I'm replaying this game after beating Bloodborne for the first time and wtf...

I'm replaying this game after beating Bloodborne for the first time and wtf, why are the controls so unresponsive and floaty?

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because you're bad at video games

the controls in all souls games are garbage. souls fags like to meme up and say superior games like the witcher have bad controls because they're jealous but that is just not true

The controls are fine except for DS2 which just made it slow because the game isn't that difficult on its own

I mastered that game
Got a platinum trophie

And the controls are perfect
You just need so skill

I was playing demon souls on the ps3
The controls are 100 unresponsive
Sometimes random shit happens
The accuracy rate is shit

2 is faster than 1 so I don't see what you're talking about. Dsfix doesn't represent the actual game.

Because Dark Souls II is a fucking mess.

DSfix doesn't affect the speed of the game. Dark Souls 1 is a bit faster, and much more precise and responsive.

Post the reasons that make you believe this game sucks dick.

Dead zone
Shit armor design
Big boi bosses
Dump stats
Welcome To Dark Souls trophy
Ugly graphics
Your weapon is at risk
Falconer walk cycle

Because not every game plays the same, retard?

This game was just one giant Facebook meme of "lul dark souls iz hard xD"

not perfect but it helps
what a fucking mess this game was

It's fine on ps3. Is it just pcbros that have this problem?

>2 is faster than 1

The controls in DaS2 are dogshit. It comes down to several factors

1) There seems to be an input delay on certain actions, such as raising your shield.
2) wonky movement controls. Walking movement "snaps" to angles and odd things will happen with the lock on, such as trying to do a rolling attack and the attack comes out in the opposite direction of your lock-on and things like that.
3) poor animations that don't seem to accurate reflect what you should be doing. The rolling, running, attack animations, etc all feel like they came out of a 5th generation early 3D game or something.
4) poor "gamefeel". What I mean by this is stuff like the lack of audio/visual feedback. Part of what makes everything feel so "mushy" is that you don't hear satisfying clashing/hacking noises when your hits connect with enemies or vice versa. You just hear a dull thud, like a wet fart. And same with the visual design, in the sense that enemies and you don't seem to react when doing animations or being hit by anything.

I haven't play BB, but DaS3 (for all its other flaws) feels incredibly satisfying to attack people in, because of the excellent sound/animation design when you're wailing on enemies or when you get attacked. You "feel" it better, whereas in DaS2 you can barely even tell you were hit except from looking at your health bar go down.

5) adaptability. Good fucking lord, what a shit idea adaptability/agility were. Yeah, let's have a stat to increase i-frames in dark souls game. Let's also make it so that literally nothing about any of your animations changes whatsoever, so that the i-frame timings aren't solidly connected to the roll animations at all, thus guaranteeing that players will never really know for certain what their true window is.

Now, it's still possible to play and enjoy DaS2, but the "feel" of playing it will never feel as satisfying as the others. Going back to the others is like finally being free from tranquil walk of peace

I never understood why there was a level used for being invincible when an enemy's weapon hits you like wtf?

Several things
There's a lower turnspeed.
Your character has to actually accelerate to walk/run, takes a second to start up
If you attack in sequence you usually can't turn during it, ie if you roll attack you will only roll attack in the exact direction you were rolling

>Falconer walk cycle

Top fucking kek, IIRC this wasn't in the vanilla game and I was literally laughing out loud when I first met these faggots in SOTFS

Also, wew lad those graphics. Areas like Shady Woods (both the fog forest and the part with the ruins and the lion guys) straight-up reminds me of a goddamn N64 game. I'm pretty sure they ripped these level straight out of Turok 2. And even the "better" designed areas are basically just series of empty rectangle box rooms stuck together. It's amazing how you can look at Demons Souls and Dark Souls which came out years earlier and see what a striking downgrade there was in the detail in the level design. And sure, the lighting engine got botched, but even with that, it's still terrible.

Also, I'm still mad that SOTFS didn't reimplement the originally-intended lighting.

SOFTS did jack shit to fix the game apart from add some random stuff in there

You'd think that if the problem with the game was that it was rushed and botched, a re-release would fix these sorts of issues. Especially when it's not even a patch, but a separate game all to itself where you can't even import your save files.

But no. Only thing it really fixed was that it took out *some* of the enemies in the more bullshit gauntlets like Iron Keep and the room before Velstadt, and that's it. Other areas were actually made even worse with more ganks.

>fixed durability

And it got a PS4 port that didn't change anything. It's a real shame. DaS 2 has the foundation for a great game still in development.

The best part of DS2 were the world designs, the atmosphere in a lot of the levels were Painted World tier atmosphere but the gameplay ruins it

What a fucking joke. A bug that was discovered basically day 1 of PC release doesn't get fixed until they get around to doing 60fps on the next-gen console port.

Did we play the same game? In terms of design/aesthetic/atmosphere, DaS2 is hands-down the worst.

Every encounter is instant ganking/zerg rush, no deliberation or circling or survival tactics on the part of the enemies.
Too many bosses with OHKO magic or elemental attacks that make armor and shields nearly useless, only rolling allowed.
Drinking estus makes the bosses/enemies rush you without fail.
Cyclops hitboxes.

Places like the Lost Bastille, Sinner's Rise, No Man's Wharf and Majula were great in terms of immersion

Sinner's Rise was a blast to co-op back at release. Tears in rain.

Majula is shit. It's just a patch of grass with a couple houses. It's so fucking uninteresting compared to Firelink.

Bastille/Sinner (same place, let's be honest) were definitely the best by DaS2's standards. I wouldn't call it anything special, but it was definitely the case during my first playthrough where I thought that Bastille was going to be the typical level of quality, or that it would get better later on. Didn't think it'd be the best the game has to offer, sadly.

Nope, deadzones were also there when I played the PS3 leak.

Nothing will ever compare DaS1 back during release. So many newbies trying to get through the game with their drake swords and getting slapped by invaders. I used to love camping in Sen's Funhouse and acting as a complete roadblock to players on the catwalks, just before the reach the roof and the bonfire.

>get to that part at the end with the dead dragon or whatever
>pre downgrade lighting

Why can't the PC version just have it for the whole game? Is it not just a setting?

I pirated the PS3 leak before playing on PC as well, and can confirm it was the same here. The only extra problem the PC version had was the item degradation at 60fps.

They were both good times, man.


Oh yeah, the "good old days" of twinks thinking they are hardcore for griefing newbs.

I only ever used area-appropriate gear. There's a difference between being a dickwraith and using the environment to fuck with people, vs just invading parish with your chaos zwei and OHKOing everyone.

It is faster in the LITERAL sense

>faster attack animations
>faster backstep and roll animation
>faster jogging and sprinting
>faster framerate

>mfw DaS2's stamina depletion animation that goes on for like 10 seconds

they really were the best

>GFWL for easy hate mail receiving
>people too scared to alt+f4 or reset console because corrupt save file meme
>literally have people drop items for me to leave them alone like firekeeper souls etc

I was playing the other night and was still catching out plenty of people with chameleon though at least.

>be top of blighttown chameleon as vase
>invadee runs past
>explode out of vase and force spam 10 times until they go off the edge

literally why i play games online

>I only ever used area-appropriate gear.

Is that image you? That's Smough's armor. That's not area-appropriate to Sen's Fortress. You're a twink.

It took me more time to adjust to DS2 coming from BB and DS3 than it took to adjust to DeS.
DS2 has its problems but once you get your bearings and your adaptability in order its a smoother ride.

I would love to troll in Sen's with chameleon and force. Good stuff. And the GFWL hatemail was top-notch, and I don't know if there's an easy way to receive hatemail on steam now.

this is why I can't stand the pvp in the later games. From fell for the "muh dueling metagame" bullshit and thought that this is what most people wanted from multiplayer. Now, I have no problem with dueling, and I'd do that too, but I loved just going around and griefing. Shame invasions are so goddamn gimped in DaS3.

Do you still get regular invasions in DaS1? I booted it up a couple weeks back and couldn't get many invasions.

>>faster attack animations
Not really, no. 2 added a lot of startup and recovery frames.

Now you're just being autistic. I wore the onion helm and smough armor because the point was to be a fat fuck blocking the catwalks and looking goofy.

WEW what a fucking shame youtube took this down. One of the best multiplayer compilation videos ever, not just Souls.

No it did not. I play both games all the time and Dark Souls 2 clearly has faster attack animations.

Saying it has fast animations while those animations are punctuated by slow as fuck delays and cooldown windows is a little disingenuous, to say the least.

I'll tell you what, if you have nothing above +10 then fine. Otherwise you're a twink.

They literally startup and end faster on the majority of weapons, it's even more noticeable just how blisteringly quick greatswords are in 2 compared to 1. Sorry but I'm not seeing how its slower at all. Longsword is faster too.

>I'll tell you what, if you're not twinking, then you're not a twink
Wow, such profound words, you fucking moron.

Why you gotta be a dick

gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8

That's right, that's what I posted. I take it you do have shit above +10 then.

Lol he hit a nerve huh