Report finds Piracy is actually ok

What are you going to pirate tonight now that you can do it guilt free?

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Been saying this for years.

Why would the EU do this? Don't they realize that it's just going to make people find them more untrustworthy?

People are gonna start thinking Brexit was a good thing if they continue doing shit like this.

That's not how it works. Nintendo says it's bad, do you think I'm gonna take some random cunt's word over Nintendo's?

People already do.

And the UN paid for a study of rare pepes.

But that random cunt's dad works at nintendo so you can trust it.

Yeah but if they don't then it's the companies and corporations that will find them more untrustworthy.

Why won't anyone think of all the lost moolah?

all of the games that I legally own


Stupid goys, don't you know if you don't buy all the games and all the dlc and all the season passes the companies will go bankrupt.
BUY THE GAMES or else goy they'll go broke and no more vidja for you!

I'm talking about people who aren't inbred and/or uneducated

>according to a blog

However, now all available evidence suggests that the Commission actively chose to ignore the study except for the part that suited their agenda: In an academic article published in 2016, two European Commission officials reported a link between lost sales for blockbusters and illegal downloads of those films. They failed to disclose, however, that the study this was based on also looked at music, ebooks and games, where it found no such connection. On the contrary, in the case of video games, the study found the opposite link, indicating a positive influence of illegal game downloads on legal sales.
>On the contrary, in the case of video games, the study found the opposite link, indicating a positive influence of illegal game downloads on legal sales.
Case fucking closed.
Reminder that anyone who's anti-piracy is a jew shill.

>Inan academic articlepublished in 2016, two European Commission officials reported a link between lost sales for blockbusters and illegal downloads of those films. They failed to disclose, however, that the study this was based on also looked at music, ebooks and games, where it found no such connection.
>On the contrary, in the case of video games, the study found the opposite link, indicating a positive influence of illegal game downloads on legal sales.

So basically everyone except brussels. Huh. You coulda just said that in the first place.

Hahaha (You)

pls stop...

Have you learned what the EU actually is yet?

>EU being a bunch of stupid assholes
Stop the presses

No Man's Sky.
$59.99 my asshole.

Just pirated NepBlanc VS Zombies. It's shit.

>implying any current goverment (aside from Switzerland) is considerably better

Yeah but not many tried to become another fucking soviet union like EU.

It's all a conspiracy they're waiting to see if any idiot turns off their vpn so they can fuck them raw. Don't fucking fall for it. Go ahead and pirate I don't give a shit but don't be the idiot that is sitting in court and your only defense is this fucking trash of an article.

Yeah, what else is new? This has been pretty much common knowledge for years, only bitter faggots who can't do it for whatever reason scream that piracy is bad.

You mean to tell me an industry which is currently grossing more than both movies and tv isn't actually a literal charity case and doesn't need to implement all these anti consumer tactics, I'm shocked.

>This has been pretty much common knowledge for years

We didn't have any big-name studies backing it up though. Now it's a lot harder to doubt the idea

actually that's a good point
pc games are practically a completely different market than console, and each console is completely different too. Just saying that "piracy isn't bad for games" doesn't matter much when games are broken into huge separate markets

Wow, I am shocked

>Guilt free
I'm a fucking pirate but I still understand it's wrong. In a perfect system we'd get a lot more great games if our money was used correctly, but for now I'll keep supporting games I love when I can, and still end up playing them anyways when I can't.

Fair enough. Actually worse.
>Russia: hey world, look at our Soviet Union, it is so cool
>*kills 50,000,000 citizens*
>Russia: wow world, communism was a terrible idea
>EU: no wait it's not real communism let me fix it
>*imports fucktons of immigrants from the middle east*
>EU: wow guys why are our crime rates rising haha must be racist white people please ignore the beheadings all is well

Sure, but still the evidence has been there, look at most games that you can't pirate or have been difficult to pirate. Most of these games have just been pretty much forgotten and aren't really talked about a lot.

>Sup Forums shitposting was right all this time

>complains about illegal immigrants

fix'd it for ya

Based EU

>confirmation bias: the thread.


Most people didn't think it was shitposting, user. We've known for years it works just like lending books or renting them from a library.

I forgot, you guys like to call them "refugees", my bad.

Probably nothing, I have nothing against piracy but rarely practice it myself. I think the last thing i pirated was an emulator because I didn't want to use a trial version of it.

And what does EU, aka FIFA and CoD central, got to do with the rest of the world? We know they will keep buying any games with FIFA on it regardless of quality. Show me studies for where it really matters.

Console piracy tends to end up being more harmful because generally it locks you out from digital marketplaces so even if you WANT to buy a game, it's easier to just pirate it. That's what happened to the PSP, no one liked UMDs but without access to the PSN, if you wanted your SNES and GBA emulators then you were stuck pirating everything even if you would have been inclined to buy some games.

I pirated games. If I liked the game, I would buy it. Seemed like the honorable thing to do.


When's the study about how anti-consumer practices affect sales? Because that shit sounds far more interesting than the thing we've known for years from other studies.

>Sup Forumsfag btfo

Based mods.

You think US wouldn't do the same? Especially with Disney/Warner Bros/other big hollywood company having their hands in the government

I am simultaneously surprised and happy that they're hard at work.
Now they just need to get a time machine and clean up the last four years or so.

Uhhh Sup Forums is definitely pro-Brexit dude. That guy who got banned was posting anti-brexit, pro-eu stuff...

If anything it's the mod who is the Sup Forumsfag in that situation.

Can't expect mods and janitors to be in every thread at the same time. They'll take action against all sorts of posts when they're reported by multiple people. So if you see someone being a jerk and breaking the rules, report them. I can't tell you how many times I've been in an argument with an insufferable person only to watch them get banned and all of their posts get deleted.

Is this like when Trump commissioned a report on the effects of refugees and the report came back saying they were a net positive, so the report was buried?

You can also help by not replying to said posts to begin with. If they don't get their replies then they'll eventually leave.

Citation Needed

It's much more satisfying to witness them scramble, start shrieking slurs, and then impotently watch me as I get the last word.
There you are

>study based on refugees between 2005 and 2014, aka right before the current migrant crisis

Well I'm convinced. We should totally let in millions of "refugees" with no ID and let them rape our women now!

This is like that terrorism study that started recording the day after 9/11 to make Muslims look less bad.

It's not about how it doesn't affect right now, but obviously no one would ever want to normalize piracy because then it would be a real problem.

You sound mentally unwell

not all """"refugees"""" are actually going to go to work

> our women

You have no idea what a union is, do you?

>but swe-
Clearly we are not talking about them, and the facts prove you wrong in the US. It's fine if you prefer emotion to facts but be honest. All you asked for was proof, which you were given.

didn't onigger want to take those very same refugees though? thankfully Trump has developed Extreme Vetting so all of this human trash can't get in

stay mad she lost lefturd

Those are the people who would be coming here in modern times though. It's disingenuous to use data collected from an entirely different group of people from a different refugee crisis and reject facts about the current ones.

>see ads trying to fearmonger piracy sites and torrent files having malware and saying "SPEND SOME MONEY SO YOU DON'T GET HACKED"
>see this now
Now that makes perfect sense.

>your facts aren't facts but mine are!
Just state you are horribly biased and only accept facts (from dubious sources) that support your own agenda. You asked for it, you got it, and now you're upset and don't want that study to exist, just like the guy who comissioned it assuming it would prove his bias.

That's not what the report concluded through, journalist brainlets just failed their statistics classes.

why are libtard tears so delicious, Sup Forums?

>muh refugees are good for the economy and raise the GDP!!!!
Retarded libcuck logic that has no long term sight and only look at muh short term infinite growth.

When Trump is saying letting in refugees is dangerous he's obviously not referring to a bunch of Chrstian Cubans who came here in the mid 2000s, so data about them is irrelevant. He's talking about the muslim refugees that Europe is currently taking in by the millions, and having problems integrating them.

>mfw living in Germany

please stop being racists

Move. I don't know where to, but get out of there.

Didn't you hear the guy a few posts above you? Letting in millions of Muslim refugees is great!

How the fuck are you going to get ANY DATA if you are only allowing 3 years?

You seem unhappy with your life. I hope that you can become happy again one day.


Already thought of applying for a job in Switzerland. Next possible thing would be finding a job in Poland.

either way, in some games like in vampire bloodlines pirating is way better for everyone involved other than the jews.

May love find it's way into your heart one day. Hatred isn't healthy.

Switzerland is nice but I'm sure you already know that. The German side of Switzerland is remarkably better than the French side. Out of all the countries in that area, Switzerland seems like it will hold out the longest against mass immigration.

>did a bit of reading earlier
>discover it's basically impossible for Germany to get rid of Merkel without an unprecedented change in how people vote
Get out mate. Poland is right over there


got a whole lotta love in my heart honey bunch

Clearly not. I feel sorry for you, I really do, and i wish you all the best.

If it isn't harmful to the producers, why would they need to hide it in the first place?

Sounds like fake news to me.

Because the lie that it does affect them negatively gives them a free pass to continue to fuck customers over with anti-consumer business practices under the guise of "we need to charge you more for less because of those gosh darned filthy pirates!"

No it's Alternative News. Liberal snowflakes like you wouldn't understand.

thanks, sweetie! we're doing great on the winning side!

pop over any time :)

lmao. been doing this for 20+ years now

Has it been peer reviewed? No? Then it's bullshit.

gang weg s'boot isch voll

What purpose this post has user?

Yeah go ahead and use this as a defense in a courtroom when EA takes your ass to pound town for torrenting mass effect 3 or whatever, see how that goes.

Piracy may not be 100% harmful, but paying for certain products guarantees that those products keep being made.
If you don't believe me ask yourself why Neptunia got one billion sequels.

Delete this

but... it has

Because it's cheap to make and panders to waifu faggots. They don't sell a ton of copies, but they make money because of how cheap they are.

>implying I'm not inches away from ending myself under normal conditions and that would be the perfect excuse to sign off early

>getting caught
Lel, don't tell me that you torrent or seed or some crap. Are you still in high school? Do you even try to mask your IP?