Is Overwatch worth buying if you don't have any friends to play it with?

Is Overwatch worth buying if you don't have any friends to play it with?

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aren't they doing a free weekend? you could just go see for yourself


I would not recommend it

i have friends who play the game but i hardly play with them but i still have fun with the game.

I dont do competitive mode though. too much cancer.
i just play to have fun

If you enjoy TF2 yes. It's worth $20-$30 max even with content updates it is still lacking content.

it's not worth buying anyway


It's not fun even with friends

The nerfs/reworks have utterly ruined it. In it's current state it's not worth buying.

no not in any sense of the word
if you do comp and get bad placements you better learn how to play tanks and support because you are gonna get 1 hanzo main + 2 pro genjis fighting over their weeaboo cybergod, + 1 either or mercy maining slut waifufaggot

Since you can't really make a difference alone, you'll feel powerless and frustrated as your team run and die alone, far from the objective.
A free week-end is near, be patient and see for yourself.

It's fun if you like to play ranked and just ladder. I hardly play with my friends cause they suck and I don't really use voice chat. So it just feels like Moba laddering to me with shorter game lengths

It's fun but you will get bored of it eventually but you'll keep playing to get the skins, it doesn't have the depth of TF2

You are talking so much shit, I can't believe anyone could be so hyperbolic

Lucio is the best Support in the game.

Not up for debate.

Not at all, no.

As annoying as it is to have a bad team, I feel like its even more frustrating when you are playing with friends and they are the people sucking. Playing solo, 50% of the time your team will be better, 50% the other team will be. You just have to be patient and play your best game cause one person can make a huge difference in a game

>a mobashooter

>need support to win
>play support because no one else will
>half the cast are obscenely mobile pieces of shit that can just dart in, assassinate you, and dart out

he isn't ana is right now
he is by far the most fun though

Been playing alone since open beta almost 100% of the time and been enjoying every moment.

Just remember playing alone with randos you are a lot less in control. Prepare for some frustrating teammates.

Yeah it's pretty fun.
The playstyles are really diverse so id you're tired of clicking on people you can switch to a more strategic rather than mechanically intensive character.
i.e. Reinhardt, torbjorn

People don't like to admit it, but playing shit like hanzo and mei is extremely fun as well as viable.
I played like 20 ranked games this season so far and got to 3300 with only torb. I could probably get to masters, but I really don't have the motivation.

Also, don't feel obligated to play ranked. Jeff himself has confirmed that a vast majority of the playerbase sticks to quick play. And I support that, because quick play really is more diverse in terms of hero picks.

Absolutely not.

Playing Lucio was annoying as fuck since at least in QP because no one would group up with you, and then they would complain about not getting heals

I'd rather shit a cactus than play Overwatch again.

EVEN with friends...yes it is that bad.

Is any game? It explains why im here and not playing games.
This is a cry for help.

Lucio is about finding players on your team that you know are getting hurt and getting next to them and disengaging while healing. You can't expect retards to group with you

If you play alone ususally cuatom games is where you'll have the most fun

It's a shit game, friends can't save it.

torb is one of the most braindead easy characters though
if blizzard wanted to he could not be, his gun is actually really good if not hard to aim with so it's good for helping others rape tanks, but your turret takes 2 seconds to build, 4 to upgrade, and the moment you step away from it someone will sneeze on it and it explodes, so most torbs just smash their hammer into it for 99% of the match
I want to like him but I can't, he's balanced but I think he needs a rework anyways

I bought it for the sale a few months ago, played for a while but it became hard to go back to it. I simply didn't wanted to play it anymore, it had nothing to offer.
I was having no fun

>$40 "game"
>microtransaction business model of a korean mmo
>instead of adding new content the developers keep shitting out more microtransaction skins
>a moba
>blizzard "balance"
>5 maps
>all of which are shit
>activating moba-abilities heavily outweighs actual skill
>press q to win
>has the depth and complexity of mario party yet shoehorned 'muh esports' to the point of actively punishing players who didn't fall for the 'muh esports' meme
>the most cancerous playerbase imaginable
>awful character designs
>80% of the character roster consists of brown "people"
>characters spout cringy reddit-tier maymays every 2 seconds
this game encompasses pretty much everything that is wrong with modern vidya.

anything is fun with friends, that's what they are for

if you want to win you won't play with them anyway

I highly disagree.

>Most mobile hero in the game
>Insta kill potential
>heals entire team instead of being stuck to the hip of one player
>Isnt a sitting duck and can defend himself or escape against Reaper Winston Symmetra.
>Can out DPS most attack heroes
>ultimate that counters basically every other ultimate in the game

I see no comparison

Hell no
It's a questionable purchase even with friends.

I don't really care about Overwatch. But is it really considered microtransaction if you can get everything for free anyway?

>even considering playing a multiplayer game without friends

Especially when the game is popular like overwatch. It's filled with absolute retards who are going to ruin any fun you could have most of the time

Cool it buckaroo

This dumb fuck has never played a game of Overwatch

Opinion discarded

Amazing user,only if we can kill Overwatch and the PUBG menace can we restore some semblance of decency in modern video games.

How do I make vidya friends if I don't play multiplayer games

no friends here.
The answer is no. It was pretty fun last year when I went to over to friends to play everyday, but since I moved and no longer have anyone to play with I slowly dropped from platinum to silver and now I can't even generate enough interest to play for more than like 2 games.

This shit is worse than Dota 2.

How did Overwatch manage to get a player base worse than the worse player base in video games?

>But is it really considered microtransaction if you can get everything for free anyway?
Yes. You can get everything in MapleStory by just playing, too, but you'd have to be completely pants on head retarded to call that game fair.

>a smart animeposter
now I've seen everything

Legitimately no and this is coming from someone who plays it

If you solo queue in quickplay, chances are you will get the most fucking terrible team composition where cunts instalock the snipers and one cunt will try and act pro with Genji whilst the enemy team actually has a proper team comp. It's pretty much luck of the draw when it comes to winning in solo queue since the game is very dependent on team comp.

just buy siege it actually takes skill and is fun

It's because Overwatch is all waifus and anime characters

Not at full price.

If you can get it for $20 then I'd say go for it.

I'm assuming this is bait because literally every single one of your points is wrong.

Yes,but only for arcades.
Quick play is utter cancer while you can constantly have fun in arcade modes,ESPECIALLY TOTAL MAYHEM.
Can't have enough of accelerating

Thanks, user. I'm downloading Overwatch now, let's see if it's worth 50 bucks.

its fun
i play to obtain lootboxes from the arcade section and recently started playing in ranked mode because i just learned u can use the points to get gold guns

Solo queuer here.

Unless you like griefing people in competitive mode by underperforming and breaking their meta, it's not worth it.

dont listen to this hater
its fun goin for lootboxes

what good is a fancy skin if you have nobody to show off to?

all that matters is that u got it n u made urself happy

>try overwatch for the first time to see if my toaster can run it
>it looks like this

I'm surprised, it's good enough though


the game puts you in with 5 random people, so for about 10 minutes THEY are your friends!

Seems fun on the surface when you first start to play, but leaves you with an empty feeling after playing. Wouldn't recommend.

It makes me feel good to know that some people run this game at worse quality settings than I do.

I'm not exactly sure why you replied to me.. and I still don't know what the objective of your post was either.

But since you're talking about torb strats I guess i'll share some of my insights.

With torb you want your turret to surprise the enemy and engage right as they begin to breach the choke. That way the enemy has to decide between shifting aggro away from the heroes or taking some damage from the turret.

Also if you're swinging the hammer at the turret 90% of the game you're not playing him right. The turret is supplemental damage, it's not your ace in the hole. (Assuming molten core isnt ready, which is 80% of the game)

The armor packs are huge. Don't put them on your tanks though. It's just a waste. (Maybe give to orisa depending on circumstance. I.e. Tracer or genji trying to fuck her horsepussy)
So always armor the healers first, then focus on yourself, then toss one to the other dps.

Don't just memorize good turrets spots. Id you play a lot you'll learn what makes a good position for the turret. Typically you want it to only fire at one path while making sure enemies can only engage it from one direction.

If the enemies push past choke, set up the turret to defend the point. Hit molten core once the enemy starts to contest with multiple people. Most of the time if you position properly you can counter a hard engage extremely effectively (pretty much the only way to win at higher ranks)

If anyone wants some torb advice i'd be happy to help.

be sure to tell us how shit it is

holy reddit spacing batman

Anyone else unable to install the free trial? Just keep getting an error.

I started playing about a week ago, but I haven't played it with any friends yet. It's pretty fun, but it's hard to get good teams in Quick Play that at least give a good balanced match. Too many people are completely terrible at the game and the small teams don't help either.

I upgraded my 10 year old computer just enough to barely run it like this. At first I was really bothered because I can't get a little more out of it, but when I'm playing I don't even notice.

Oh also. One other thing I don't see other players do often.
If you're building a turret and someone keeps sprinkling it with a little damage so you can't upgrade, you should armor yourself and be a human shield so you can get a tier 2 turret. Typically you only take like 50 damage which is negated by armor anyway.

People underestimate how much a torb with 100+ scrap can tank. You can effectively have 200hp+225 armor.
So if you're doing well collecting scrap you can pretend you're a tank.
225 armor
300turret hp

Torb is pretty hard to deal with when played correctly.

Calm the fuck down. I've been here longer than you faggot.
I understand you don't fit in at school so this is what you do to compensate. It's ok just grow up soon please. Thanks

kill yourself mobawatch playing redditard

Is Life worth buying if you don't have any friends to play it with?

Hahahah why are you in this thread kid?

I would rather have 300 redditors on this site than you. You've posted twice and have contributed nothing other than clutter. Just close the browser and do anything else with your time

anything that isn't free isn't worth it

Nah, not really. Coming from tf2, game feels so fucking restricting at every possible thing. Characters are boring, matches are repeatitive, mechanics are limiting and it's overpriced.

>people who complain about their team mates

Instant giveaway it's a shitter. If you can't move up in a game solo queuing it's because you are bad at the game, period.

>in a frat
>random pledge shows up wearing an overwatch shirt
>he's asian so its not immediate autism alarm
>ask him what his rank is
>says gold because his teammates suck
>i hate kids like this
>vote against him joining at the last vote
>doesnt get in
C'mon step it up

akschully, depending on the matchmaking system, that's how you identify the players who know what's up

ROFL, embarrass enough youre wasting the parents money on that indoctrication, but way to brag

Game is fun with friends.

Without friends its cancer. Expect to be upset your teammates have picked heroes that will cost you the game, and are running into death by themselves in a game where teamwork is SUPER fucking important.

Absolutely not, the game gets boring really fast and the community is god awful, I didn't think it was possible to top LoL and doto in levels of shittiness.

>enemy team has zayra, roadhog, lucio, soldier, anna, pharah
>my team has reaper, sombra, widowmaker, hanzo, genji
>its a close quarters control point map

What indoctrination?
Greek life on my campus is very small. I don't go to a big10 school or anything. So what I'm a part of is likely worlds apart from what you're thinking of.

Spot on.