Fun and engaging fight

>Fun and engaging fight
>Best theme in the series
>2 completely different phases

Is there a more kino boss fight in gaming?ū


What was his problem?

He was just horsing around.

Ludwig, Maria, Gael, and Gehrman are all God tier off the top of my head. Am I missing anyone?





Bloodborne is objectively in the top 3 games ever made. When From wants to make a good game, they definitely can do it.

>tfw no money for ps4

I will never understand the adoration for Fume Knight. It's an ok fight at best.

Pic related, on the other hand is the best DS2 has to offer.

>feels like a mini-battle
>amazing presentation
>cool lore
>best greatsword in the game

Bloodborne is one of those few games that 95%-99% of Sup Forums will put their shitposts away for and actually post about how great it is.

Dark Souls 2 is garbage.

Have you heard how curiously the sea churns?

Nope, the knights gimmick ruin it.
Fume is just Atorias 2.0 with more moves and 2 phases.

Drip, drop
what did maria do to those things?

Still better than Bloodborne tho.

Comforted them until she got too sad and an hero'd

>not a single shitpost in a bloodborne thread

have pcbros finally recovered?

How did we fight her then? This game's lore is confusing as fuck

I honestly think bloodborne is very meh and on the lower end of the series, but this is by far my favorite boss in the series. They got everything right with this one

>15 posts before sonybro baiting

The Hunter's Nightmare can ensnare the consciousness of a person, without requiring them to be "alive." Micolash is dead in the waking world, but in the nightmare he is alive.

Maria is most likely dead, but her consciousness lives on and has a connection to the Doll, hence the Doll's reaction when speaking with her after fighting Maria.

It's also because Japan Studio was involved.

>fast paced rewarding combat
>rich lore
>fun and varied weapons
Yeah. Definitely the lower end.

Name a better boss in terms of arena, context and music.

I want a PC version so I can coop with my buds

Dark souls 2 DLC is the best content in the entire franchise.
If they suddenly decided to remove SM matchmaking I would play it forever


>all attire looks the same, and only a few of them actually manage to look good
>fun and varied weapons
I'll give you that but like 5 of them reuse movesets and looks. And you can't grab 90% of them until late game or DLC, which is lategame.


Sure thing, Fromdrone

why do you keep posting a webm that shows how the game is unforgiving towards scrubs?

>blindly run in like a fucking idiot
Deserved it

i dont get it whats the problem

What did Lithuanianfag mean by this?

Lower that percentage, you know that you went a bit overboard with the numbers, right?

>tfw lying to him that the healing church were still good and helping the people


>best music
>posts no link
useless thread, saged, hidden, reported

ummm sweetie, how about you keep the boss whose arena you just entered in your view next time, you know, so you can react to it and at least TRY to dodge it while getting your shit back?


Fromdrones, everyone.

Git gud

>he doesn't hear the music transition from Accursed to Holy Blade every time he shuts his eyes

>you will never be this bad

Is this from DSPs playthrough? What's the problem? A retard got stomped.

i don't think he's that fun to fight, too hectic

Sir Alonne was better m8
my favourite fight in Dark Souls 2.

That's what makes it so satisfying to beat him though
He's that fast, but you /can/ be faster

It's better that way user. He dies peacefully if you lie to him. Everyone I know lies to him as well. I actually teared up a little at "Even in these darkest of nights, I see.... the moonlight."

You can freeze your SM with a ring.

>sunken king
>enemies are hollows with extra poise
>2 8/10 bosses and a shitty rehash
>iron king
>enemies are hollows with fire and extra
>2 8/10 bosses and a shitty rehash
>ivory king
>enemies are hollows with ice and extra poise
>2 8/10 bosses and a shitty rehash
they're good but only because the base game is so shit

Have you guys forgotten this guy already. Before DS devolved into R1 spamming bullshit, there was this fucking insane boss fight. Literally the best 1v1 to exist. No gimmick, no cutscene phase transition, just you and him. Broken, dying yet kicking your ass.

Dark Souls 3 Season Pass is 15€ on EU PSN
worth it for that price?

Nameless King in my opinion.


I can't.

Artorias aint hard though, like half the bosses in 3 are harder.

