ITT: Enemies that have made you scream out loud

ITT: Enemies that have made you scream out loud.

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your moms pusy


This scared me more than regenerators

don't worry I'm enemies with my mum's pussy too because I wish I wasn't born

I don't remember those, OP.

Like in fear? Recently a bear in MGS5 made me cry out. But in anger, the barefoot sack people that kidnap you have made me furious. That dash kick they do just slides them right, exactly where they need to go. Whereas by charge attacks will very often end an inch away from their face.

The parasitic wall hugger in Blighttown gives me the jibblies.

They're those reaper dudes around shrine of storms that keep regenerating sort of, transparent enemies and when you kill him they all die. They're hidden away in these weird spots and their laugh is terrifying

The Bloodborne sack guys? Parry them when they rush you. If you're using the Kirkhammer like a real man, do a charged R2, then immediately hit R2 again and you'll do a cleave baseball swing that sends enemies flying.

OP's pic related is demon's souls

Blood-starved beast left me with a heart condition.

By which I mean, enraged, not scared.

Yeah I know; I figured most people in this thread would know what game Blighttown's in.

Fucking glorious!
Some of you healing church guys are alright.
Don't go to the upper cathedral ward tomorrow.

this boi give the succ


Right BB, I forgot to mention that. Yeah I know parry works in BB. I'm saying that the game is generous with how easily their attacks connect. My charged R2s will too often be about an inch too short. I've seen enemies swivel around like office chairs to hit me after starting the attack in the completely opposite direction.

I got many a fright and said "ah!" during various horror games.
Most recently the evil within.
But honestly it's people in multiplayer that make me jump most.
Getting shotgunned by a sneaky corner camper always makes me jump.


why, my peanus weenus of course :)


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah :)

ITT: Enemies that have made me scream out loud - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus :D


Red bats from Crypt of the Necrodancer. Annoying little cunts.

This guys peanus weenus