Why is this allowed again?

Why is this allowed again?

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The latest trailer removed any excitement I had for this game

>developers are Swedish

Gee what a surprise

if you MUST, remember to SAGE!

>Americucks get mad when their country has it's shittiness put on display

>killing Nazis is bad

The same reason why the KKK is allowed to march their trailer park ass through the city protesting.

Honest question: did non of you pay attention at school?

Can u play as the nazis in those games?

You disguise yourself as one when you're on the moon and you interact with a few of them

dude F*CK drumpf and F*CK nazis!

The people up top push down political beliefs that they don't agree with, even if they are the correct ones.

>nuchan gets triggered if you talk about killing Nazis
Darkest timeline desu

Yeah it is shitty that diversity quotas and jews have put women and colored people into making games. Who in turn start flooding games with social bullshit when we just want wolfenstein.

Why is what allowed cuck

>original game featured killing nazis

Imagine hearing someone say this in real life lmao


Yeah man that is exactly what I was saying. Really insightful.

In the Old Blood, you disguise yourself in a German tavern and hear the Nazi soldiers crying over their families and girlfriends because they miss them so much. It's a pretty big emotional gut punch since you spent the first half of the game killing so many of them.

bye reddit

Because people are allowed to make things that (You) might not like

Because killing Nazis is fun?

The Beyond Good and Evil chick is the only one that looks appealing. The Wolfenstein one gets a pass since she's explicitly based on a film actress who was popular in the time period of the game.


> for decades killing Nazis and cops was considered harmless and fun
> we're supposed to feel guilty about it now


viral marketing thread

Fuck nazi faggots, kill them all

Maybe they shouldn't've been complicit in genocide

>Believing the holohoax
The only real genocide was of the German people and culture.

Wake up my friend, its not too late.

>being this edgy

Same. Meanwhile the trailer for CoD got me interested.

>Killing Nazis isn't core Wolfenstien
>Complaining about the plot-based excuses the game gives you to kill Nazis
I bet you complained about the plot based explanations all the Doom games gave you to kill Demons

Only because the people who endlessly rebel against them are really insufferable, in fact cops and Nazis aren't even a threat to people's livelihoods nowadays because there are few Neo-Nazis and the cops are nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be

>jews and amerisharts never lied about anything just to be able to invade a country

Nazi America wow so edgy. Good goy, fight white supremacy. Donald Trump lol!

Quality of games is directly proportional to how many women are working at the company. We will continue to get Mass Effect andromeda if you do not recognize the problem.


Why is this allowed again?

Why does he look so unintersted? Like
>U-uh? I-i guess i'll be killing some nazis or something....

Not just complicit.

German Wehrmacht executed civilians all over Europe, this has all been researched and documented for decades now.

Observe how nobody in Germany talked about what they did in WW2. Not a source of pride or good memories.

>Pretending that the Jews were the only victims of Genocide by the Nazis
Somehow that bothers me more than denying it happened at all.

> there are people reading this post right now who don't believe that cover art is a masterpiece

>pretending that there was a "genocide" at all

I don't know how people here can proclaim to be such intellectuals and then go with a theory as friend and unplausible as Holocaust denial. From a historical perspective it's mind boggling that you could ignore so much to twist history to your narrative

The only thing I can say was a completely, unironically say was a respectable thing to do was how German Army commanders went against orders at the end of the war to save lives in Berlin.

>Not believing the SS's own records
So tell me, were the Nazis genocidal, or incompetent?

>not even working with an american resistance
>literally working with communists

i will never tire of the irony that is artists honestly believing they would still be artists in a communist country

Why is this allowed again?

Fringe* not friend

China and North Korea aren't communist countries, user

Fuck off Sup Forums.

How did Wolfenstein go from this?

They were both


Yes and Bush invaded Afghanistan because an iraqi terrorist blew up the WTC. D-don't question it goy, just listen and believe.

No one complained about the communists during WW2, user, only afterwards.
Seeing as in Wolfenstein, the communist nations were essentially scrubbed out, you are complaining that people exist.

i love when Sup Forumstards pretend they play video games

I meant in the context of their claiming to have killed 10 million "undesirables" versus some people's claim that they didn't. Either they were stupid enough to claim to do something they didn't, or they were death-worshiping garbage.

So is that genocide, or stupidity? Because right now I'm not sure which you're trying to communicate.

Well Iraq DID have WMDs, seeing as the Americans sold them the stuff, so that excuse stands, if poorly.

How do you have such poor reading comprehension? In what way was I complaining about the fact that Wolfenstein involved killing Nazi's?

I really like being a Polish man killing Nazis. But I also hate Marxism and niggers and the like.

Oh well, I'll probably just end up pirating it or something.

Because Nazis lost the war
You don't get to complain when you start a war and lose

>hurr durr marxism
You don't know what marxism is

Come over here Sup Forums

You can throw memes at me and stutter and any other sort of childish deflection you want but that only cements the fact that you have nothing to say.

You're complaining about the plot the game gives you so that you can kill the Nazis. Why complain about it if it gives you an enjoyable result?

>Well Iraq did have WMDs so let's invade afghanistan that makes sense!

There weren't even any WMDs just to let you know, retard.

Mustard gas (and other chemical weapons) are classified as WMDs.

There is literally a character that the developers themselves have called a Marxist. Quiet down, you commie cunt.


>I believe everything the (((Chosen Ones))) tell me!

Because I don't want to have diversity hire Marxist working at large game companies pushing their social narratives? Is that so hard to understand? I want the game to be good, and it reliably lowers the quality, if recent blunders (Mass effect for one) are any indicator.

And Syria gave up all it's chemical weapons when the UN demanded they do so.

he even looks like a numale

I dont see the problem here
I am honestly expecting him to double cross BJ during the story

and dropped

>While not a priest, Horton wears the signature cloth anyway.

It's fine, Marxism is more of a religion (cult) than an ideology at this point.

So you're complaining about the people who make the game? Or just the characters? Because either is incredibly petty, laughably so.

Why is that an issue?
Yes, there were Marxists in America for decades. It didn't fall out of vogue until the 50s.

ITT: butthurt Sup Forumstards

I don't get it

So, politics aside, have they fixed the god awful shooting mechanics from the last game?

Jesus christ that hairstyle is horrendous.

What am I reading. We're on Sup Forums and we cannot criticize or be angry about people who make video games.

>Polish man liking a Marxist that actively mocks the Catholic faith
Fucking hang yourself.

Because BJ is a Pole. There's only two things Poles hate more than themselves and that's Germans and Russians and Marxists are the worst of both mixed together.

Getting upset because of a person rather than a product is simply moronic.

>every Polish person is the same

>Wow haha guys our game is really controversial among those nazis huh? You should buy it maybe to piss them off lol!
Fuck off with this shit.

Uh huh I guess that justifies destabilizing an entire region and invading countries that had nothing to do with Iraq or WTC.

Because they had some small ass weapon that wasn't even suppposed to be used.


secret badguy confirmed.

Because it's a game.

Killing Nazis =/= political allegory

BJ has been killing Nazis for almost 40 years. Why is it different now? If you're gonna get offended, don't play it. Personally, I don't like the forced diversity in Wolfie 2, but that's a somewhat minor complaint, if the game is fun and story is decent. The Wolfie games have always had nuance, and generally don't portray every single Nazi as some irredeemable monster. Don't take offense where there is none, if you do, you're just as bad as the far left.

Does the person make products that I may consume? Wow that was difficult thinking, I had to use my brain thing.

I always wonder why pointless posting is allowed too OP.

Just like science. ALL THESE NATURAL DISASTERS ARE HAPPENING BECAUSE YOU DIDNT LISTEN TO SCIENCE. No this is not the same thing as gods wrath it's SCIENCE


They pretty much are.

My thoughts exactly.

>Why is this allowed
Because the first game was received well and so was the stand-alone DLC?

What are you getting at here? If you liked Wolfenstein: The New Order then you'll probably like this, it's just more of the same.

Who says they like each other? Nothing has been published that says they are BFFs, only that they are pursuing the same goal.
You mean how the Polish had issues with Russia's aggression that didn't happen in the Wolfenstein timeline?
Why are you applying real world politics that never happened in the game's setting?

You can like a product and hate the person making it. Picasso was an ass-hat, but I like his art. Look, judging things on their own merits is easy! Try not to be so emotionally invested in things that your emotions blind you.

This happens way too often in games: after making many innovative games, the developers find a working formula and never stray away from it afterwards. Far Cry 3 is another great example: it was a fresh and new experience, and all of the Far Crys released since have been reskins of 3.

The new Wolfenstein will be just like the one before, but with shitty Jewish propaganda and societal commentary.

...This honestly. I can't even choose who I want to work with?

I don't think a WW2 vet would approve of racemixing and communists desu, though he might be willing to briefly work with them, there should be some breaking point realistically.

>mfw white culture is apparently such weak garbage they actually have to defend it or it'll disappear

white supremacists are actual cucks

Someone explain this to me, for fucks sake.What do developers pretend to achieve by censoring swastikas? isn't it more offensive to pretend that shit never happened? Who the fuck would even look at that and say "gee that logo looks fun, I will now research and become a nazi"