Why aren't more people upset about this?

Why aren't more people upset about this?

>potrays whites as evil
>portrays christianity as an extremist murderous group when it's a religion of peace and morals

If there were games where you shoot muslims and brown people, people would be up in arms, but a game like that would never be made.

At this point it's just sad Sup Forums. Pls go.

Because it already shown that black people are also in the cult

>potrays whites as evil
literally where

>portrays christianity as an extremist murderous group when it's a religion of peace and morals

Do you consider some fucked up cult to be Christian, you heretical retard? Do you consider Heaven's Gate to be Christian too? Or what about the Jonestown mentalists, or Manson?

Because white people can handle fictional banter. Christianity as an evil religion is incredibly common in media, and white people as villains is practically as old as white people in general.

Besides, most of those parts are due to setting more than any deep-seated desire to harm whitey. It wouldn't make sense for an extremist cult of mudslime led by a charismatic nigger to establish their campaign of homogenization from the middle of bumfuck Montana.



>if this was a game where you shoot muslims and brown people

You mean like Modern Warfare? The game that sold a gorillion copies?

>portrays christianity as an extremist murderous group when it's a religion of peace and morals

>Americans think a Jonestown style cult and garbage like Joel Osteen are Christian

American Christianity was a mistake.

Holy shit, that's the weakest bait all week.

>If there were games where you shoot muslims and brown people
what are all and every game about middle east modern wars?
the only instance I remember about people bitching about muslims being portrayed in a game was when that fallujah shooter was in development, and the people actually cried because there were getting triggered about muhreens dying on a fucking video game
reported saged and pointed towards your safespace:

found the uneducated doofus. This is closest to waco. The leader of that was a gun/drug runner and a pedophile. The FBI illegally burned down the complex killing both agents and innocents in the flames.

>protagonist is a white male
>niGGers still complain
What the fuck do they want?

Yeah and if you consider garbage like that and in OP's pic Christian then your theology is fucking garbage

>Implying the best character isn't based nigger of heretic killing

no point at getting angry about works of fictions that only gives them free advertisement. just don´t buy them and the creators will get the message loud and clearly.
also as for why nobody is angry about it both traditional and new age media have an anti white agenda so of course they don´t get angry about stuff like this

>v triggered by Sup Forums facts

WOW this place has turned into tumblr

maybe you should go there

I'm not seeing it, friend. Here's what I see when I look at this cover:
>A band of "hicks" from the deep south is using religious belief as a cover for their wrongdoings
I can understand where you might get such an idea, but I politely disagree.

Honestly I'm only bummed that they chose such a boring setting. They literally did a poll a few years back for potential future Far Cry settings and every single one on that list was more interesting than bumfuck no where USA.

I genuinely think Far Cry 5 is going to flop.
I've seen several gameplay videos of 5 - It doesn't look that impressive and everything that it has to offer is something that Far Cry 3, 4, and Primal have done.

I don't understand why they don't do a sci-fi thing like Blood Dragon, or at least make a different type of sci-fi.
But no, they had to make it MODERN DAY with politics/religion.

Because this game is an example that this hyper-divided political climate we're living in right now is completely fabricated.

By making this thread you're literally advertising the game.

>Sup Forums

Cmon dude do I really gotta even take the time to post a dismissive anime girl face like for real dude

>Sup Forums

This. The worst thing to happen to companies like this being politically incorrect is the fact that making fun of rednecks gets boring super fast. Nobody fucking cares about farmers

>never be made

Postal 2

But cod let's me shoot up muslims almost every game

if you don't get your news and science from Sup Forums, you are actually buying into fake news and lame stream media

i'm as anti sjw as they come and i laugh at people who are upset at this game, and i'm looking forward to playing it. grow some fuckin balls you damn pussies

>what are all and every game about middle east modern wars?
those games never mentioned Islam nor featured any Islamic symbols. religion was never mentioned as a motivator for their acts of terrorism either and you know that if you played hose games. unlike far cry 5 where Christian themes and symbols get featured heavily

You had plenty of threads sperging about it already

people seem to forget that you can claim you are anything and people can't say that you're wrong.

Like, I could say I'm a muslim and just go to gay parades and do nothing else related to islam. That view of islam isn't the base one.
Christian cults say they're christian, but they are far from related to the original views. Which is quite literally a religion of peace. One of the major points of it is forgiveness of everything.

Why pay to market a game when you get outraged Sup Forumstards to effectively do it for you?

Ubisoft are marketing geniuses

Now if only their games were good

Man, you Americans really do get mad about anything and everything don;t you? Is there anything in your country you guys actually agree on? What about Baseball? That's suppose to be your favorite pastime,right?

fact the poorest and least well off areas in america are all white communities in all fly over states.
nice punching down ubisoft. this is literally would be considered hate speech if it featured any other race or religion

Kill yourself, samefag.

>go to gay parades

Muhammad...get the stones.

Why aren't more people upset about this?

>potrays brown people as evil
>portrays muslim as an extremist murderous group when it's a religion of peace and morals

If there were games where you shoot christians and white people, people would be up in arms, but a game like that would never be made.

>Why aren't more people upset about this?
Because whites ARE evil and Christianity IS an extremist murderous group.

Fuck off.

>Christian cults say they're christian, but they are far from related to the original views. Which is quite literally a religion of peace. One of the major points of it is forgiveness of everything.

And if that is how American Christianity is in reality then American Christianity is fucking sick and deserves to be put down.

>doing the job of the PR team for them
True cucks


Probably because the people who are upset about it have voiced their opinions and now will not purchase the game. Nothing will be changed, Ubisoft refused to apologize, and the (((game journalists))) called the people offended names and wrote them off.

Meanwhile, if you have a game where a single muslim or a single gay person complains, the studio will bend over backwards, beg forgiveness, make changes, and apologize about how unconscionable it was of them to make that mistake in the first place.

I dare Ubicuck to make their next Far Cry about muslims raping children, splashing acid in women's faces, suicide bombing, or running people over with trucks, screaming allah akbar, and jumping out to knife the survivors to death. I dare the Outlast cucks to make their next Outlast about evading and escaping muslim radicals and guess what, the main character is gay and will be tortured to death if they're caught.

>this thread again


fuck off tumblr

hy ubi soft, at it again? How comes that you guys trys a lot these Diversity-PR-Stunt? Aren't SJW aduience no as profitable as you thought? Maybe you should DOX another japanese mother? welp.


so its ok to have black people as evil, but when its white people you throw a fit? i dont get it?

why does this site generalise so fucking much. its showing a cult of extreme christians in a rural place, its not saying ''this is what all christians are like guys!''

this fucking place

Oh wait, that's right, it's easier to make a game where the antagonists are barbaric people that will refuse to bake your wedding cake. Brace for another Ubisoft flop like Watch Dogs 1 and 2, Assassin's Creed everything in the last few years, and Far Cry Primal.

Maybe if it was portraying blacks this way people would be upset, but no-one gives a fuck about negative portrayal of whites.

They're a family. Why would you have non-whites in it?
This game takes place in middle of rural Montana or some shit which is going to have an incredibly low black/arab population

>you know that if you played hose games
>proceeds to complain about the gameplay elements of a game that hasnt been released yet
are you some kind of mental patient?


Because white people, Christians, and Americans can take a joke.

really though, latest gameplay i've seen reminded me a lot of fallout 4, realistic edition i guess.

But look how well it works regardless

The game is all about getting the most bites with the weakest bait, in which case, OP did pretty well. Pretty clear that most respondents didn't finish reading the post, all he needed was the image and a lorem ipsum and the result would be the same

Reminder that:

1. The leader of the cult is actually a secret CIA operative and this is why the player cannot call for help and the county is essentially sectioned off. The government does not intervene because the cult leader is one of their men.
2. The purpose of this exercise was to see how easily an ISIS like cult could be created in America and then see how it could be taken down not only by government operatives, but by rebel American citizens.
3. Everyone within the county is deemed expendable for this exercise, and if the citizens fail to retake their homeland then it becomes a military training exercise for taking down ISIS-like operatives overseas.

Stop shilling ur game Ubisoft

Why are Sup Forums types so easy to bait? You could make a thread about this or the new South Park game and get a bump limit thread every time.

Im excited for this simply because montana sounds like a really sweet setting and ive enjoyed every entry in this franchise since 2

It's pretty obvious it's tumblr getting baited.

>he didn't enjoy Instincts or Predator

>muh religion of peace

literal muslim at this point, lad. you can cherrypick the moral side of any religion and ignore the savage parts to make anything seem better than it is.

i'm neither atheist nor agnostic, but you're ignoring the parts of christianity that completely justify a history of savage borderline sandnigger behavior. abrahamic religion through the kike OT have a founding in genocide, slavery, rape and torture thats painted as completely justified.

if the people who slammed the bible together actually cared about its moral worth then the new testament gospels would have been kept a separate entity.

besides, why are people so quickly to ignore a history of games starring faceless ruskies, chinks and dirty arabs as enemies? far cry as a series itself does this plenty.

this is now my headcannon, thanks user