The best news of TGS was a random poster on a wall

>the best news of TGS was a random poster on a wall

Other urls found in this thread:

>published by Success
>they still haven't announced the second step of their Cotton collaboration series for its 40th anniversary
Cotton in Umihara Kawase pls

That would be like a /vr/ wet dream

Fuck yeah.

Been a fan since discovering the SNES version. Still great rage fuel, my baby nephew and his friend also loved the hell out of it despite being able to do little more than make the first jump on the first level sometimes.

It's really something special. Here's to hoping the new one is just as good.

I really hope they go for 2D instead of 3D again too.

Oh shit. I might actually get the switch just for this game alone.

I thought the company went bankrupt?

Any hints on the new DMC?

Just put Panorama Cotton on SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics on PC. They could do nothing but that and it'd still be the greatest thing ever.

Nah, that was the publisher Agatsuma games. Saizensen has managed to not go bankrupt for a long time now somehow.

These games always looked too hard to control.

I'm sold as long as this one doesn't record how many times you failed a stage. What the fuck were they thinking?

Nicalis is publishing this. Considering how well packaged the Switch versions of their previous ventures were I will fully support another physical Umihara game.

It's just the d-pad and two buttons though, user. It's very precise.

>I'm sold as long as this one doesn't record how many times you failed a stage. What the fuck were they thinking?
Heh. Is that a bad thing? I always thought of it as good encouragement.

>Heh. Is that a bad thing?
Terrible thing. It's demoralizing to player to be told you're shit at a game and given a permanent record of it. A game over should be enough motivation. Recording the amount of game overs you get is a kick to the dick.

Not really. The mechanics are pretty consistent, it's just a matter of getting a feel for them.
Also, a lot of the stuff is still doable without nearly as much fancy swinging around as you tend to see in videos.
A couple of particularly rage-inducing levels are exception to this.
At the start you can have a decent amount of fun just swinging around sandbox-style and see what kinds of tricks you can pull.

You need to be told you suck on a daily basis until you don't suck anymore.

You suck.

pussy fag

>No ending to the game even though they beat it in under 30 minutes
Was there an actual ending, or was it the biggest bullshit deal in GCCX history outside of Kiba ruining Catch a Copy?

Looks like this one's going to be published by Success Corporation (maybe that's just the Japanese publisher?), but from my experience they know how to package a game real nice too.

>He sees it as something other than a testament to how much practice he put in

This isn't a fucking cuphead tutorial. You're expected to fail a lot before you git gud.

You must be a Republican to have that sort of logical mind set. The fact you fail and don't complete stage is proof enough you are not good enough at the game. The fact you want to record how many times you fail is sadism.

You are an idiot shut up

>INB4 it's just a port of Yumi's Odd Odeesy.
Hello monkey paw

AAAAAAAAAAAAND the thread's ruined forever.


The ending they saw is the actual ending. There is no special ending for reaching different routes or beating the game in a specific way, because there's no right or wrong way to play the game.

And that's what makes it so great.

I do really like the anime movie you get at the end of Shun, though.

Love the series, but goddamn the levels get very unsettling.

>Get completely and utterly blown the fuck out
>can't refute any of the points made
>resorts to insults and shutting down the conversation

That sadism comes with the ideology, I'm called a spade a spade and nothing more. Your attempt to derail the thread has failed. Enjoy his impeachment

But...that's no way to end a game.

Did they ever not call it a draw then, or is the blame on Inoko Max for not properly scouting it?

Not the guy who you're talking to, but the number is number of times you've died on the stage ever, not number of times until you've beaten it. So naturally, people who keep practicing for time after beating it will have a much higher number of deaths than someone who struggled to beat it to begin with.

I honestly do not see how you can be so upset by it being there. It's a way to share pain of how hard something was by giving you an actual number you can post on twitter, or chat with friends about. I think maybe you're looking at it the wrong way.

No need to get offended by everything.

The entire game is an acid fest, what were you really expecting.

I think they did more research after the end of the episode and found out that there was no 'true' ending. I just feel sorry that Chief had to go through all that even after finishing the game, and didn't even get the satisfaction of calling it a victory.

Unsettling? What do you mean?

I've never played any of these games, are the Steam releases a good place to start or is emulation a better choice?

It's the same flawed logic of people who spoil the plot or watch horror movie no matter how formulaic they are claiming it's the 'journey' not the outcome. When I finally beat a level, I want to look back at the fact that I was able to complete it, not be told how many times I failed. You can push forward with convoluted logic attempting to justify it, but for most people, they want to look back at a gold star, and not how many times they got an F before passing.

steam releases are great, gedosato works on the last game, and you got replays in every version through the workshop, allowing you to discover some nice tips and shortcuts.
Definitely worth it.

You might want to get only one game at first though, since they're not on sale right now. Otherwise, wait for the next sales and get the trilogy package.

Steam releases are great, and you support the company, too. I'd say go for it.

Well, I'll keep that in mind. I think you and I may have very incompatible ways of thinking, but I'm glad you like my favorite series too.

Which is your favorite in the trilogy?

I think the only one with an actual ending is Shun, and even then the ending is shown sideways on a TV that Umihara (see: not you) is looking at.

reminder to follow them for news on it, blade strangers, and see some cool concept art

I think the problem was that all Arino needed to do was survive for 30 minutes and then get teleported to the final stage and it would be considered 'clear', which would REALLY leave them strapped for footage even if he got multiple game overs. Also we wouldn't have been able to see Inoko MAX's bitter sweet entrance since Arnio would have 'cleared' the game before he was brought in.

Also it's not the first time the staff said that getting a bad ending doesn't count and he has to replay. I believe he got the draw because the goal was to clear the assigned stages in under 30 minutes, which Arino failed to do, but since there was no 'true' ending, they ended it like they did since giving him a loss would be an ultra dick move. Like when Arino beats the single player, but in order to 'clear' the game, he needs to beat the staff.


>two umihara threads completely by accident
I feel proud of this

You were right about a thread being ruined forever. But just like everything else in your life, you choose the wrong one.



good shit mate

Titty monster.



Hope its something new and not just ports