Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 is the best level in the game

Chemical Plant Zone Act 2 is the best level in the game

Prove me wrong

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It's fun, but I like a ton of stages over it.

Boss is too easy

I wish it was possible to fail the Puyo boss

it's up there yeah. easily the best of the classic stages at least

Chemical Plant Zone act 2 lost many points for being A. Another fucking version of Chemical Plant zone and B. the level with the most random, bullshit excuse for a "boss" in a Sonic game. I understand it was just supposed to be a small dose of fun, but a boss that used the bouncy jelly pools or any of the actual concepts in the level would have been infinitely better. So many fun ideas were just wasted.

Press Garden was honestly the most unique and fun zone in the game to me. Such a unique aesthetic.

>Everyone only likes Press Garden 2 even though the bouncy newspaper conveyors are a fun gimmick
That said 2 is better.

What is with this meme of liking Press Garden? It is easily the weakest of the new zones.

When the rumor of a puyo boss was going around I thought it was going to be a typical boss, but it took place in a puyo board-like setup with platforming on the puyos that fall. But no it was literally just a puyo match you can pretty much never fail.

Hard to say, there are too many good levels in the game. CPZ2 is really up there though.

I really like the new Metallic Madness.

>when half of mirage saloon is either skychase or a level built around knuckles climb/glide which just shows how underutilized the non-sonic character's abilities are
>or when Titanic Monarch practically plays itself for 4 minutes per act
Studiopolis and Press Garden are easily the better of the 4. Mirage Saloon would be great if Act 1 was a normal level for the character people actually play.

Studiopolis 1 is the best.

>Not Mirage Saloon 1 (Knuckles)

Studiopolis Act 1 and Act 2 are the best levels in the game. I've already replayed it way more then any other level.

Studiopolis has the best aesthetics in the game

>I really like the new Metallic Madness.

>tfw still can't play the game because PCfag
>tfw was gonna pirate the game anyway

It's a weird feel

The music in Act 2 just gives the biggest dumb grin

It did use the concepts of the level by using the chemicals to form the puyos, with the player controlling the mechanics of the plant and the substances. It is a dose of fun but not far out of reach for a chemical and mechanical based stage.

The concept was incredibly unique. The idea of an old abandoned toy factory that's overgrown with cherry blossom is incredibly spontaneous but really inspired (reminds me vaguely of some early 90s anime like Revolutionary Girl Utena or something). It looks incredibly detailed, the music is fantastic, and the focus on more precise platforming and timing (very Sonic 1-esque) meant the difficulty came more from the actual platforming, rather than the game throwing some crazy shit at you before you can react. Original, unique, unexpected, visual appealing and bullshit free. Easily one of the best.

this shit is god-tier

Toy factory? It was a newspaper printing plant.
Still, it's a really lovely zone. I've seen a lot of people say it feels like a level that would've fit nicely into Freedom Planet and I can see where they're coming from.

>I've seen a lot of people say it feels like a level that would've fit nicely into Freedom Planet
Really? FP is fun, but kind of an ugly game. Meanwhile I thought both acts of Press Garden were very pretty.

Did the game feel much easier than the originals, or was it just me? I'm not even very experienced at Sonic games, only played the originals once, but I thought Mania was much easier.

>mfw they used some random chicken as the weather forecaster instead of Scratch

Bosses are kind of easy for the most part but the levels themselves are similar to what you would see in the classic games

the bright colours, weird lollypop looking structures and the letter blocks gave me the impression it was toys. my mistake.

Difficulty of the game fluctuates from person to person. Some people think it was really easy while others think it was stupidly hard. I guess it all comes down to how easily you can get into classic Sonic controls and how much classic Sonic you've played throughout your life.

The chicken was a badnik from Mushroom Hill. Remember the ones that blew you away?

Guess it's more Act 2?

It feels like rings are plentiful, but other than that I don't particularly find it any easier than the originals, but then again I've been playing the originals on and off for over 20 years.

The "random chicken" I believe is the chicken from Mushroom Hill Zone, you know, the place where the seasons changed.

My mistake, It's been ages since I lasted played 3&K.
>Implying Act 2 isn't better by a mile

I'm one of those people that has no recent consoles and I'm really raring to see just how stupid difficult Titanic Monarch is suppose to be when I play it on PC from all the flak it's been getting.

Titanic Monarch is easy, there's just lots of places you can get crushed in Act 2.

It's really not that bad. Especially if you're used to the originals. I'd say Metropolis is still more of a cunty end game level. Most of TM is you just shooting off in different directions and using gravity balls. My first time through it, it just felt a little long winded.

I can't wait.

>Did the game feel much easier than the originals

they absolutely did.
I still play the originals on DS all the time and Mania is much easier
checkpoints fucking galore.
a fucking TON of rings everywhere.

I've been playing the games since 1990 though so take my account with a grain of salt

Act 1 was more eerie and mysterious, and honestly in a stage that fucking bizarre that's what works better from an artistic point of view. Act 2 is a lot catchier, but sometimes less is more. The entire Zone is great though so I'm not complaining.

I've been hearing lots of ire from the gravity balls. Which is funny because they seem to control the same way as the orbs from that one Sonic 3 bonus level, and I loved that one the most.

Also the shields are a lot more abundant.

I still need to finish it but the final level kinda blows

I think it's my favourite new zone, but that's only because I overhyped myself on Studiopolis before release and I despise Sky Chase sequences.

The orbs are even easier with Super,
which is how you should be playing that level anyways.

people hate them because they break the flow of the game as it had been up until that point.

also different mechanic from the typical run and jump

>I despise Sky Chase sequences.
>The disappointment I felt when control was given back to me and I realized I was controlling Sonic on the Tornado
I was hoping for the thing to crash or land or something. And then I perked up when I thought it was gonna be a train level, but then that was over in 5 seconds.

I think I'll be fine with them.

Mirage Saloon Act 1 for Sonic/Tails was probably one of the most disappointing parts of the game for me. Though at least Knuckles got a full Act 1 stage, even with his own sexy version of the theme.

>Drop Dash, Spin Dash and just being Super Sonic can kill you
>So can bouncing off of the Boss
>They do nothing with the Train beyond a setpiece of flying alongside it

Does anyone actually use the drop dash? I've only used it when trying to speedrun. I mostly forget it exists when playing normally.

I've been using it a bunch on my current playthrough. Trying to go fast, but nothing really speedrun level so I guess you could say I'm playing normal. It's pretty fun.

It's insanely good in Super, I use it pretty frequently, but the issue is that big jumps, height, etc are from springs so you can't use it as often.

It's also insanely good for the Silver Sonic fight.

I use it in time attack, that's about it.

Everything was going great until Hydrocity. All that decent level flow gets thrown out the window for a 'Worst Water Levels' themepark. All the acts before are decent to great, and then Hydrocity rolls in like the most romhacky creation ever and takes a big, slow, aimless shit right onto everything. And it just goes on and on and on. At least the reverse bossfight was neat. I hope the rest of the game isn't like this, holy fuck.

Yeah but dat music

>Does anyone actually use the drop dash?

Yes, constantly, to the point that I avoid elemental shields because of it.

There's no more water if that's what you mean.
But still, it's Hydrocity. It's still got the great music and Act 2 was basically just 3&K Act 2 which is still fantastic.

Act2 is okay because it might as well be the original for better or worst. Probably the most disappointing zone outside of Mirage Saloon's skychase just because I was so hyped for it.

I will say that yeah, Act 2 is better than Act 1 by a lot. And I really like the music for Act 2 as well.

I did somehow but idk what happened. Robotnik exploded like he does when he loses but I died in the middle of that animation

That's a bug that's happened to a bunch of people.

I was expecting more to be done to the music, but I guess Tee didn't want to tamper with Hydrocity's fan favorite music track melodies too much.

That's a fair assumption. At the risk of starting some arguments I'm a huge CDfag and I loved how heavily changed the tracks for both stages were in comparison to the originals so I would have appreciated it if one of my favorite 3K stages got the same treatment.

The CD levels got the best level remixes and music.

S3K > Mania > CD > 2 > 1
Everything I say is right

Mania > S2 > S3K > CD > S1

I'm pretty sure this isn't right, but your top 3 is pretty agreeable. I'd probably switch some of them. Would play sonic with though.

Mirage Saloon as Knuckles exists


>ITT: Morons who bought the game before it came out on p.c. missing out on all possible mods.
Metal's sprites and sound bits are already in there is only a matter or time until we get to play him as a sonic skin. Enjoy your beta console nerds.

I hope all the bugs that have been reported are one of the things the PC version won't have.

should i get mania for my switch or my ps4?

>implying I won't buy it on PC as well

They can have all my money if it means we get a sequel with nothing but new levels.

All comes down to if you want portability or not, though the Switch version seems to have the most reports of bugs. Probably because it's the only version not made in-house.

Switch framerate drops during special stages, PS4 version is overall the best.

>Mirage Saloon would be great if Act 1 was a normal level for the character people actually play.
>He doesn't play every character
The problem is you, not Mirage Saloon. Sonic's Act 1 was cool and Knuckles's Act 1 was amazing, especially musically. Mirage Saloon is easily one of the best zones in the game.

Pic unrelated

Pc so you can play as shadow later on.

ty friendos. framerate is p important, plus trophies i guess

>So autistic that he'd prefer to wait two weeks before buying a game just so he can play as a reskin of his favorite Sonic character months down the line
Just play the game my dude

Studiopolis Act 1 and Press Garden Act 2 say hello

>He can't play it now
Console does what PCan't.
I'm buying it twice.

>They do nothing with the Train beyond a setpiece of flying alongside it
It's basically to add a checkpoint in the level, imagine if you had to do the full sky chase sequence again if something made you slip off during the boss.

I mean, I'm waiting to see about mods before double dipping on PC.
Why am I considering buying it on PS4 as well as my Switch and on PC eventually, I wasn't even a sonicfag as a kid holy fuck

Well yeah, but the only thing I found enjoyable about that level was the goal ending up on Magician's hat.

Because the more copies that sell, the more of a chance we have at a sequel being made. And a sequel to Mania would be amazing, specially if Iizuka is way more hands-off.

I'd like to still have old levels but with a reversed ratio or from Sonic games that allows a greater range of new things, like the Sonic 3D Blast or Spinball levels.

I did the same for Shovel Knight already,
it's games at this price point that push me to do it,
it's awful.

I'm all for supporting the devs though.

I'm extremely disappointed that I haven't found someone that put the SA1 version of Unknown from M.E.'s lyrics over Knuckle's Act 1 of Mirage Saloon. I feel like it would work really well.

>not pirating the game in addition to buying it on console

Really does help that Mania's only 20 bucks.

If anything I'm expecting that SilvaGunna guy to do it. Or just make it into the Flinstones theme or Snow Halation again.

Switch version for additional portability and a more stable game when it comes to glitches.

>Press Garden was honestly the most unique and fun zone in the game to me. Such a unique aesthetic.

You had to use unique twice. Running out of things to say about Press Garden?

Best Act is clearly Studiopolis Act 2. Digitised kino from start to finish with the deepest references to the Sonic lore.

>If anything I'm expecting that SilvaGunna guy to do it.
One can hope, but so far most Mania tracks have been Totino's jokes.

>and a more stable game when it comes to glitches.

Outside of a few audio cues not playing and a couple of collision detection things I've seen like one glitch over five or so playthroughs of Mania on PS4, and that was a softlock due to using super.

Studiopolis Act 2 has the same quality Hydrocity Act 2 on 3&K had for me. Can play it over and over again and just not get bored.

Would Press Garden be better if it split into 2 different zones?

Switch my lad
I've had only one glitch across 4 playthroughs, which was the Mirage Saloon music cutting out.
I remedied this by doing a blue sphere game, where after I finished the Mirage Saloon music resumed.

I dunno. It kinda felt like it was suppose to be two zones at some point with how different the acts are between each other. Like, going from old catherdral turned into a newspaper printing plant, then going outside into a snowy Japanese garden was a bit of a whiplash. Though I guess the wood chipper machines obviously going to the newspaper plant gives the two acts a bit of cohesion.

You do realise this is a "works on my machine!" angle right?
In any case, most glitches are being found and recorded on PS4.

Whos buying this on all the platforms they own when its on sale?

Already got it on PS4, ordered it for PC too (to play on my GPD Win). Will get it for xbox one and switch eventually too when its on sale.

I'll probably get it on PS4 if a sale comes around soon.
And if it gets a patch.
If not I'll just pirate on PC.

Pre-ordered the PC version, got it on WiiU to beat the delay and will probably end up getting it on PS4 if Limited Run Games make a physical release. The accidental idort.

Oil Ocean is better.
