Bing bing yahoo

Bing bing yahoo

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>Its a "complaining about people going about their business, causing no trouble" episode

>but I must shame them because I was bullied as a kid so now I do it as an adult to feel any power!

>tfw I'll get pictured by some random cunt and it'll be posted on Sup Forums
Man, you assholes are now making me afraid of playing vidya on a fucking plane

>taking a picture of someone just going about their business killing time on a plane

Possible fat sonydick taking the picture?

>Wearing a hat indoors

What a manchild.

you guys realize thats a wii u and not a switch, right?

And your point? They both still go BING BING 1-UP

wii u is not portable.

imho senpai, that's a train not a plane, desu

I don't even have a handheld or console for that matter, but playing it on a plane is literally one of the few acceptable places for these things in public. When you are forced to sit around for hours you need something to kill the time and either movies/books/vidya are all valid activities as long as you don't annoy other people with it.

But he's clearly playing it outside his room


thats definitely a plane

On a very low number of games, yes. But that guy has his headphones on and plugged in. So even if it did make those noises, you wouldn't be able to tell.

i'd be the guy that kicks over his shit in the mad rush for the exit at the stop

isn't it worse to be taking pictures of someone you don't even know?

What game is he playing?

>creeper shots are ok when we do it
normalfags; not once

Someone post that picture
you know, of that pathetic sony fag going around taking a photo of the kid playing an xbox?

looks like ac

>thinking the noise is the point of the joke and not the fact that they're playing children's games in public

>causing no trouble
>BING BING 1-UP next seat

fuck off nerd

Dude has an electrical outlet near his feet and is using the gamepad. He's made it portable enough.

looks like Silent Hill 3

Hm I took a closer look but it could indeed be a train rather than a plane, no seatbelts and all and the floor looks like shit you find in most trains, haven't flown a lot though.

Post-Quentin shitposting is a sad husk of what once was

>hiding the exofile

It's clearly a train; what do you think the people right outside the window are in?

>playing silent hill when your life is already a nightmare

>I only play mature video games for mature video gamers, such as myself.

You don't have to be so insecure in your own maturity that you hold anything you deem as childish at arms length. Truly mature people can do what they want, as they know it does not make them any less of an adult.

Look out the window. There's another vehicle within a couple of meters. The only way two planes could get that close is if you ripped the wings off them.

"gamers" all need to be fucking euthanized Tbh

Ah yes, thought it was just reflection but looks like another train next to the one the guy is in.

That's a reflection you dingbats

What if he's playing Bayo, XCX or Zelda?

You know, had a plane ride to the US a few days ago. There was someone on the row in front of me playing a Switch. I could tell because of the very familiar Mario Kart 8 noises.

It was a kid playing it.

how dumb are you guys actually? thats a reflection of the other half of the plane

No it's not you fucktard.

The point is that all video games are for children and that you should stop playing them, you stunted manchild fuck

should've told the flight attendant that Switches are known to explode

Hey clearly has headphones on retard.

>Truly mature people can do what they want
Listen, I know you have no self-respect for yourself, but at least don't give me this excuse. I would avoid a fat balding fuck who plays vidya in public. There's a time and place to be a manchild


That box looks like Monster Hunter.


Don't reply to such zero-energy bait. They'll never learn subtlety is you jump on everything.

>for yourself
Whom else, dumbass?

This place has gone to shit for a long ass time.

It's filled with unfunny memspouting shitlords that can't come up with anything original so they spout the same shit again and again and again.

The only thing worse is twitch chat

you fucking better be

this is a playstation site and darwin willing soon a playstation planet

count your fucking days nintenbro

Maybe when you grow up you'll understand that it's okay to like things user.

You afraid someone's gonna make fun of you?

Wrong, this is a toaster pcbro site

>he actually has an interest in video games
>he actually enjoys them
Get your life together man.

Oh I don't play vidya in public because of crippling self image issues. But that's not the point.

Planes and long distance trains are some of the places where vidya is ok in public, and the person I was responding to was acting as if the problem was the age rating of the game. Which it isn't. The problem is the sheer setup of plugging in a Wii U on a train.

B-but...I play on my Vita...


>Sup Forums - Video Games

That's even worse. We all know you're playing some borderline pornographic anime game. Because that's the only type of game the Vita has

>caring what randoms think about you
Literal subhuman who cannot control his animal part

>no fun allowed

To be fair, there isn't much set up with a Wii U if you're using the game pad.

Non-train/reflection cucks BTFO

I play either PS1 classics and Spelunky, and I only play in long travels like on a plane or a train. I don't play most of my weebgames outside

Such pathetic beta fuck cannot have real self respect, you mistaken it for your ego, dumbass

I'm here only to tell you that video games is extremely low quality entertainment that only appeals to deeply unhappy people, similar to junk food, pornography, drugs etc. in that it gives you a quick hit of dopamine, which in the long run just digs you deeper into the shit.

>video games is
Okay paquito

thanks my angel


jaded fuck=adult

Even if I saw a grotesque autist playing, I'd forget him in 2 days. When you grow up you tend to lose the spotlight effect

lol is that a fact /r9k/?

But that is the truth. Come on now, you got to maintain a good image of yourself outside of your home. The people who "do what they want" are losers like some ultra feminist who goes out naked trying to make a stupid point or flamboyant fag who dresses like a girl. You risk yourself of being "that guy"

I don't want to be "mature" if these are the type of people I'm dealing with. I can understand playing vidya in long travels but anything out of that is asking for embarrassment

is this the jap equivalent of a weeb playing persona?

Oh shit it's the diamond dogs.

Could you even describe the face of an exact feminist you've seen in these topless images? You're forgettable bud, no one cares. Dress well if you're going to a bar and want to get laid, other than that, no one cares but you


Next time I hop on a plane I'm bringing a Switch and make a thread about it just to fule your shitpost materials

Remember guys, you may be stuck here but you'll never be as dead inside as this user is.

On the train the other day. Playing my DS. Get a tap on the shoulder. Take out my headphones and turn to see what the person wants. "Hey buddy, what kind of phone is that?" Fucking normies, I swear.

What was your response

>Come on now, you got to maintain a good image of yourself outside of your home.
Define "good image".
Because no one is going to care if you're playing a game. It's no different than messing with your phone, being on a laptop or reading an ebook.

I refuse to believe anyone is that stupid. This has to be bait, so here's your (You)

>low quality entertainment

Your entire post is stupid but I'd like to talk about this part specifically. When compared to how much people pay for movies or cable to watch the latest episode of Game of Thrones, video games hardly seem like low quality. At their very worst they will provide hours of entertainment, at their best providing potentially thousands.

I would argue video games are some of the highest quality entertainment for their value.

You don't get out much then do you.

The only main issues here are:
Wearing a hat under headphones
Wearing over-the-ear headphones in public
Giant console with messy cords everywhere
Manchild who shops at JCPenney young adult fashion sense

If he fixed these issues he wouldn't look nearly as pathetic.

People are stupid user.
Hell I don't consider myself particularly smart but they make me look like fucking Einstein.

>Giant console with messy cords everywhere
There's like 2 cords including the headphones

A week ago I went to a restaurant with a friend for some steak, I was testing out Miitopia for the 3DS beforehand and decided to just take it there with me. It was kinda weird to be sitting at the bar section of a restaurant, eating steak and just playing on a 3DS a game that looks like it was made for 8 year olds.

But guess what, user. The guy serving my table was happy enough doing his job because he gets paid for it.And tipped, fuck this system in the US.

Everyone else in the restaurant didn't care. If they did, if they did look and thought "wow, look at that person playing a GAME on this restaurant", even for a moment, why do I care?

The fact is, now, how many of those people even remember how I look like? How many of them cared to think about this hours after they left that restaurant? Nobody knows my name, none of them ever will. It's unlikely we will even run to each other again in a long time (assuming we both go to the same place every once in a while).

The thing is, you are a lot less important than you think you are, people are paying attention to you a lot less than you think. Now, I'm not saying "just be urself" and go be a topless feminist, first impressions are usually really important, but when you are just another person in a crowd, why give a fuck?

You are just another one in a crowd of 7.5 Billion. Unless you've done something amazing to stand out, nobody is actively tracking your daily habits but you.


Literally who the fuck cares?

I see signs about listening to music on the bus and train.
Don't see that shit for games.

Therefore games are more acceptable.

Spotted the virgin manchild

>power to the Wii U
>headphones into the pad
Where are the rest?

I think that was his point user.

>they didn't care

Yeah, they don't care about you, but they sure as hell thought "what the fuck is this manchild doing" and probably chuckled with all of their friends about it.

I mean, if you don't mind, that's great, but the fact that you wrote up this whole scenario reeks of validation so I assume the former isn't the case. Telling yourself something over and over doesn't change the facts.