3D Platformers are de-

>3D Platformers are de-

Any game that gets its sales by including women is degenerate.

What is the game fourth from the left? Also what is the rightmost one?

I have no idea which game in the OP you're talking about but you're a shit anyway for trying to push this political

:) sorry I just like to shitpost

Cloudbuilt and Hob

Sorry Super Cloudbuilt

>faggots don't repost thre-

How is it a problem that this gets reposted? I just want to talk about 3D platformers you faggot.

Better than 90% of the other shit on the board


>1 maybe 2 are actually even remotely worth playing


>G-Guys I hate video games! Do I fit in yet
Kill yourself my guy

Mediocre at best.
>Snake Pass
Fun but way too short and simple.
Not even a new game, although great.
>Super Cloudbuilt
>Gravity Rush 2
Fun movement but the terrible combat ruins it.
>Mario Odyssey
Will probably be amazing.
>Hat in Time
Will hopefully be good.
>Yo! Noid 2
A remaster of an average platformer that does nothing particularly well.
>Super Lucky's Tale
Looks bare bones as fuck. Each gameplay video makes me want to fall asleep.
Not a platformer.

They're not dead, but would be in bad shape without Mario.

>gravity shit

>Gravity Rush

Hyped for banjo threeie.

Wait, Ty is back? When did this happen?

look at this insurmountable amount of rehash and literally who games

Wait there's a new Ty game announced?

It's a remaster of 2 on PC. Ty 1's remaster is legitimately the highest rated game on Steam right now. They're really good remasters and if they have enough cash when they're done with them they're gonna make a new 3D Ty game

Sorry to get your hopes up

why do we need another Ty game though

What about mania and forces?

It's pretty amazing how Mario has always been relevant in the 3D platformer landscape. Even Sunshine and 3D Land are better than 90% of paltformers out there.

Mania isn't 3D

Sonic Forces, like most 3D sonic games, will probably be 90% 2D anyways.

3d platformers are dern right bad games dagnabbit.

>Gravity Rush


>He enjoyed Yooka Laylee