Tales thread

So do you fags only main the MC in these games or switch around with the cast?

I'm too lazy to learn other kits.

Lloyd 4 lyfe nigga

I spent 6 hours in the labyrinth of memories and only found 1 fake gald. Defend this piece of shit RNG dungeon.

I always main the token healer or healer hybrid and go through the entire game babysitting the AI because I have no friends

it's an empty feeling

How is that even fun?

With the exception of Zesty, I never play as the MC.

depends on the game.

Most of the time I went with the MC except in Abyss I went with Guy.

final parties:
Symponia - Lloyd/Raine/Genis/Kratos
Abyss - Guy/Luke/Jade/Tear
Vesperia - Yuri/Estelle/Rita/Raven
Legenda - Senel/Will/Norma/Jay

I always play Tales games with two friends. One of them always plays the cute girl or loli character. Me and the other guy tend to switch around. I often end up playing the mc a lot because no one else wants to play them and they are often too good to leave out.

How is the game with friends?

When I bought ToS HD at Gamespot the cashier said he played the original with friends and it was amazing and I should too. I said sure or something like that and went home. Jokes on him. The foolish cashier didn't realize I have no friends.

It's fulfilling sometimes when the characters are as fun to play as Kohaku/Sophie or can combo heals in-between other artes like in the modern Tales
Others are casters that can actually play the game by keeping enemies stunlocked and/or have deceptively fun-to-use melee artes in addition to spells, like my waifu

I'm not sure when I picked up the habit but it probably has to do with having had friends I played with before and I'd keep them healed because the AI was incompetent at the job, but now they're all dead
So half the time it's just playing the way I'm used to but the other half is pretending the ghosts of my dead friends are helping out

it feels even more empty than it sounds actually

More enjoyable than single player in my opinion, but I guess that depends on the people. Not everyone enjoy that the multiplayer is reserved for battles. How well it works depends on the game. For example Xillia 1 and 2 as well as Zestiria are all bad for multiplayer because some vital gameplay mechanics don't work with human players (link and armatization systems).

Should have asked the cashier to play with you.

I main my favorite character each game Zelos, Alvin, Richard

I usually stick to the MC, but I'll switch around for a sword-user sometimes for a bit of a change. I've never bothered to try and master characters like Regal or Judith though.

Berseria is the only game I actually enjoyed throughout. All of the others have parts of the story that are slow and boring.
I hope they make a Berseria 2 or a spin-off, though that seems unlikely.

Nah, i hate the battle system in berseria

>MC looks like a faggot
>in fact so strong the rest of the party may as well merely provide support

>tfw replaying Berseria
>decide to replay Zestiria afterwards but want to make the party look as stupid as possible
Can't wait.

How the fuck do get new artes in xillia 2?

I play the fuck out of Presea. She's an absolute blast.

switch up what core thingy everyone is using