Do you watch his content?

Do you watch his content?

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Chris-Chan looks really different.

Not anymore.

Only his vlogs, where he bitches and moans about his life

I only laugh at him when people sometimes posts his videos here. Does that count?

No. It's boring and he needs chat's help to get anything done.



No because i prefer a penne

i couldn't give a shit about dsp but you guys that are bothered by his mere existence are lower than the 9 year old kids that want to be like pewdiepie.
and it's always the same people in the same fucking threads.

Easy to eat


He's dead to me since cooking with the king ended. The man had the finer points of flushing bacon grease down the toilet all figured out and he's squandering his talent.

It's entertaining when he gets really angry, but otherwise no.

Phil's a faggot


>Phil outlasted SoK


Phil's fat

I can't stomach listening to this insufferable cunt for more than 20 seconds at a time.

Sometimes. Used to watch him on previous work in office, since no one was watching. Now I only watch streams mostly and non open world games since I play those myself and better

I used to watch some TIHYD for select games but the crap those autists shit those videos up with, e.g. clips from films and tv shows, annoying music, video effects, etc., become insufferable so I cut out the middleman and just watch DSP's videos directly. Some of blogs are good too.

yes, i'm subbed to his twitch and patreon and donate at least $200 monthly

ack ack ack

Phil's a beggar

His MvC infinite salt is good

This. Not interested unless it's the newest emergency.

I watched him rage quit P3FES on easy.

Phil's a loser

>yfw he's getting audited



It's an absolute slog looking for good TIHYDPs. for every quality one there's about 10 shit ones.

I have recently watched some videos of his streams on youtube. his constant complaining is weirdly comedic

What games has he rage quit?

Persona 3 was a legit rage quit, he stopped playing Scarface because he was never not angry playing it. Only two I can think of.

Persona 3
Dishonoured: DOTO

Persona 3
Fighting games (rage quit sessions game not dropped)
Dishonored 2 Death of the Outsider

>ragequitting dishonored
I only played the first game but what could even make someone rage quit in Dishonored?

*screams into pillow*

seriously who is this guy and why is he being spammed on Sup Forums?

all the time

Because the man is just a goddamn hot dumpster fire when it comes to everything he does.

He's bad at Stealth.

Average playtime of DOTO is about 4-5 hours for a first run.

Phil quit after 7 hours roughly 1/3 into the dlc.

YouTube search This is How You Don't Play MGS3 and then enjoy the rabbithole.

He also raged quite the Old Monk PVP version in demon souls and one of DS2's dlcs.

Don't forget The Old Hunters

Ludwig is the best casual filter in the series.

>gets close to mic


Why does he do that?

Reminder SoK is kill

muh allergies

Fred was worse then DSP so its good.

*CAHN*tent, user


A normal person would've already gone to the doctor. He just refuses to get healthy anyway. So coughing, snorting and burping is all part of the DSP charm. Can't figure out why his fiancée left him.

ZombiU. He didn't get that far in it.

Arguably he rage quit Dark and Demon's Souls. He played Dark Souls first and rage quit and then played Demon's Souls and rage quit that too. He came back to Demon's Souls and used the dupe glitch to get to soul level 100 off screen, though he claims it was from legit grinding but I find that very hard to believe. Even being enormously overleveled he still struggled to beat the game and used two summons to beat the final boss for him. With stream chat to carry him he went back to Dark Souls and beat that too. To be fair, he actually started to understand how to play a Souls game eventually and his Dark Souls 2 playthrough was decent apart from complaining about i-frames being locked to agility, which everyone did, and relying heavily on lighting. At least he never summoned.

So now that the dust has settled. Which is worse: DSP and his cult, or the SoK?

Fred needs to end himself

He summoned for the Looking Glass Knight

SoK are a bunch of autistic haters with delusions of grandeur that stalk, dox and harass. DSP is just a guy who is not very good at some games and has a somewhat unpleasant personality. It's not even a contest, SoK are far, far worst and always have been.

>going to doctor in amerifatland

They are both shit for different reasons. SoK where autistic manchildren who just wanted fame and where too lazy to do proper work and Phil is a egotistical asshole who refuses to take responsibly for anything he does and is inept at almost everything.

Even without the leaks you could tell he was worse than Phil, just go watch their Mario Party videos.

That's why I specified DSP together with his cult, who have also been guilting stalking and harassing DSP's haters at points. Though not as often as SoK apparently

DSP without a dedicated hate group documenting his shortcomings and revealing his (admittedly easy to see through) lies while being a showcase source of the better TIHYDP videos is like having oreos without milk.

That said SoK got lazy at the end without podcasts and stuff.

Injustice 2
A lego star wars game
Persona 3
Lightning returns ( he watched the ending clip on youtube )
Ninja gaiden 2 nes
Mega man x
Mega man x5
Skate 3
Bioshoxk infinite
etc,etc etc