What games are you playing/going to play while you wait for the world to end tomorrow?

What games are you playing/going to play while you wait for the world to end tomorrow?

What's going on this time?

Shitposting on /x/

I can't wait for Planet X to arrive.

People are making predictions that the world is gonna end on the 23rd.

So it's nothing, gotchya.

How many doomsday predictions have had 2017 til now?

I too am ready for fucking nothing.

I miss Dec 21, 2012 Sup Forums. That was a fun night with everyone pretending to freak out, the remastered Majora's Mask music playing on the board, etc.

Good times. Fun times. Better times. I miss them.

depends on how much coverage you want to allow
pretty much every nut on the street corner has been screeching about end of the world soon TM since ever, but "officially" the world was supposed to end literally every year in since 2000, sometimes multiple times a year

Nothing, just like every single other time the world ends.

Same shit with Y2K, 2012 and every other catastrophic scenario.

>It's actually just one researcher who says that the Rapture is going happen.
>a "Christian" researcher
>Every other Christian researcher are embarrassed and tells everyone else to ignore him for being a idiot.

Yeah, at least with that everyone got confused that "End of an Era" meant "End of the World"

Divinity: Original Sin 2, hopefully I finish it up before I wind up in the lust section of hell.

Road rash... My ducking childhood right there.

How can it be the end of the world when it's already September 23 in Australasia?

I wouldn't mind the end of the world happening tomorrow t b h.

Mark 13:32 (BBE) But of that day or that hour no one has knowledge, not even the angels in heaven, or the Son, but the Father.

People need to stop with thier doomsday predictions. If we're going off of Christian mythology, then not even Jesus Christ himself was given the dates. The only one that should know is the big man himself. All doomsayers permanently btfo forever.

Only North American timezones matter.

At least y2k had some form of logic behind it, everything else is mysticism and horse balogne

Ah... Didn't know god only cares about the Americas.

And pic related