Playing with subtitles

>playing with subtitles
Do you still need your training wheels for your tricycle?

hello anime girl

>walking with your feet

enjoy your dub

b/a/ck you go

I'm nearing deafness ya smarmy cunt

Yes, i need them, thanks.

ka washito ano sai daiso tso?

what'd you fuckin call me

Simply follow the blues clues to solve the riddle

haiko desu yasou

why do we allow weebs to piss all over this board?

you're the outsider though

yeah naw fuck off mate

leave forever

>Playing MoH Breakthrough
>That one mission where you sneak into a German Boat
>Guard asks for your ID in German
>Didn't show ID 'cause i'm no kraut and can't understand shit
>Cover blown get shot by 10 Germans with machineguns with only a silenced pistol to defend myself with

the problem is that sometimes shit is muffled in the background

Maybe if developers had any fucking clue how to balance out background noise with dialogue I wouldn't need subtitles.


>playing without subtitles
>nigger character starts speaking ebonics

>Subtitle says: Hello!

That comparison doesn't make any sense. Children who need training wheels are more likely to have problems reading subtitles than with listening comprehension. It would have made more sense to call us grandpas for having hearing problems or something.

>training wheels

finally somebody picks it up

Because it's weeb website newfriend

Umm no sweetie, I think you mean right-wing activism website

why do we allow normalfags to piss all over this board?

So you learned to read English before you learned to understand English speech? Man, how about those fucking casuals who walk, crawling is obviously superior.

Do native english speakers do this, by the way? I'm not one and I do need them most of the time.

>re-read your post


Because I am an esl


>playing gook games
shiggy diggy

Just curious, why do esl need subtitles?

Similar words with ambiguous pronunciation, weird accents fucking things up, weird intonation, use of slangs, characters talking too fast, etc.

*pisses all over you*

Underrated Post

Made me kek.

I've used subtitles for foreign media all my life and don't see any reason to stop.

You are not "we" if you're asking that. Get out.

it's because I find kanji intimidating, i stopped trying after i learned kata and hira

sorry user-sama

I learned how to Ride a bike at 14.


Get back at me when these amateurs learn how to mix their fucking audio right

I'll stop using subtitles the day that sound developers perfect volume priorities, and even then sometimes someone is already talking but you want to listen to what someone else is saying.

>It's another ironic weebposting thread
mods and janitors sure are great at their jobs

Subtitles so I don't miss any dialogue cause of sound effects, poor sound mixing, people talking, not being able to understand accents, I use subs on everything.

Why is analytics redlined for Sup Forums?

it's okay when weebs shitpost

Kys and take ur family with u you fucking weebcunt

Does being psychic turn you blind or something?

>speaks back at you

>training wheels for your tricycle?
For what purpose does a vehicle require 5 wheels?


it's tight

WTF are you even spewing about?

he mistook esl for esp
or it was a bad joke about mistaking esl for esp

your gay site is two blocks down.
>right-wing activism website
>because of board full of newshits from stormfag and fagbook

>Guy who watches all of his media with subtitles judges people who play another type of media with subtitles

yes because mixing's always done so well and during the heat of the moment it's so easy to understand what the characters are saying even when their voices are drowned out by the sound effects and music

blame the voice director or guy who mixes the audio for being inconsistent as fuck. i'm not going to turn the volume up/down every time the characters decide to start mumbling

>unironically knowing english

unironically this


Error: This user is not qualified to operate a tricycle
Proposal: shut your whore mouth

It's funny how defensive people get ovet a question like this assuming he is the exact opposite of what he calls "weebs"

mob rule and hypocricy