the same way the original did but it was fun

on another note, i haven't played mankind divided yet. is it worth it?

The UI alone is responsible for millions of kids dying of starvation.

I really like the PS2 version. Judge me.

you beat me to it. posting the second best song


>is it worth it?
If you had fun with HR, you're likely to enjoy MD too, just don't pay full price for it.

This is my favorite, entitled "You never heard it past 0:20"

>Okay, drop him.



They'll revive it eventually. Squeenix knows it's a fucking goldmine.

They didn't drop Thief and that was an unqualified disaster.

Best combat music in the game by far.

Posting favorites

Just finished deus ex recently using Revision and still dont understand the hate for it besides the original music and slight change in art direction in some levels. you can change the models back and keep the classic soundtrack on so whats the bother?

pic related being morpheus looking a lot better

Tough question because legit every level in the game is fantastic, but I really enjoyed breaking out of the MJ12 base and realizing it's UNATCO, had some of the games best music as well

for me mods that visibly tamper with art direction or "vanilla feel" are a no no. GMDX mod is far superior imho.

but I mean it mostly just enhanced it in places or made it visually more engaging to look at in some places. Hell it even highlighted some areas with a lighting effect that the original did not. I would say that is considered legitimate good art direction. I mean most of them are esentially ported HDPI from what I know anyway, like gun models and optional character models.

I mean it isnt as bad as something like FakeFactory to Half life 2, but damn the reputation it gets is pretty sad for a love effort mod.

Two things.
The first is bugs. I understand it's not a monetary product so I do give it some leeway there, but last I checked there was some keypad lock in UNATCO that would crash the game or simply not work, so they disabled it.
Second is consistency. Some textures are detailed, clearcut, and others are pixilated and onedimensional. I feel like that shouldn't be something a mod should leave lowquality like that.

I do use it myself, and enjoyed the patches they were pushing out, but it seems they're either done or don't know how to change the rest, so I can understand some people not wanting to use it.

Its just HR 2.0. like the other user said. And being HR 2.0, the story wasn't good. Not only that, you only really get to explore one city which sucks. Let me correct myself, it's HR 2.0 with even more cut content.

none of your criticisms are shown from most of the bandwagon hate the mod got to be quite honest. A lot of things like "muh classic music" and "muh classic gun looks" was all simply by not looking in the options of the game and reverting it back if it pained them so much. The rest of it is generally quite consistent, I only finished it a week ago, and can tell you outright most of its criticisms are fixed besides the occasional crash. Pretty certain Deus Ex on modern systems would crash at some points anyway.

From what I've heard, it's mechanically very enjoyable, but thematically empty.

>Pretty certain Deus Ex on modern systems would crash at some points anyway.
I don't think I ever have stability problems with old games, but I have to go to great lengths to get them launch. I wonder which is more common.

>had a dream last night you could skip the MJ12 Base in Hong Kong somehow
>spend all morning in bed halfway wondering if you could

Rooftop sniping outside of the NSF base in New York was primo. La Guardia container hopping was bueno. Doing the mission impossible in Vandenberg was maximo. Hong Kong was like chino.

IW was mechanically flawed, but thematically and aesthetically on point. It was the Snow Crash to DX's Burning Chrome. Was fun and disappointing in alternating, equal measure.

>NG Resonance

The omar are cool

Area 51. You've heard of it right?

>used to go out and get really shitfaced years ago
>try and sneak back into the house and get caught by my mum at like 3 bong in the morning
>this always played in my head

Does anyone else hear this song playing in stressful situations?

Revision is just kind of pointless. The only things it changes are things that don't really need changing. Now that I think about it I have no idea why I was hyped for it for years

The new levels looked neat in previews, it's really amazing how badly it all turned to shit at release.

Please stop, I've replayed the game last month for the umpteenth time. I have other games to get to, anons.

>It's Denton. Remember the briefing

Can you tell me more about it? I'll buy you a beer.

That one's warm, get me one from the Bar

NG is the best though.
She's tier

>fall in love with waifu
>turns out she's based on a bitch

Actually I'm more interested about a warehouse with an illicit generator.

But because you're a bro, here's a cold one.

Should've went the Zelda route and did sequels based on whatever ending fit where they were taking the game.

>>>>>>>>>ICARUS HAS FOUND YOU!!!!!
>>>>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
>RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!
RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!!!!!!!!!

newfaqs always fail at this

Deus Ex is trash overrated by pcbros who can't play real games.