ITT: oh yeah, that happened

ITT: oh yeah, that happened

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>and downloadable content
they actually had the nerve to put that in




I'm still mad.

Oh yeah, they still exist

>Andromeda is getting no additional content

>buying Andromeda

They don't though. Bioware's last game was DAO or Mass Effect 3 if you want to get technical. EA just keeps the Bioware name because it has/had a good reputation, but DAI and MEA was developed by a COMPLETELY different team.

Never played ME and it makes me mad

>he bought it


>your favorite franchise gets raped and they didnt even make a good game to show for it


>Game of the Year 2014
>Marvel Heroes 2015

I still don't know what was more offensive. The entire existence of the game (before it died) or the fact that they bullshat and fucked with the lore for an excuse to have Razielim fighting too.

Yeah, I was just thinking what was their last game that wasn't a complete disaster? ME2? It came out 7 years ago


I liked it.

It was a literal re4 reskin, i was never so mad in my life


1st part- 9/10
2nd part- 3/10
WHAT Timmy just reused everything for the second part and added nothing new. what the fuck.

His name was Marauder Shields

always looking for this in ME threads

I'll never not be mad.


Glad to share it then.
I'm not the guy but I share the sentiment and always make sure to post it when I see ME3 mentioned. Yes I'm mad.

>release 3 without the other two games
>release the trilogy a few months down the line on all other systems

I will be mad forever

Nihlus Kryik being Marauder Shields was a pretty good twist though

It's more aggravating when this was the game that started the Kickstarter craze.
Definitely an example of the kind of shit that was to come with crowdfunding.

If you're still mad I'm still winning.

This angers me greatly.



>People didn't raise red flags at ME2
>ME3 should have ended EA, let alone the franchise
>The unmitigated disaster of a game andromeda is released
>Everyone buys it anyway

Andromeda was an insult to an already gutted franchise. It sold nearly as well as ME3 with the same production budget (remember production budgets increase across the industry by year and Witcher 3 had twice the production budget) and they spent far less on marketing.

Andromeda wasn't just a cash grab, it was a proof of concept for a new financial model for games. The game development job market is flooded with potential employees and EA used under qualified amateurs so they could pay them less for producing something that would just barely pass as a AAA title. They then cut the marketing budget by about half because the name still carried some weight. Then they sold it for the same price as every other game.

This meant they got a higher RoI than trying to produce a quality game.

And people still fucking bought it.

And people defended it.

This will be marked as the turning point when people read about the western video game crash. Every other developer saw EA cut costs to produce garbage and still make a profit. More will come.


whats funny is that andromeda is much worse than the ending of ME3. now casey hudson looks like a genius compared with the andromeda team, who look like a bunch of indie hacks.

Didn't DAO come out after ME2? Both of those games were fine

>4:19 is the very last scene of this franchise

>Every year there's a semi-major Xbox game that comes and goes

go back to

You can still get good fights on most days, especially with the changes to continent locking

>Sup Forums

I'm not sure you know what that means.


the problem was that the game was broken from the start. It got to a place that was semi-interesting but that was long after it was dead
>Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums

It didn't, according to wiki

DAO came out in 2009 and me2 in 2010. Me3 was 2012.

ME2 came out a few months after DAO and it was just okay.

Have the follow up
I think Mass Effect 3 was the straw that broke my back regarding western vidya
Became real fucking cynical after finishing it

Against my better judgement I pre-ordered it. Since then I have not pre-ordered a game, I haven't even bought a game at release.

I focused on finishing my backlog and replaying classics for a few years and then bought newer games that had proven themselves while paying half or less of its release cost.

As much as I hate EA and ME3, they caused me to change how I experience games and now I have more fun and spend less.

Thanks user, saved for future use.

This was one of the first cases I noticed of game journalists all coming together to circle the wagon to defend a shitty publisher from justified wrath
fucking bonkers

fucking kills me that EA has exclusive star wars vidya rights

Sucks to have autism

>Raw emotion and critical thinking


>critical thinking



Where he breaks down and explains the source of his anger and how it corrupts the other games.

An autistic person would not be able to describe how or why they feel that way.

Or were you just "pretending" to be retarded?

Now they are also banning people for demanding people play viable heroes for a particular comp.

still can't believe they filtered "gg ez"

You know piracy of games and their DLC exists right?


Fuck EA

Why would you even pirate it? It isn't worth playing.

As long as you're still mad I'm still winning.

why bother pirating it even?

Glorified fan fiction turned $60 game. Funny enough the best part about this game was the multiplayer.

>design a game that punishes people for switching heroes
>punish players for not switching heroes
that game is such a trainwreck

We got this instead of a new TimeSplitters.


I had completely wiped all memory of that game from my brain. Why did you have to bring it back?



>Grimdark shooters everywhere
>Take game that tries to separate itself from them
>"No no no! Make it dark like everything else!"
>Nobody even notices when it comes out
>Joins the hundreds of games that fail to capture the COD audience because the COD audience is too busy playing COD

It's the best Bioshock tho.

>Hype game as Oblivion killer
>Somehow even more broken and buggy than Oblivion
>Can also kill the final boss in the first 5 minutes
Yep, that's money I'm never getting back.

I fucking hated when Schafer said "oh nobody makes adventure games anymore since I quit Lucasarts xD"

Then released some turd that was worse than anything Daedelic has ever made, on fifth the budget

God SWTOR forums were a magical place


seems like she vastly improved

cinematic trailers don't count

Where were you the day C&C died?


it was the fact her boobs were covered up

I love this game

>mfw it was Casey's plan all along

>reddit spacing

To be fair this game did get a lot better once the Reaper of Souls expansion came out and they got rid of fucking Jay Wilson, but still


In what aspects did it become better?

the taint


but it's just a costume change that she goes through, she still wears the boob dress later in the game

i'm still fuckin mad

Not so much the DLC itself, but the reason why it exists in the first place.

also Mothership Zeta and Operation Anchorage

it's called big posting
oldfag secret for increased io(you)s

Loot system that didn't cater to the god awful real money auction house, a much better 5th Act, the bounty system adding some actual end game content, more difficulty options. Really though the big one for me was getting rid of the auction house. That thing was just an awful idea that ruined the loot system.