What's their big gamescom announcement going to be? Only 6 hours left!

What's their big gamescom announcement going to be? Only 6 hours left!

Fighting game

Skins for OverWatch
Skins for Heroes of the Storm
Cardbacks for HearthStone

Blizzard fighting game

Alliance/Horde teams for FIFA

World of Warcraft 2

Diablo-esque Dark Souls

Hope the diablo aspect is better than Nioh's

just put out a ptr for war3 so maybe something related to that.

Warcraft 3 HD Remaster

Sadly, this is pretty much all I'm expecting. That and maybe Argus patch news for WoW.

I still can't believe some hopeless faggot at the company is trying to hold so desperately to turning WoW arenas into an Esport. It didn't take off during TBC, it sure as shit isn't taking off now.

Niohs Diablo aspect is better than Diablo though.

>turning WoW arenas into an Esport

You missed the funiest part...

If we only could have the glory old days of custom maps back.


WoW 2 or a complete engine overhaul

cinematic trailer for the new expansion

don't give a shit

don't give a shit

don't give a shit

nothing, they've just released SC1 remake

hahahaha nothing of course, it's dead and buried

Without custom maps its going to be very mediocre, user.

WoW 7.3 more about Argus, nothing else, literally a joke and I wish this exp would be already over because it is so fucking boring after a good start they really fucked up with RNG and Wquests for a year and stupid grind for no reason.

Paid subscription single player games.

> Paid subscription single player

But that's already WoW.

Diablo II remastered

Legendary RNG literally made me quit the game, 2-3 months straight on 2 chars clearing content with no legendary.

Warcraft 3 remastered.

WoW expansion or Diablo 3 expansion if they want to surprise people

Not legacy servers.
>ywn be an elemental mage again

Nothing, they'll wait until blizzcom to reveal anything big

Fire males hire more fat females with purple hair.

Everyone will just use it to play Dota and Footmen.

>What's their big gamescom announcement going to be?

That you've been obliviously living an IRL Blizzard MMO for years now...

I dont think they
ll show anything about 8.0 this time around till Blizzcon. Things aren't as strained with Legion, 7.3 onward still has some time left until then, and they have a lot of other games for filler. At MOST you might see a cinematic trailer.

probably a D3 expansion and maybe something to do with starcraft
wow is just going to be about 7.3, there's literally 0 reason for them to announce the expansion today
hots already got the KT thing and overwatch the new map

Arena competitions go way back and they were being held by the community even before Blizzards' recent bit of polish. It's never going to be huge but in it's niche it's pretty great.

Offline mode.

>tfw legacy servers

diablo 2 lmao fuck no

you mean a dark souls-esque diablo surely

A teaser for their new expansion or details surrounding Overwatch's pro league.

There is no way they're announcing anything that matters outside of Blizzcon.

Their big announcement was Kel'Thuzad for HotS.

Please no. It needs map pool changes, real 16:9 support, Battle.net improvements and gameplay changes but a remastered would be useless.

they announced legion in gamescom

>inb4 something that matters

but I do agree that it was a case of necessity due to WoD sinking the game and we won't see something as big