Sup Forums is not talking about the new thq game, Biomutant

>Sup Forums is not talking about the new thq game, Biomutant

This looks good, doesn't it? We're hyped, aren't we? I'm not gonna be dissapointed, am I?

I want to play as raccoon Guts.

>open world, survival, post apocalyptic, randomly generated with crafting

All it's missing is zombies to be the perfect Steam shovelware garbage

Looks really charming and I love the cool mechs and things but I just really hope it doesn't fall into the generic open world ala Ubisoft.

>randomly generated

Where the fuck did you get this from?

Yeah man, fucking videogames having genres, fuck them in the ass

not a furry sorry

I don't like the cuts to and from combat. This tells me their animations aren't that hot when they won't show them in sequence.

>Animations look terra bad
>Combat looks generic with minimal gameplay
>Movement looks shit
>Looks like QTEs are a thing
Trust westecucks to ruin an interesting idea. It's literally gotten to the point where they think up a unique concept, then go to the back of the office to grab a bunch of generic off-the-shelf mechanics from the store room and duct tape them together.
Not buying, no creativity.

Shmup is a genre, racing sim is a genre, these are just shitty trends on the tail end of relevance.

the initial press release

The aesthetics look nice but everything else ranges from bland to bad.

looks like an early access game mixed with the jankyness of eurogames
am i being memed here ?


Playing a muscular man is way better.
Sorry for your parents. Must be hard to raise a gay son.

>game says it has character customization
>only show some dumb furry in the trailer

>post apocalyptic kung fu something something
>looks like fucking tropical island
>kung fu stuff nowhere to be seen
Yeah, fuck off.

wait i tought that if you played as a man it wasnt gay ? you're only gay if you play videogames as a girl right ? wich one is it
kill yourself

That looks cool as fuck. That hand vehicle looks crazy

Are you blind or just stupid?

World of Final Fantasy did the hand vehicle already.

oh yeah wow I can play as a green raccoon or an orange one. Wow.

I didn't know. Still think it looks neato

> Playing a bulked dude to compensate your dick size is the same as playing a regular guy

Spot the daily retard.

no one mentioned bulky dudes m8
i think you're projecting youre gayness onto others

>Let's try to cash in on the success of Guardians of the Galaxy.

This one mentioned it. Learn to read, third world trash.

> youre
Confirmed for third world trash.




> youre
you must be 18 to post here

>not knowing the youre meme
am i even on Sup Forums ?

I like how these two fags call him out for that shit but still cant even properly greentext on here

Idea is kinda cool, not sure why I'm limited to being Rocket Raccoon tho

The buzzword salad they used to describe it turned me off the game. The gameplay trailer show no real gameplay, and the tiny bits it does show look weak.

>This looks good, doesn't it?
In what POSSIBLE way does this shit look good?
Fuck off shill.

Looks nice, which is a shame because the gameplay is most likely garbage. The video had the warning signs of only showing brief glimpses of combat and only for the purpose of showing off their cool animation work.
