South Park Fractured but Whole


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I guess they finished removing all the Shillary is president jokes. Took them long enough to do it. Matt and Tray has Ubisoft clocked at what 3 hour to rewrite.

Doesn't "gold" mean released?

They need to stick with what they were good at, like previous seasons. The whole presidential season was shit.

I'm still find it annoying that the tied the difficulty to the your characters skin colour and sex. It limit's your character options for the sake of a thoaway joke.

No, it means they have a final version of the game which will then get copied and distributed to get released. "Going gold" basically signifies the end of development.

No, gold means its being printed. Basically it's entirely finished.

I get the feeling Matt and Trey would hold a throwaway joke in higher esteem than your feelings

They didnt, the game even tells you that it makes things more difficult in everything but the game itself.

Apparently it doesn't actually affect anything

Is the little white boy afraid of black boys?

It doesn't affect combat, it does affect loot drops, random encounter frequency and all that jazz. It makes it harder in the sense that you gear up slower, but the actual battle mechanics are the same.

>game looks like shit
>show is shit
when did it all go so wrong? even the current season of AHS does a better job with social commentary then they have in the past few seasons

Kek that dig at Kanye's dead mom

>game looks like shit

>Stick of Truth
>Fractured but Whole
>Ubisoft San Francisco

That literally explains everything

The new season of AHS is shit, and so is american politics.
so sick of getting that shit shoved down my troat everywhere i go

It's going to be shit.

Fuck I loved stick of truth it was the first and last good South Park game.


no. give me fallout south park

>>Stick of Truth
>>Fractured but Whole
>>Ubisoft San Francisco


pay attention people
dont buy this

>the first and last good South Park game.
You never enjoyed this one with friends?
It was far from a 'deep' shooter but the combat was just plain fun.

It'll be fun buying this and discovering it's shit, as if there weren't any warning signs
>Game is UPlay only
>No listing on Steam
>Eventually appears on Steam, but it just launches the game through UPlay
>Change from simple Paper Mario style combat to grid-based combat that doesn't seem to bring much apart from making battles more tedious
>Two fucking delays
>Supposed to come out December 2016, delayed for Q1 2017
>1 month before the end of Q1 2017, delayed again
>Is delayed by "1 fiscal" year, so it's delayed either by 3 months up to 15 months
Who the fuck delays things based on fiscal years

but Sup Forums was fine with Mario+Rabbids which was made by Ubisoft so they should be fine with this too :)

I can still hear the turkeys.

>implying difficulty isn't based on racial retardation of niggers

You just made that up

I can still see the ass cheeks

Boy, I can't wait for a three hour game it took three years to develop.
Isn't it true that Stick of Truth has the highest percentage of platinum trophies achieved?

i will buy this twice just to piss you off drumpftard

I can still hear the overly-dramatic Terrance/Philip doll exploding sound.

>judging based on Achievements

It had decent length though, sperg, especially if you did the sidequests. I would say it was perfect, long enough to not feel ripped off, but short enough to not get boring and outstay its welcome. In other words just right, perfect for replays

Ubisoft said it m8.

I don't understand why it has uplay when matt and trey forbid ubisoft for doing that last time.

Probably offered them a boatload of money to shut them up.

>buying uplay games
>buying denuvo games

It's not a joke. It's a grand social statement by Matt Stein.

>South Park: The Fractured but Whole goes gold
Wasn't it already Gold? I thought it coming out very soon?
How is this news?

This is the absolute state of Sup Forums where children don't even know the concept of 'Going Gold' in the video game industry. What the fuck has happened?


now the 2 month delay for denuvo
Literally 3 seconds in google.

More US-Politics in my vidya?
Not developed by Obsidian but by Ubi-sjw-soft?

Yep it's dogshit

So it basically means you just have to grind more. How creative.

Except the article you just linked specifically says that the difficulty slider doesn't affect gameplay.
Thanks though.

again ?

>Except the article you just linked specifically says that the difficulty slider doesn't affect combat.

It affects loot and reactions from NPCs.

>when you're so anti-"pol" bogeyman you become too retarded to read
He's right it does affect gameplay, just not the combat element specifically of said gameplay.

>>when you're so anti-"pol" bogeyman you become too retarded to read
I don't give a shit about pol, I just heard conflicting rumors on how my created character would affect the game.
And unless the decreased money keeps me from getting some end game loot then I don't care about that either.
Probably still won't buy, because Uplay is bullshit.

>Trey "My Wife's Son" Parker

>le le le i dont care anyway Xd
Doesn't mean you weren't wrong, next time instead of giving out false info like a tard, suck a dick, faggot.


The system is racist and so are you pol.

Ok cuck

Shit wrong image

Pretty much in line with the crime statistics, mind you.

>diaper furry
>is a trump fan

like pottery

>cant refute because he knows its true
>furry pron
Should of posted gore instead, would of triggered more newfriends.

>The system is racist
What is there to refute. Oh I know. Blacks commit more crime and do worse because they are black, really simple.

Trump fans are also horse fuckers

Fuck off, nazi.

That showed 'em! Cuck.

That showed 'em! poltard.


>le le le ecks dee
Quit being retarded and follow the replies.
I wasn't trying to prove a point, I just asked the guy to give source to his claim. He did, I missed the part where it talked about decreased loot, he pointed it out and I saw it, and then said that unless the loot discrepancy had a negative affect on gameplay I don't mind it. Didn't say it doesn't matter, didn't say that he was wrong, didn't say >eurogamer. I just accept that I was wrong and the thing that may keep me from buying was uplay.
Go jack off before you reply, you'll be calmer.

thanks doc

Average IQ of African American: 85
Average IQ of European American: 100
Average IQ of Asian American: 102

Crime rates per capita perfectly match this.
Wow either refute this or jump in front of a train newfriend.


>he still posting after repeatedly being proven wrong in an embarrassing attempt to save face on an anonymous anime rp website
Either go to reddit or commit a murder on yourself asap

>implying CNN gives a shit about what any of those people/sites say or think

this is very cute because goyim think they are in control

Pick your poison and come back after.

Blacks in africa are oppressed by white Afrikaaner scum but they are in the process of peacfully removing said scum by force anyway stupid poledyte

pls come to switch

Just when I thought Ben Garrison couldn't get any more cringy.

Since you won't go back to rebbit, where you belong, I can only encourage you to stream your suicide and then link it here, that's very important.




>someone actually thought this was a good idea to draw

Level of available education (school district distribution), wealth and having two parents also correlates with IQ. Black people in USA have it worst in all of these areas. The reason that black people are in these situations can be attributed largely to past discrimination going back only a few generations, first to the jim crow laws and further back to slavery.

Wealth is the single most correlating factor with crime and black people are by far the poorest in USA.

a rough summary

Playing Squirtle was much easier becuase you could get ice beam later and solo the game with only him.

No they don't. You have clearly not read into this subject at all. Everything you said was absolutely false. IQ is very reliably measured and understood. It has been measured using twins and adoption studies to control for every factor you have mentioned.

Percentage of blacks in a city is a better indicator of crime than average income or any other factor you can name.

That's neato, but they still have lower IQ even when all of that is accounted for senpai.

>Oppress entire race FOR FUCKING EVER.
>Oppressed race's average IQ is lower because they're playing catch-up constantly.
>hur dur dey retahded its not like we forced them to be that way duuur

>Wealth is the single most correlating factor with crime and black people are by far the poorest in USA.
So how do you propose we solve it?

That sounds really complicated user are you sure it's not just because melanin makes you crime more

Taking the confirmation bias route eh

The PC principle season was trash too


Average IQ of American:

Imagine living here with all of the REEEEEEEEEs


Why do South Park thread always just turn into a Sup Forums thread?

Are you posting this from the Wolfenstein timeline?

Hahahahaha look at the cute little racist. How does it feel to be a dinosaur?

that has not been proven. i've read all the studies.

time will probably solve it

it's possible, but even if the difference did exist it's probably a pretty marginal difference

What? Do you know how well established IQ is in psychology? It is their poster child measurement because of how predictive and reliable it is.

>IQ is based off of how high in the social ladder you are
wew lad