Why will this game fail?

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It won't. It'll do okay, like most jap games published in the west do.

Because it will be shit like every other monster hunter games

Fail? No. Underperform? Likely. Capcom might be a little too ambitious with this one.


what's this?

Will this game fail? Probably not.
Do i want it to fail? More than anything.


If they want 1.5mil they should easily hit that doing worldwide release

Is that Japan estimates only? That is extremely low for MH in Japan. I expect it to do 2-3m conservatively there and an additional 1-2m across the three platforms in the rest of the world.

I don't think it will fail, but it's unlikely to sell as much as past titles in Japan due the lack of portability, and I think CAPCOM overestimates the attention span of the average western gamer to get attached to a game like MH, which shines only if you are willing to put hundreds of hours on it.

But oh well, time will tell. I do hope it sells good enough to be considered a success, though.

A niche genre title for hardcore fans that panders to a mainstream audience will inevitably end up alienating both.

I'm really getting tired of the idiots who think QoL changes = Casual, people like that are a fucking cancer and that "sikrut club" mentality has to go

>the attention span of the average western gamer to get attached to a game like MH, which shines only if you are willing to put hundreds of hours on it.
How does that have any bearing on sales? At the point where you buy a game you haven't put even a single hour into it.

Gaijin don't like gameplay

I for one am getting tired of casualization changes being called quality of life

I do believe that it doesn't matte how CAPCOM sugarcoat the game to bait newfriends, it won't change the fact that it's a game that requires effort to have fun, this is offputting for people who play games for only cinematic experiences or laidback gaming.

MonHun is very niche in this aspect, sure there are plenty of QoL improvements, but if ain't dedicated then the fun never appears.

He meant you need to buy it first to be disappointed by its archaic gameplay. Kinda like how people got suckered into buying the 3DS MH games but dropped it soon after. The point is that the games get sold this way.

it won't fail. the sequel might but this won't. for a lot of noobs, this is their first time even hearing about monhun and they think it looks great so they'll buy and try it. some will stay. some will leave but as their first game, this'll sell like crazy

2-3 million would be double of what any other console game has done this generation, not going to happen. Console games don't go beyond a little over 1 million.

It's going to be so great to play this game without you fucking elitits around, can't wait

>2-3m in Japan alone
On what platform? Nothing broke 1.5m on PS4 in Japan.

You know what's worse than people accepting all changes without hinking? People who complain about obvious casualisation but still plan to buy the game.

I don't see how it could fail. Reception seems really positive on social media, it looks good and is published by a known company so it will surely get enough exposure. Future's bright for MHW.

Nothing broke 1m on PSP in Japan, except MH at 4.8m max.

/ourguy/ is back with a new analysis video of his TGS tour.

You don't understand it' not "hardcore enough", it needs to be harder so i can jerk off to the idea that i am a part of a special secret club. But they ruined the game because of the casuals.
Fucking casuals REEEEEEEEEEEE
Stop ruining my games

PSP is portable, so I think you may be missing the point there.

We're talking about the PS4, software sales have been lukewarm.

Wanting healing to be a tactical decision and not a right makes me an elitist now, never mind that when I play Monster Hunter I would throw on my low rank gear and help out new players for fun.

>B-but healing was easy already

Then why make it easier, being able to sprint while healing effectively allows you to dodge and heal simultaneously.

Same with the PSP. Nothing else broke 1m.

>Reception seems really positive on social media
>people STILL fall for cheap tricks like this

MH's main audience has always been Japan, and the games sell better on handhelds there. Putting the game on a home console and appealing to the western audience with simplified mechanics bodes poorly. Only time will tell


The PS4 is not the PSP. Then isn't now. You could easily be using the 3DS as an example and you'd be wrong for the same reason, apples to oranges.

>Gaijin Hunter
> /ourguy/

That's obviously wrong

They are not expecting selling 2 millions less with a game with that budget

Yet the PS4 has 2 games that broke a million. Hell the Vita has a game that broke a million in Japan.

Because i say so.

That's domestic.

Even in Japan, it's unlikely to hit 2m-3m; the install base simply isn't large enough. It'd have to achieve 50-60% market penetration, which is wildly unrealistic even for giants like GTAV or CoD.

Which part about 1.5 million doesn't break a million?

>they expected MVCI to sell 2M domestic
Nani the fuck

2 millions less? Compared to?


You know what, you're right. I didn't notice that.

You're arguing with yourself, go to the fucking hospital.

Wait what? Do you even get my point? The point is that sales depend on the popularity of the game. Not hardware. Not install base. Not how stationary the hardware is. Hell look at DQXI sales.

Are you new? You have no argument.

Where are the special editions for the rest of the world? It is a simultaneous release. Give me some fucking physical goodies.

Although the game is bad, it will sell for the simple fact that there are more than 60 million ps4

I hope it's a huge success. Looks cool to the normies, gets great reviews, great word of mouth from newfags and veteran MH players. Nier Automata level hype.

"Big weapons and open world co-op dragon hunting game!"
I hope so.

1.5 million it's less copies than MH4G on 2 days.

I was going to post this earlier.

It'll do just fine.



Yet that is the estimate. MH4G didn't meet its target though.

I thought those rankings have to remain like that for an extended period of time to mean anything. Instead of rising just after the release date announcement and potentially plummeting over time.

DQ did 1.5m and that was with competition from a much cheaper and portable version. This is the ONLY version of MHW they will get and looking at the shit sales of Switch MHXX, they are practically dying for a new MH to play with actual new mechanics and monsters.

So less sales and less profit

How Capcom is going to explain that to shareholders?

>Monster Hunter Freedom Unite sold 5,5 million copies
>Monster Hunter Freedom 3 sold 4,9 million because it wasn't released in the west
>every title after that sold less because many MH fans didn't want to buy Nintendo hardware
Now that Monster Hunter World is available to (mostly) all platforms it will do fine since no one has to buy inferior technology.

>implying you're not a nintenbro false flagging

wojak posters should be banned on sight

I think it'll do great. The gameplay is hooking people. It just looks like a solid game. The online co-op will be crucial.

With this

yeah fuck gameplay. sales and platforms is what monster hunter is all about

And my point is you get nothing comparing apples to oranges which is what you keep doing. The PS4 is a completely different ecosystem to the PSP and the Vita and the 3DS. There's no metric to use there.

>Not install base.
Factually incorrect. Point to any console title that has sold more than the hardware's install base. Of course you won't find any because you need the hardware to play the fucking game.

Sales of a game don't SOLELY depend on the title's popularity. If that were true MH:W wouldn't have come with all the changes that it got.

It really depends on how you want to look at it, because selling just as much as as the significantly weaker version, even though it's supposed to be Japan's beloved franchise, seems pretty weak.

The series obviously already peaked

Between 3 and 4 millions is the potential audience.

Less than that for a main game is a failure

DQXI did 2 mil actually. But that is a household brand. It's like Doraemon, Hello Kitty, and Sazae-san.

I just want to freely explore the world with my beloved SWITCH AXE

>social media

stop falling for jew tricks goyim. OF COURSE reception looks positive on press material. Why would a publisher want a game like this to bomb. You probably still any criticism of MHW is coming from "elitists", "haters", or "salty nintendo fans"

>. It'll do okay, like most jap games published in the west do.
what did he mean by this

Who the hell doesn't this appeal to?

MH fans might bitch and moan but 90+% of those who can get it will get it.
For casuals or nonfans it looks fucking amazing and its genre which has never been more mainstream.

Who exactly have they really alienated with this change, because it looks like plenty of mainstream appeal was gained.


yeah he is not our guy.

Not enough hype for it, ps4 and xbone primarily for dudebros playing nba and destiny


Your life is so pathetic your self worth and happiness comes from wanting to see a video game fail?

lmao, monster hunter world will far outsell mvci, it's going to blow their minds.

no g rank and capcom has been shit with all of their games the past 2 years or even more

come one that should be easily make able but looks like MvC bombed so hard that Capcom is gonna face hard times anyways

>MH fans might bitch and moan but 90+% of those who can get it will get it.
Yeah they won't. Tri had three times the install base to sell to and barely made 1 million.

>fuck gameplay
Worlds gameplay looks better than everything we saw in the last 8 years from MH though.

>MH fags actually believe this

The delusion
Just because it's on ps4 and pc doesn't mean it's going to succeed

But this doesn't change anything, previously you had to go away in order to heal yourself. Here you're just saving time. Nintards really are desperate hey ?

>monster hunter world will far outsell mvci

that isn't exactly an acomplishment

how much did dark souls 3 sell?
I feel like they just need to market it as "the game that inspired Dark Souls" or "Before Dark Souls there was Monster Hunter"
I know it´s pure cancer marketing but it should sell well with the normies

Casual who gave up after great jaggi detected

I know, I just mean their estimates are flipped, and they inflated potential mvci numbers all to hell.

Near A tomato says otherwise

I wanted ask, what hunters think of riders?

I'm not a MH fan (never played it in fact) and I think that MHW is going to do surprisingly good.
Meanwhile MVCI is selling like shit.

Can't wait for it to fail really

that goes against the clear reboot vibes Worlds is aiming towards.

You mean 1 million PSP MH fan were willing to get a Wii for MH3 even though everybody was playing FU.

3 million worldwide, which is less than the audience Capcom is throwing away by ditching handhelds.

>Why will this game fail?
It won't, with a good marketting, normies will buy it, and since they focus on the cinematic experience adventure, it can only be a success.

bruh you were literally arguing with yoursefl

I'm don't think it looks bad, but you've gotta admit they've made some very questionable changes that lead to a direction very unlike what most fans like about monhun.

Hence the 1.5 million estimate. But look at the Japanese preorders, obviously from new fans since old fans are handheld loyalists.

Proves jack shit. Well it does prove that the developers saw the 3DS install base and jumped ship. So much for install base not affecting sales!

I really like the flagships design, but to be fair, hes kinda slow.

I'm sure a faster or more aggressive monster would be able to knock that potion away.

>implying normie won't get instantly bored of the gathering tutorials an hour in

you know damn well MH games always have slow starts and that has always been its' downfall with new fans.