It might be 6 years too late, but Brink is F2P now. Your thoughts?

It might be 6 years too late, but Brink is F2P now. Your thoughts?
And yes, it has more players right now than both Lawbreakers and Battleborn combined.

Never have heard of it lol

God tier art style,customization, and setting that was wasted on shitty enemy territory design.

I used to think Bethesda fucked this game but it's 90% Splash Damage

>Your thoughts?
It would have been smarter for them to take down the servers and pretend it never happened than make it F2P.

>than Battleborn
Well having more than 10 people is impressive.

Why now?

same reason Paladins, LawBreakers, and Battleborn exist: Overwatch

Who made Battleborn and why did it flop so badly?

Expect the devs already had a F2P game

LOL @ the people that bought this on launch
LOL @ the people that play it now

>And yes, it has more players right now than both Lawbreakers and Battleborn combined.

if that's true it's the funniest thing I've heard for at least all month

>it has more players right now than Battleborn

it's true
lawbreakers is DoA

the creator of Borderlands, Mr Badass himself.

Didn't he claim he was best buddies with Gaben?

>Over 2k playing.


I don't get the appeal of these games. Why not simply enjoy Battlefield 3, 4, 1, or Bad Company instead of this arena crap?

underage detected

Only underage would accuse another of being underage while defending this kind of arena shooter garbage.

>singleplayer is locked to 30fps
I don't understand why

did they atleast work on the anti cheat?

>Bad company
Servers are dead, or might as well be, last time i played it barely field the max player count

>Brink is F2P now.
for what purpose

how do they plan to make money of it anyway?


Brink isn't a good game, it has a lot of problems and people are going to recognize that very quickly. However it has some really great weapon designs that I loved so I'm glad I get to play it again, just for a little bit.

>for what purpose

Because it flopped

Does it still have the bug where not only you but the entire server will lose sound?

>Who made Battleborn and why did it flop so badly?

Gearbox, and it flopped because nobody can win a fight against Blizzard.

Is playing as a skinny jumping guy or a fat tanky guy better?

more like did they at least balance the maps after everyone complained about them as the game died?

on pc? can anyone confirm?

>be host
>set gravity to negative value
>laugh as people wonder why the fuck theyre flying and bitch about not being able to get down let alone push the obj

Are there micro transactions in this game? How are they going to make money? Is this a PR move for Brink 2?

>can only vault over objects
>takes more damage
>can use heavy weapons
>very slow, jump ceiling is bit lower

>wall jumping, can climb ledges which you can't normally reach
>restricted to light weapons
>very fast, can matrix

>Medium is your balance, but prepare to get your ass fucked if you don't git gud with your weapon of choice.
This is the gist of it. It's all up to you - do you wanna dodge bullets but keel over once you catch one, or do you wanna tank bullets but keel over if you don't kill everyone in the room quickly enough, or do you wanna be regular ol' Max Payne with no bullet time, just jumping and rolling and diving so you don't keel over and die?

The game is 100% free sans the DLC that came out 6 years ago at launch. And I remember a Fallout 3 cross-promo which I don't see anymore. Before you start playing do all the single-player challengers, as they unlock sights, magazines, grenade launchers, etc.

>It might be 6 years too late
No, it definitely is

It's actually pretty fun if you don't go full retard and use the stock weapons.

Half baked MOBA/hero shooter hybrid, lolrandom Borderlands humor, tried to spark a rivalry with fucking Overwatch

Randy Pitchford is probably reason for that.

maybe trying to get attention so they'll have a better negotiation situation with publishers

supposed to be a reply to

Why play this failure of a product when Dirty Bomb exists?


well the DLCs are not free

Fuck off Splash Damage
oh wait