Is the 1060 still efficient for a new card...

Is the 1060 still efficient for a new card? I live in eurocuck so i can get this one for 350€ and that's actually pretty cheap. But I dont know if the card sucks and it's maybe better to wait for a 1070? I got a 780 now and notice some games could run better.

Also curious about this, 1070 prices are bullshit around here, but a 1060 i can afford.

yeah but i wanna know that i win something for 350

>Is the 1060 still efficient for a new card?
It can run most games okay but you're not going to get 1080p 60fps on every game maxed out.

I would recommend getting 1070 because 1060 is a bit on a weaker side.
However, with current GPU prices you are probably better off not buying anything at the moment.

What the hell man? I bought a 1070, the same model for 390...

>pretty cheap
don't be retarded, you could get it for €250 at launch, now it's just not worth it anymore

>mfw I still play on gtx 460

prices are fucked thanks to bitcoin miners (or whatever the fuck they're mining nowadays).

both 1060 and 1070 are bad deals currently, if you can afford it I'd consider getting a 1080, it's weirdly the best bang for the buck you can get now.

Bought my 1070 for 350€ two months ago. Have fun paying the same for a 1060 kek

>mfw im a dirty neet and still use a GTX650

Just because I didn't notice anyone else say this, you probably won't get much more from a 1060 than the 780 you're running. Most of us with high end 7 series would only get strong benefit from a 1080 and with current prices and considering the new series is probably due reasonably shortly it is really hard to justify upgrading at all. I would just wait for the next series. I'm running a 770 sli setup but not upgrading for the same reason.

that junk doesn't cut it anymore, any AAA game from this gen of consoles struggles to maintain 30FPS at 720p.

>he fell for the master race meme

yeah! sure! spend all your fucking money on a super extensive card that cant even play modern games at decent settings.

don't forget to buy that 600€ i7 processor and that 400€ ssd

2000€ is a standard computer. give us the money goyim

get it if you know you will upgrade in like 2 years

if not save up for a 1080


Lol, the reason I've prolonged getting a new card is because most "AAA" games are so poop. Every AAA game in the past that I promised I would upgrade for in the future turned out to be trash.

Plus my tastes have changed. Mostly playing games like Darkest dungeon, Rimworld and XCom:EW these days. I want to say that I will upgrade for Cyberpunk 2077, but I don't know what will happen. I have faith in the poles, though.

I've been using a 750TI for a year and a half and was waiting to pick up a new one during the summer, but the inflation right now is fucking ridiculous.

dont fucking buy anything for pc
>vega is shit and it's getting price increase
>miners still clinging to their meme currency
>ddr4 memory, gddr5 and nand is getting more expensive
>ryzen refresh and new intel cpus around the corner

>tfw bought the 1070 shortly after it was released, it was an upgrade from a shitty 960 for me
It runs every game at max perfectly and it has doubled in value since the miners. One of the best purchases I have ever made

>350€ for performance you could buy for 320€ almost 3 years ago
Recommend sticking with the 780 until the mining faggotry is over
Just lower some settings

i hope the prices on them go back down before MH:W comes out

1060s make no noticeable difference if you have a good ram and processor as compared to a 1070. Maybe like 10 fps difference, but if you have good everything else, you'll be running at a good 80-150 fps with a 1060 anyway

I'm upgrading from gtx 660 and i5-2400s to a ryzen 1500x and 1060 6gb. I'm pretty confident it will be able to run Battlefront 2 with decent settings at 60fps.

Miners aren't going anywhere, and memory cost is increasing AyyMDfags are migration over to NVidia due to Vega prices increasing. if you was going to buy a 1080, do it right fucking now.

>tfw prices are still fucked
I just want a 1070 for sub $400. This is why shitters like to say PC gaming is expensive. Because it kind of is right now.

i dont think anyone knew that these miningfags would come and fuck up the prices like they did

Didn't they already do something like this in the past?

>consolecuck get this mad

maybe one day you'll have a decent PC poorfag

>1080p 60fps on every game maxed out.
If you meant 1440p then you'd be correct. The 6GB 1060 runs pretty much everything at very high.

good for 1080p

The 1060 is still a great 1080p card but aren't the MSI Armor cards just the FE boards with a cheap cooler slapped onto them?