Why don't people socialize anymore in MMO games?

Why don't people socialize anymore in MMO games?

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They do in ones that foster it.

Black Desert.

Games like WoW/FFXIV are good, but theres no reason to every communicate.

How can the Horde even compete?

I want to socialize in WoW as a lewd Gnome girl

Name one MMO with good gameplay

You can't

Also her breasts and thighs are just too large. Disgusting.

the last MMO i played i literally quit just because people were circlejerking and starting drama all the time

MMOs are dead and normies moved from WoW to mobile shit.

nerds can just use tinder if they need to get laid.
virgins don't exist anymore.

I want to fuck a Human

>Name one MMO with good gameplay
Blade & Soul
too bad the endgame is shit and involves grindan dailies for hours every day, hoping for RNG drops you never get, to the point where the game feels like a fucking job

There's no real incentive to it.
I mean if you play MMO's you are almost certainly an undesireable unlikeable person. But maybe you would need to break the shell that pushed you into the fantasy world of MMO's. You are still in a poorly constructed and coded world with threadmills as far as the horizon can see, and these threadmills are only there to tire you and give away more money for fake fulfillment of some aborted achievement you should had in real life.

BUT SUPPOSE the game was meant to be played with other people. Trading and buying stuff. The only MMO that does this right is EVE Online and the gameplay SUCKS DICKS. Any other MMO game is also made with the one hand to play design because if it was action like it would be inconsistent and full of lag, and the RPG encased mindset doesn't really allow for real action quick thinking adventuring, which is the lowest common denominator fantasy and gameplay anyone can grasp and get into ASAP. Don't ask people to build and maintain structures and complex quests or items.

So in the end there's no real need to talk to anyone. If it was there would be the possiblity of fucking up your character or human relations with other people. Scams and real conflict, which all the recluse players want to avoid. That's bad for business. Leave them in their threadmills.

Because they don't need to.

You can easily see most of what WoW has to offer nowadays without talking to another person even once.

The world is becoming less and less social, more and more divisive, and pushing people to remain alone and aloof.

I think we're meant to end our species soon.

Is this post the definition of projection.

The main thing that keeps and sustains a community is necessity. It takes time and effort to find the right people and if there's nothing to incentivize it people will be "efficient" and just do something themselves. +5 stat is more important than immersing yourself a virtual world pr just having more fun, after all.


this fem face is the best thing that came out of WoD models

Runescape 3 is becoming very void for talking to people on there besides the populated worlds. The "no xp waste" meme went wayyyy too far on that game and they release all those bonus xp shit every other week and have double xp 2 times a year. Rarely do I find anyone to talk on that game that isnt a douchebag

how can you play an mmo for years and not find a gf?

I'm autistic and always abruptly cut contacts with people when I get bored of the game

Sumbudy has hwert fweelingins


Play ironman and join an ironman only clan.

IM relies a lot on learning to play the game in a new way, this creates a lot of discussion from my experience, fosters community pretty well too because everyone is on the same level.

>made three friends who were girls
>one got married and is now fat
>another has a black boyfriend
>third got fat and posts anime on her Facebook page

Check em

is there more??


Because recent MMO doesn't give time to socialize.

Gotta min max those DPS, do your play correctly, spend what little time you have doing daily mission and other 'gameplay' related stuff.

Play on a Private server, WoW still has lots of socializing going on.

>play mmos for years
>only ever found a decent but reliable ERPer

all the servers are shit and all the ones that showed promise are now dead, with crestfall being the latest one

I socialize plenty.

Fuck off Alliance scum.



>Become Temp GM when my friend is on holiday
>Got seduced and lost his whole guild

Yeah, I think not.

I bet you do.

What are they doing


Fuck off Ireland

>had same ERP partner in WoW since Vanilla
>used to run dungeons and raids together
>chatted on vent regularly
>actual girl
>exchanged pics
>liked what we saw
>bought her a ticket to fly down
>9/11 happened

Starting a fire. It's awful cold.

modern pvpers that attack everything the game mechanics enable them to attack
older mmos had open pvp but it to choose to engage in it was a special occasion due to consequences beyond having to wait for a respawn delay when you die

Wanna be friends

its true tho i remember back in the start of wow. And people did actuvly ask questions and talk even in zone general chats. And the most common reply you would se to anything was omg you scrub just look it up dont bother people whit your questions.Evrything after that was just a steady decline into how it was when i played it last time a couple years ago witch was just an abortion of what it used to be.

The problem is that mechanics and designs that pushed for collective engagement were deemed to hardcore and not casual friendly so modern MMOs are designed around the idea that individuals can engage with the game on their own time and by themselves. The theme park design of MMOs only further aggravates this problem. While sandbox MMOs are fully realized when players collectively create their own emergent gameplay, theme park MMOs require that every player be allowed to "ride the ride" so to speak. This means that the MMO is designed more like a traditional single-player game rather than a multiplayer one.

>first mmo i where i actually reached end game
>mostly because of comfy music and graphics
>mfw when i realized i reached level cap basically alone and only typing a few times during raids

havent gone back, mmo are just bad single player games at this point, stay away if you dont have friends.

Nothings stopping you from talking to people and making friends.

Two words. Dungeon finder.

>talking to people and making friends

Seriously tho, maybe the problem isn't really the game. Maybe it's just user being an awful person to be around.

I'd believe it.

post more that look like this and not actually ingame

Gross, you should want to fuck a worgen.

Modern MMOs are build around the concept that solo player must be able to play 90% of the content alone, and on top of that have easy access to the last 10%. Also, no one should be forced out of their comfort zones. This means that open pvp is a NONO, pve is easy, death has no consequences and theres no consequences for pvp (so pvp players would not need to deal with anything uncomfortable).

So we have things like dungeon finders, raid finders, easy access to all resources (like stones, herbs, etc), global auction houses and the PvE has been dumbed down greatly. I remember when I played GW1 the first time and some of the missions were actually hard, like I really mean they were hard (all of this happened before they added customizable NPC allies). Thats why I always tried to gather real people (not bots) to my groups for the missions and I even joined my first guild just to get help.

Nowadays? You can pretty much tell me to pick any MMO and I guarantee you that within 10minutes (of learning the bindings) I can face any "challenge" within the PvE side. I can kill world bosses alone, do quests alone and you can send me to any raid (using raid finder ofc) and Im able to play it properly.

Thats the problem, the lack of consequences and difficulty has made it useless to communicate. Whats the difference between Dragon Age inquisition and a modern MMO? Nothing, both are easy, played alone, the player is the chosen one, the hero of the people, bosses can be soloed, repeatable quests, quests dont change the world (bring wolfpelts to a freezing village, they still complain about cold and never use the pelts to create clothes). DAI is pretty much how modern casual players want to play their MMOs too.

1. Its barely needed anymor becouse they streamlined the shit out of everything.
2. Most people just use voicechat with people they know.
3. The increase in players brought in tons of obnoxious People that should be avoided .



>and I guarantee you that within 10minutes (of learning the bindings) I can face any "challenge" within the PvE side
lmao sure
things got dumbed down for sure but plenty of mmos still feature end game content that requires your whole party to be competent
you're not competent after 10 minutes of playing no matter how much you wish you are

>9/11 2001
>WoW 2004

Am I getting meemed?

>bought the latest expacs to go back to wow so I could be a cute blood elf who gets viciously fucked by musky orcs
>can't find someone willing and literate

What happened to the socializing? I think it's the dungeon finders and matchmaking in MMOs. In the old days you had to find a guild or ask some people. Then you had to walk to the dungeon, or get a warlock etc. These little things incentivize people to actually interact instead of just spam memes in chat and sit in queue.

Being someone who hadn't played a MMORPG in a long time, when last year I played Blade & Soul I was shocked to find out people would just jump in a lobby, do a dungeon together, complete it, and not utter a single word during the whole process.
However, I can't say people don't socialize in that game. Even if you don't join a guild you have to choose a faction, and so you take part to the faction chat. At least in my server, which was luckily a pretty small one, people were friendly and very talkative. Also, in the end-game dungeons, even if doing them through the dungeon finder (which gathers players from all servers), people were a bit more sociable.

>see cute Elin
>whisper them something harmless
>get completely ignored

I want to ERP, but I don't want to pay for a second account, and I don't want my friends to find out I ERP through battle.net. Shit feel.

I want to impregnate a Draenei Monk

>he didn't get the pre alpha key

Yea, sure. They had to introduce different "difficulties" for raids in wow. I wouldnt be able to play the hardest ones becouse my own skill is no...wait a minute, no. I couldnt I play those as my gear is not good enough. But what else is actually challenging in modern mmos? Just tell me one game that has a challenging content that is not clearly blocked behind gear wall.

>look up OP girl's f-list
>submissive and loves being dommed by non-humans


>Be a fatass fucking cat thing
>pick lancer and tank all the things
>people love my stupid little shit

I ended up dropping the game though, Might get back into it at one point but another MMO plus backlogs plus a having a career, eat up all my damn time.

Too afraid of offending anybody and getting sent to a concentration camp, Plus people are generally just obnoxious and have stick up their asses nowadays.

Starting in wow now is nothing like it was before. Every dungeon is instance based and easily to the point of 2-3 manning and almost soloing thanks to heirlooms and aggressive nerfing.

A new player will NEVER say "LFG" let alone spam it he will just refer to a new button at level 16. The lfg button will group him with 4 people, likely from other servers that he will never meet again, and teleport him directly to the dungeon where there always 1-4 npcs in front of the portal to hand out quests . Gathering in a town or city then riding to entrance together and maybe even dealing with a subzone outside the dungeon is an experience completely unknown to current and new wow players. It's become so instance based with prerogative being convenience and sight-seeing instead of conventional fantasy rpg gameplay. The instances themselves are so goddamn easy they almost seem broken so why but only last 20 minutes max so why would anyone talk let alone form friendships and memories.

Cherished memories I have or riding with 4 other fantasy-rpg paragons to a new zone I've never been to and venture into a dungeon and see how it has earned the right to be a dungeon is not possible today and that's a goddamn tragedy.


I've experienced all of that on Kronos and got pretty bored of it quickly

I know that feeling. It's like I've gone so far into the exotic side of WoW porn that I've come back out into the human end of things again.

I mean when they look like the girl in OP why wouldnt you

This is where the problem resides for me.

I tried Tera months ago, and I could kill monsters 15 lvls above my lvl, plus the starting zones were empty. Modern MMOs focus TOO much in the end game, thats also what is killing them, the lvling becomes a chore.

play a fucking sandbox.

Runescape 3.
Old School Runescape
Black Desert Online
EVE Online.


>Super cute asian girl in my guild
>Be autistically flirtly because lol it's just online
>Actually starts talking to me more
>I sperge out and leave

WoW used to be great for getting girls. I met up with 3 throughout vanilla and BC, managed to one nighter one and date the less crazy one.

>Play OSRS
>Tfw people chat often and are mostly friendly

>mostly friendly

I literally got called a "nigger kike" for logging in near someones sand crabs.

>Look at Hardcore Ironman
>You can die in the wildy
So how do you skill Agility without any wildy agility course?

Only friendly if you like erp

Otherwise it's quickly apparent how autistic most people are.

Ape Atoll to Empty Throne Room to Prifddinas in RS3.

Rooftop Agility in OSRS.

Which is why I used the qualifier "mostly". That's understandable anyway, have you ever tried training at sandcrabs for a few hours without getting crashed? Limited resources can make people irritable.

I assume he means f-list.net/c/valnoressa/



>""""socializing"""" on the internet

Go be mentally ill somewhere else

>socialising in video games

Do Millenials really do this? Just go the fuck outside and socialize with actual people at your university/work/hobby/sport.

Oh, he could be referring to f-list.net/c/ethilya/ instead.

>entire guild is in discord/mumble/teamspeak
>you can directly whisper to the people that aren't in your guild from anywhere on the map
>you can get banned for being rude in game because the players are babies
>everything can be done solo
>community expects you to know all the mechanics of every dungeon even if it's your first play through of it
>community will just leave your ass in the dust in you stop to type something during a group event

Why would you ever communicate with more than one person at a time through in-game features? The community killed MMOs not devs.

this, the secret world was so difficult in early versions that I was actually forced to seek help from other people, and now most content and all quests can easily be done solo


Why would anyone play Ironman anyway? Playing an MMO as a singleplayer game defeats the purpose. Also, I've noticed most Ironmen are huge assholes for whatever reason.

I've never ERPed in my life and most people who talk to me ingame seem friendly outside certain places like the GE, I dunno.

Spotted the millennial. The entire point of MMOs was to add socialization to role playing and millennials killed it because they're causal babies.

I stopped bothering to make the first move when I realized people were cunts. Most would say I was a fool to think otherwise. I am nice to people who are nice to me though.

Some people have played runescape for over 10 years user.

It gives those players the ability to essentially re-learn the game.

The Ironman meta is new, it's different, and the variety and progression is fun because of this.

Make another b.net. and play the trial version

Many reasons.
If game gave even slightest form of farm - most people are aiming for efficiency farming, which means they'll only go for guideline without try-n-error way. When i get back to wow on release of legion and went for raiding fucking normals, there was already half of groups with requrements if playing in beta. One-two weeks later almost all groups requred achievment for completing this raid.
So instead of exploration and learning i see only "if you already don't know, how to play new content, you'll be unable to join".
Second reason - matchmaking, if there's one.
That's why socializing in MMO is almost dead now.

And what is so bad being called a nigger kike? Who gets offended in an MMO when someone types buzzwords?