Prove u're good at video games

Prove u're good at video games.

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Ok, you start.

>makes a thread about proving your good at vidya
>proceeds to not post any relevant content.

well okay, but you might end up being thoroughly surprised at what you're about to see.

yeah, I've played dark souls.

Im approaching Diamond in Hots. Idk if thats really impressive but considering I pulled it off in a single day while barely playing the game otherwise, I felt accomplished.

I beat my brother in Smash that one time


woah, I wouldn't want to fuck with you.



i have 2 unusuals on my spy

I don't know. What does

> 'the fact that I only play games on the hardest difficulty, and beat them (unless it's that rogue like bullshit where you die in one hit and/or you have to start over from the beginning of the game again if you die)'

get me, in Internet respect points?

Im ranked top 10 on netplay ladder for SSBM.

I dont play overmeme

dang ur god

I beat Dark Souls 2 but it's the only SoulsBorne game I have played

Wow you won an entire military victory campaign in 7 minutes? Nice!

I have achieved the perfect Fibonacci gaming posture.

dunno if this counts

you're lying
dark souls games are literally impossible

the only genre I've ever been remotely good at is fighting games
>>blue rank
it's a really old webm

You can achieve both a cultural and military victory in the same game.

Rankings in team based games is pointless if you play solo. Either you get lucky and get on a team that actually coordinates, maybe because some are already on voice, or you will get in a team with 4 orhter solo only players who might be retarded.
I miss the old UT days. Deathmatch, instagib, final destination.


thisyou dumb fuck, and that is teh first week of release!
I was going for all 3 victory conditions and was close, but you cant get an economic and military because of not being able to trade with the enemy

>Rankings in team based games is pointless if you play solo.
Hardly. You can't get to Master by pure chance. One weak link will doom a team playing that high.

that webm isn't impressive though user. that guy was a noob, you try that spin kick on my king and you will get rolling death cradled into oblivion

>. One weak link will doom a team playing that high
well with this logic I guess you understand how hard it is to climb in solo queue.
I have gave up on playing this game.
every season I get put in bronze/silver and have to climb it's frustrating.
On top of that I don't play the game autismo levels of time so playing QP I am constantly playing with low level players, who do not team comp, combine ults ect.
essentially I can't play this game to win any more because I can't queue with anyone who plays the game properly.

bravo blizzard, make a team game and limit people to playing with a team that does not play as a team.

>*breaks your RDC*
like I said it's an ancient WEBM, only really have stuff from less than a week into launch

i got an achievement for opening the game up, does that count?

Is being master supposed to be impressive?
GM should be the bare minimum if you are any good at shooters.

It has been proven time and time again in every team based competitive game that a good player will climb the ranks solo. Even in support roles which supposedly are impossible to carry as.

This. I made the mistake of letting my little niece play some of my first placement matches which ended up placing me in Bronze but I crawled all the way up to Diamond only solo queuing. It was hard as balls but it's possible to do.

I don't play OW.

desu senpai I don't like the game.
I'm a tekken vet and have played the series since T1 but the supers, new knockdown and wake up system and the fact that combos in this game are all about launching and juggling has just killed tekken for me.

That and all the guns and flying pizzas are just cancerous.
Still it as a great soundtrack

not a fan of the rage arts but everything else is great

the guns and pizzas and shit have been a problem since like t5

>it's possible to do.
yeah but hard as fuck.
Someone like me, who plays a team game, doesn't hardlock and picks up the slack of the team has a fucking hard job climbing in this game.
It seems that hardlocking and not playing a team game is the only way to actually do any good in the lower levels.
I play zarya mostly and I can't even get a charge up half of the time. My entire team often walk 1 by 1 into the enemy and die like lambs to slaughter.
They have no concept of grouping as a team and working together. Everyone wants to lone wolf and be a flanker! healers follow shit tier lone wolf tracers and gejis into flanks, and die, all while me, as a tank am trying to control a point or choke, having to do the dps job as well, all with no healer!

Since day one of this game there has been hadlocked chars so much i virtually do not even know how to play with them properly. Most of them DPS.

I finished ecco the dolphin as a kid

I can't aim for shit. I reached Diamond with just beeing good at giving callouts and playing support but i am fine with Diamond.

wtf was that move the char did, the projectile?
was it a rage art?

I beat Gunstar Super Heroes on hard mode

I don't know anyone else who has ever played that game but I'm still proud of it

I cleared every level in F-Zero GX Storymode on Very Hard Difficulty.

yes it was

Only game I'm good at is Super Hexagon.

I've beaten Dark Souls but thats a meme at this point.

That's impressive, I could only do chapters 2-4 on very hard. F-Zero GX is one of my favorite games ever

The idea of doing 6 or 7 on Very Hard is enough to make me have a panic attack. Which one is the absolute hardest?

I defeated Ozma without completing the Friendly Monster sidequest

I beat minesweeper.

Reminder if you climb to Grandmasters with Mercy/Lucio you have no proven skill whatsoever

Not saying you can't be good with them, just that its so easy to climb with them you impress nobody


i beat niggers

>My friends are good at overwatch
Why don't you start us off OP?

I got ever cheat for goldeneye on the N64
I got every gap in THPS4
I 100% GTAIII VC and SA on the PS2
I collected every dogtag in MGS2 AND substance, EE too because im europoor
I completed commandos 2 without ever raising an alarm and I played it on the PS2

Goes without saying but i never used guides
beat that niggers

Which champs take true skill to climb with?

The hardest for me was "Black Shadow", the one where you have to stay above a minimum speed. In VH its 800KM/h which was a nightmare. Took me like, a week to do that one.

#300 in osu

I got lucky when I finally beat 7. Managed to Kill black shadow/one or two more of the faster racers in the first or second lap.

zenyatta imo
entire team is gunning for him, low health, low mobility, needs situational observation to heal and to pinpoint priority targets, has to stick with the team to be effective, need to have decent precision aiming


But basically any character who isnt literally just exist and do bare minimal and still win.

There's heroes like torb who do "bare minimal" but theyre harder to win with. Whereas Lucio you can literally just exist and win. Mercy you can just LMB.

And even for characters that you dont have to aim, you have to do other shit for. Example winston takes good timing/positioning. And team coordination.

I got even higher SR after that.

>ranked 2 and three in the world for auto modelista tracks
>Solo'd to lem in three months without ever playing a cs game in my life
>ranked 150 out of 300k for moto gp on the original xbox, only person in the top 200 driving automatic
>Ranked S+ in every doa game on xbox and xbox 360
>can icc streets of rage 3 can almost 1cc sor1

I'm old now, and I just like to play for leisure, once in a while someone will tick me off and I have to put them in their place, but that's a rare occurrence.

youd know if it counts

a good torb takes skill, you need to whack down turrets in different places and judge if you should get it to level 2 of just leave it.
bad torbs put a turret down in obvious places and hug the turret the entire time. I put down turrets constantly, play aggressive and can snipe people with my rivets

what does icc mean?

>driving automatic
is this supposed to be skilled? manual is always harder


this, masters is still scrub territory even more so when you consider that a lot of people who played overwatch a year ago have stopped playing pushing low ranked players up in the ladder, add to that the amount of mercy (and now junkrat) players who have climbed to master and GM thanks to their characters being imba and I would have to put the bar even higher (top 500) to not be considedered a scrub


I was ranked top 1,000 in MW2 in it's prime. Even had a spot on one of OpTic's many MW2 teams (I think it was quick scoping). I then realized that I was 14 and a part of a huge gaming clan and that was beta as hell. I then stopped playing for 6 months and instead got a girlfriend. So yeah, I'm a pretty good video gamer.

but i suck at video games

I beat Halo 2 on Legendary twice.

well you're not retarded.
you proved you're not a complete retard and can follow basic instructions.
