
Which games have the best smack talking?

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dude's looking fresh as fuck with that haircut

I am still convinced that he was trying to say Dullard and the translation got bonked somewhere along the way.

That's probably because you have a shit vocabulary.

FFS, why cant he get fit?
His image would improve a ton if he stopped being a disgusting fatso

GEE, I wonder why (((Trump))) is itching to bomb North Korea.

You can say the same about Dotard.

This. Dotard is an actual word that predates people insulting DOTA players.

>It recognises the sovereignty of the State of Palestine
Isnt also NK one of the only countries that doesnt have a central bank?

>Rocket man v Dotard
Mildly excited.
Least you got age as an excuse.
Why not strike fear while being ripped?

>age as an excuse
Fuck no.

just link the video and don't make me google shit

NK also doesn't have food

Dotard is actually a word. It means an old serial person.

is communism a jewish invention?
how the fuck is this fiting together?

That's what happens when you defy the Jewish overlords.

Juche is basically fascism anyways.

>Video not aviable in my country

Thanks shitposter. Also imagine being that fat. I don't have to.

>american """"freedom""""

Dotard means a senile old person, which makes what he said a sick burn.

Dota retard

I'm American and could view it just fine. Why do you shitpost against my great country?


Im from Germany, I dont know why I cant watch it

I think it's pretty obvious that Kim Jong is a League of Legends guy.

heroes of newerth, no competition

Well there's your answer.

Germans aren't allowed to have free thought, you should know this. If we ever got a 4th Reich it would almost definitely become allies with NK.

Actually, he plays the shit out of warframe. The warframe devs say that one person connects from North Korea.

There's a firefix addon called the youtube unblocker that works great for germany.