A Hat in Time

This game is coming out soon.
Do you think the game looks good?


Looks unremarkable.

Looks cute. Although Hat Kid's face is a little disconcerting, cause the eyes and mouth look separated from the head.

I really hope they learned the lesson that the Yooka-Failie devs didn't and left Jon-Tron in the game

The precious small child looks fine, maybe we will get some fanart when the game comes.

I don't like the art direction but the gameplay seems fine.

wtf how many kickstarter games are Jon in?

>Le Yooka is bad!
>Cause they took out someone whose political views they didn't like!
Autism. But to answer your question, no. Jon is still in this one as a random Penguin IIRC.

Nice """graphics"""

why does she hate anime?

literally why are you such a faggot about shilling this? I mean at least be transparent about it instead of being obvious but not admitting it

it has that "Made in Unity" tackiness to it

>four to five years and eleven artists later

like the assets look nice enough but the colors are fucked in many places

It looks better than YL in terms of level design though I don't think it's really worth the wait. It also is at least honest that it won't come out on Switch.

It's Unreal I think but I agree

It's a RETRO COLLECTATHON PLATFORMER with a CUTE GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FUCK I hate the way they have been posting about it lately. It's so obnoxious. I'm looking forward to the game though.

So, is there more than 1 enemy type in this "game"?

Yeah it looks good. Better than Yooka-Laylee probably

so is there porn now?

it looks fun and i will probably get it, but i hate that the eyes are fullbright. such a stupid design choice.

A lot of the levels are a complete mess visually.

The detective and spooky levels are both consistent in color palette which makes me really think this game does have potential, but the devs seem more inclined on ''MORE STUFF'' than cohesion and maintaining a critical eye on inclusions.