Someone fix Sup Forums please

Someone fix Sup Forums please

there´s no way to go up the rabbithole
all that is left is embrace shitposting as an artform like Sup Forums

What if we made smart wojak posts?

B.z.......bido gam!

>m-muh.... Veeeee.....

>wojaks and interracial shitposting
>people somehow think Sup Forums is better now than it was in 2011-2014

Won’t happen until all the frogposters get exterminated in the Autism Purge Of 2020.

"to intellegent"-posting is what started this, we can't go back

baneposting is funny and sometimes ever creative. This is just shit.

It's going to get much worse before it gets better. Expect these to have platform related t-shirts soon.

I'm working on this as we speak

>talk shit about mods for pruning your favorite circlejerk threads
>beg for them to remove maymays you don't like

Really makezu think

People hate this meme.
Hate and tears make memes grow, plainly out of spite; just to trigger people who complain about them. Best you can do to "kill" a meme is ignore it, but autists are notorious about not being able to ignore and let go of things they don't like, so this shit is here to stay. You have no one to blame but yourself for getting triggered ;)

I've been saying it for ages, just make Wojack\Pepe edits bannable.

>fixing Sup Forums

at least the first topic can on occasion pertain to VIDEO GAMES

darg souls treds 'r best

So how long until these are all over reddit, tumblr, twitter, and facebook?

>getting triggered so hard by a picture you want it censored
hi leddit

you're way too late, like way way too late.

>caring about Sup Forums

I stopped giving a fuck years ago and I suggest you do the same. Sup Forums only cares about shitposting and memes because it's filled with the next generation of kids who are even worse than my fucking useless millenial generation.

Nigga I was making OC for Sup Forums before you were even cumming into socks and saving it in bottles of mountain dew.

>getting so triggered by pictures you take it personally
hi tumblr

>Zzzzoomwunn, plplbbbplbeazzz!!! feeezz beeEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Original content fucking sucks now, as someone who had a ton of fun making it in the past with others, why shouldnt I be taking it personally when all people do now is go to reddit and just rip stupid wojack edits and repost them here?
Christ I see fresher content on imgur these days.

Then leave if you don't like it here. Don't try and change it to suit your personal taste like a woman.

>being this triggered

What's the matter, brainlet? Did we hit a nerve?

>Don't try and change it to suit your personal taste like a woman.
I literally made some of the shit you mongrels repost lol, I have a better chance at changing something than you ever will.

How many mods do we even have?


It's what this board deserves.

I find it hilarious how Wojak and Pepe keeps evolving

>b... bd.... bdo g....

Or devolving in this case.

