*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/oixlujliqdx1lnf/ghost nude.swf?dl=0

*curls into fetal position and cries uncontrollably*

post the entire thing fucker

I'd eat them if you know what i mean.



Giant girls are the best.

Not the best pussies, I've seen, but fun nonetheless

Wtf is this and why do i keep seeing it everywhere?

There's literally nothing wrong with a lolicon artist being a pedophile.

It literally boosts the effect.

inhale the queefs deeply

i keep seeing this shit but no source to the full thing. don't leave me with a half chub

t. pedophile

- ∞

I'm gonna bait the bait and lay down an unfortunate fact.

If you've ever found any lolicon or shotacon art attractive, you are a pedophile. This does not mean you are a child molester; that is a crime. Being a pedophile is not a crime. It's simply an attraction to underage people.

If you're attracted to adult women and teenage women, that makes you a pedophile. There is no in-between word like, being attracted to men and women make you Bisexual, being attracted to an underage person in any sense makes you a pedophile, even if you predominantly prefer adult women.

In this case, it's almost a wholly useless term. Of course someone who creates loli art is a pedophile.

anyone else hate this mario meme shit?
its like i'm back on newgrounds with shit art but everyone pretends like its the best thing.

>laughs in german

I know most of you fags only shitpost on Sup Forums but did you know that Sup Forums has a flash board? It's true!

Shut up you damn pedophile

Minus 8's style is high-framerate with bright colors. If you don't like it, find something else.

But it's not bad.

thats pacman you twat

*eats power pellet*
Nothin personnel

>kissing non virgins

Say what you will, you know I'm right.


Who the hell still uses Flash?

ow0 whats this?

dropbox.com/s/oixlujliqdx1lnf/ghost nude.swf?dl=0

whoa shit is that a bl*ck vampire?

I don't even need to read your lengthy post to know you're wrong.


also to any of you that play violent games, you are a murderer. you just haven't murdered anybody; that is a crime.

>kissing girls who've kissed their parents

>pedophile argument thread just got pruned
>another popped up


>What's the source
>Flash?! LOL
>pls post source


This is the best Minus 8, the song is stupidly addictive. Prove me wrong.

Teenage would be ephebophile acktually.

I can't pick a favorite.

>orange has braindmg
>blue has autism
>red is a slut
its easy user

That's a funny thing to say, because everything I said is 100% factually correct without opinion or sentiment.

Your argument would make sense if someone who partook of violent media would be called something. Someone who views lolicon art would be a pedophile, and someone who views violent art is a potential aggressor.

There, now it's even.

thanks for the 22mb of dolphin porn

I love sluts though.


Why is it every time -8 makes something new you guys have to make a thread about it?

Is that a band or a song?

but why

Boosts what effect?

Blue has glasses that look sexy when covered in cum

Pink and Red as so thirsty for cock that they'd double team you

Orange is happy for lucky and would let you take the lead

I didn't know Minus8 had an amputee fetish

Plenty of loli/shota art is sexualised in a way only adults are, large breasts, wide hips etc. Being attracted to that is not the same as being attracted to a 7 year old. You dumb cunt.


t. pedophile


>ywn eat these ghosts in your lifetime



The only reason you'd like Minus 8 is if you're into stomach bulge and cervix penetration.

why not?

Someone source me this shit already.

>no dicks
no thanks

Have you ever enjoyed loli art? That makes you a pedophile too.

You're talking about shit like oppai loli, and that's just a damn excuse and you know it.

My entire point is to point out that the word Pedophile is simultaneously losing meaning nowadays, while also being applied to anything that doesn't fall under a specific dichotomy.

1000 year old lolis and 8 year old adults would both fall under the exact same category. It's sad, really.

Not sure why I watched that in it's entirety, but I'm glad I did.

shakashuri blowdown

because they love pure unfiltered sex and sex is fun

i really like that its set to music too

If I kill people in video games does that make me a murder fetishist?

Is that what counts as a porn animation nowadays? Like 2 seconds of flashed nudity?

Post some loli art then pedo boy.

Nigga you dumb its right here

>equating drawings of anime characters to real life
you need to get that schizophrenia checked on friend

The music and lolis are good too.

It's fantastically addictive. I used to have it on a loop.



Shut the fuck up you fucking pedophile.

What doth shitposting?


There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile


You look like the ugliest son of a bitch I've ever heard.

>It literally boosts the effect.
The fact that this in -8 cancels any boost granted for being a lolicon, in fact it turns it into a negative stat.

How long until minus8 cries about how he wants to rape children and deletes all his stuff again?

Does being attracted to this make me a pedo?

What am I watching...

The OP shit isnt even loli.

Oh, watch out guys. I'm about to turn you all into pedophiles.

Yeah, you are a hypothetical murderer, rapist, terrorist and pedophile.

Hello my fellow Anonymouses.

>nu-Sup Forums

WOOOOAAAAH a minus8 loop where he made the characters into girls wearing clothes vaguely resembling the character they're supposed to be and they dance, DAMN never seen this before!

See that's his best work.

You monster

Prepare for cyberpolice van, you cybercriminal

me neither.

That animation looks like ass.

Great, now i'm a furry, are you happy?

nobody was posting loli art until you started shitposting about it faggot

Great, now Im flaccid

You're all stupid


that arm is not correct

Don't blame him just because you turned into a pedophile.

Outside of the monkeys I don't think there's any furry in that video. Unless you clicked ELSEWHERE... then, well, I'm sorry, but that's on you.

Where do I find minus 8's stuff? He's always leaving and reappearing.

You guys may be pedophiles, but at least you're not furrys.