What games do you play when you're feeling really horny, Sup Forums?

What games do you play when you're feeling really horny, Sup Forums?

Commit the suicide that we both know you're contemplating

hide the salami.



my dick
it's a really fun time, you should try it

I play "hide the bologna" with my girlfriend

Are you some kind of a retard? You fap when you are horny.

Shitty patreon games. I have a ton in the backlog and mostly incest/shota crap.

TF2 because all the furfaggotry turns me off.
I'm not going to spend my entire day jerking off or shoving things in my butt. I'm just not.

>tfw still have no idea how to properly mod it

Stardew Fatty

rack 2

there is no better answer
go ahead
play it for yourself and tell me I'm wrong

Any game with a hot demon girl in it.

I don't. I just watch porn.
If I try playing a game while I'm feeling horny, I'll just end up doing bad in the game and lose focus because all I'm be thinking about is my overwhelming lust.

>you should try it
your dick?

here come the erp thread


Excellent taste. We would have also accepted Fat Princess

I'm not setting up my PS3 just to fap when my computer is right there.
Totally spent hours afk in that game during high school though

Just play it on a PSP emulator, that's my go to.