Kinda amazing they were able to get 30 fps on Switch...

Kinda amazing they were able to get 30 fps on Switch. Can't wait to see what the resolution is and maybe play it myself - Doom on the go sounds nice.

>“The game and rendering technology underlying Doom is extremely scalable. In bringing Doom to Switch, we targeted outstanding visuals at a solid 30 fps and by maintaining a consistent 30 fps, the experience remains consistently fluid and smooth. We’ve been thrilled with the feedback that Doom is among the very best looking and performing games on Switch.”

I mean it is impressive that it runs on an actual handheld

But 30fps for DOOM is shit

People like to say that, and yet I'm so fucking old I don't give a fuck. Killzone 2 also was 30 fps on PS3 and everyone was flapping their dicks about it back then and I don't remember my eyes bleeding.

Played first Far Cry, and it ran around 30 fps. Played Half-Life and it ran even worse.

It's nothing great, but if it's stable, I don't give a fuck, I already have no time to play shit at home, might as well do it wherever I go.

Which of course is not very playable

720p and ""mostly"" 30fps docked

I had a shitty laptop so most of my games were lower than 30 fps
Sure it's not fantastic and I love 60 now but it's not the end of the world nor is it so decisive it needs to be industry standard for everything

Wondering how the docked version will play at

>Multiplayer is optional

Thank fuck. Less I have to see of that garbage the better. GOAT single player, though.

I've really taken to using that site over NL

>No shitty clickbait
>No shitty personalities for the writers
>No "hot take" bullshit, just the latest news

>Doom on the go sounds nice.


to me it's the kind of game you play on the couch on a big ass tv with the volume up. i don't get why anyone would want to play an FPS on a handheld console. the control functions/ergonomics seems awful for it too.

>people amazed that a fucking ugly console game set in mostly tiny, locked areas with no enemies outside lock-down rooms is easy to run on another modern console
I never understood why Bethfuck-kids thought nuDUUM to be some sort of modern day Crysis; it runs fucking flawlessly on 7yo PCs.
you do know that OG Doom ran at locked 35?

>Doom on the go sounds nice.
No it doesn't

Kinda amazing they've dumbed down the consumer to 30FPS.

600p docked max, with 8xTSSAA

Really playing games at 30 or 60 is not big deal like Sup Forums males out to be.

welcome to consoles

i dont get it did you guys honestly get a switch over a decent PC? i love my switch but its a nintendo console you cant fucking make it your main gaming platform Just get it for the PC

Doom on the go most certainly does not sound nice. I wish people would realize how fucking inconvenient the Switch actually is for games like this.

30fps has pretty much been the "standard" since the 5th gen, with all 4th gen polygonal games being sub 30. I don't know why you seem to think this is a new thing.

Exactly this, grew up in an Industry where most Games ran on 30 fps. People nowadays are way too influenced by marketing.

I wonder if people even play on the handheld screen that much

I'm not blind or anything but somehow shit just looks so unclear on a tiny screen even though I can see it fine

Literally who cares about this anymore? Everyone that wanted to play it already did on other systems. This was such an odd fucking choice of a game to port to Switch.

Do you have a switch senpai? Something I've noticed with all my friends that have Switches, they want all games to be on switch. Being able to switch between console and handhold is a lot more liberating than you might think.

i might honestly buy a switch just for tes vi, if the new doom has great framerate and is portable that bodes well for other games

I play about 90% in handheld. I just like having the screen right up in my face and the switch screen is so nice. I feel I'm holding toys with my 3ds and vita

>30 fps
>the experience remains consistently fluid and smooth
Consistent yes. Fluid and smooth, absolutely not. 30fps in first person is nauseating.
Who the fuck is this for anyway? Everyone who wants to play Doom already has played a superior version. It's the exact same as Batman and DE:HR being ported to the WiiU at launch. Nobody who has waited 2 years to play it is going to pay more for the worst version. Who is the target audience?

its a dry run for tes vi: hammerfell

hammerfell and pokemo

but you cant take your pc to a long trip or a bus ride. Nobody is making the switch their main platform, that is why is a handheld.

>DF said it was 30fps
>DF delete due to death threats and flagging the video
>confirmed 30fps
>Wow 30fps, that is an amazing achievement!

FUCKING 9 giggly boos download for a shitty halfassed 30fps multi
nintendo btfo like always.

I don't know why I miss half the if I play on a tiny screen, like it doesn't register, same when I watch movies on my tablet, I see everything but don't register it somehow, not immersive I guess

>due to switch success third parties will flood switch with shitty games

The PS4 runs DOOM at 30, the fact that Switch can as well confirms Switch is just as if not more powerful than PS4.

>>Doom on the go sounds nice.
>No it doesn't

yeah... nintendo fags are hyping this "portability" shit so hard, most people don't really care.

this also PS4 runs it at 240p I saw it on youtube

That's strange, handhelds are more immersive to me, it's easier for me to block the rest if the world out.

It's been a while since I've seen this much damage control.

And everyone plays source ports now that run at higher framerates.

probably a 30 thats less prone to down-scaling and frame rate drop

When I grew up, games ran at 60. It's only when 3D became the new thing that framerate was sacrificed for better graphics.

OP is right.

Let's be real, guys. Anyone who has a switch knows what they get going into it. The switch honestly is the perfect companion console (PC for me), and legitimately has me the most excited for a console since the OG xbox. My PS4 gets rarely any playing time because it's just a watered down PC at this point. The Switch is actually a fresh new concept and design.

I personally never got DOOM on PC (not too interested in SP FPS's), but am really excited to play it for the first time on the Switch. Just the idea of getting to play it laying in bed or on the train or whatever is really comfy

no gyro aiming no buy

only autists play shooters with sticks

This stinks of paid shill.

yeah because you was a poor fuck with no pc

that shits an eyesore to me compared to even counter strike source. terrible fov, resolution and framerate

Killzone 2 PS3's issue was controller input latency. It was higher than average, the framerate wasn't the actual detrimental part of the experience. Granted 60 is preferred, but input lag annoyed people.

Wolfenstein the New Order PS3 is 720p60FPS, it can dynamically drop the resolution during heavy scenes. The most important thing for the team was to make sure the PS3 had 60hertz and controller lag was minimal, winch they succeeded. Remember they were working with iD Engine 5 and PS3's 512mb RAM. Switch is 4GB and "supposedly" much stronger than a PS3.

>fps on a controller

uhh nah. what they need is rpgs

Why do they keep trying to make me think that 30fps is acceptable in 2017? What the fuck? Also, it's a fucking Nintendo console. No one buys Nintendo and hopes for amazing graphics. Why the fuck do they keep locking shit at 30fps?

Just port the old Doom games with single joycon multiplayer and the GBA deathmatch maps.

>big ass tv
fps is for pc , user

Not having your PC hooked up to a 70 inch TV for single player games and movies. It's like you hate entertainment.

Consoles don't output at a high enough resolution for a screen that size to matter.

70 inch tv = hefty input lag

well, is not like having a big ass tv makes you better in game, its even the opossite and looks worse.

wow 30fps for a handheld is awesome and not disappointing at all, no one even expected the switch to be more powerful than the ps3 or the 360, it's a handheld after all, it's not like we made constant threads about how the switch was going to be more powerful than the ps4 and have super awesome graphics

now I can play 2 year old multiplats that run and look 'slightly' worse than on the base ps4 and xbone (pro and x don't count)

it doesn't bother me at all that the switch is basically a reskinned wii u

also who here can't wait for a full blown console pokemon game that will sell 50 million, oh but wait it's a handheld so never mind, the switch is now a handheld guise get it right

I just said PC

>Multiplayer will be a 9GB download

that's what my xbone is for given how they killed Windows Media Centre ed.

user, are you feeling alright?

>30 fps 720p

This is the state of nintendo faggots and console plebs in general. Let that sink in for a moment.

portability tho

I'm fucking fantastic brother, shit like this makes my cock rock-hard

I'm sure your PC doesn't, either.

That's why I said single player games where a little bit of input lag is no big deal and worrying about how well you perform in a single player you might be trying too hard.

Doom on the go sounds nice but the switch isn't exactly the best handheld


D44M on a handheld actually does some pretty cool. I remember playing doom on GBA

the vita could run this shit 60fps 540p, fucking nintendo just made a black and red slightly weaker wii u and sold it to these cucks

Why would anyone want to play a ten hour cinematic cutscene fps on the go? The original DOOOM would unironically be better.

yeah i-im sure Sony's got something up their sleeve r-r-rrrrrright? bros?

>cinematic cutscene fps


Im not lugging around my giant PC everywhere I go, hell even a decent laptop is pushing it.

You have an autistic circle that thinks a like? No way. I bet you're on twitter complaining for more Switch ports.

>People this assblasted about playing a "AAA" game in 30 fps with fisher price controllers
>They would rather play more to play a "AAA" game in 60 fps with fisher price controllers

>rationalizing being poor

and put up with constant BSODs? Don't think so

Most people in the world don't give a shit about handhelds.

Having to play with a controller is far worse than 30fps

most people in the world don't give a shit about gaming period what's ur point

>implying the switch could run the original doom at 60fps

>the absolute butt devastation of Sup Forums

I didn't think a fucking port, a port of all things would cause even more asspain than fucking Bayonetta 2. The game isn't even exclusive and Sup Forums is having a meltdown.

Old Doom levels seem better suited for a handheld. They're shorter and you can play through a few of them in short bursts. Doom 4 is set up like a typical modern FPS campaign.

why it couldnt?

so is gyro confirmed?


>implying it's not

What about that weird laptop handheld that came out this year the GDP WIN

it's called a save point lul

Besides i already have DOOM on my Gameboy Advance SP

>implying it is

60fps was a gold standard in the 2D era. It's because of 3D that we settled for less and we're just barely getting back up to where 60 fps is becoming expected again. And here the Switch comes ruining all that with its tablet graphics

because it's shit mate

>comparing idtech 5.1 to idtech 6

The dumbest nigger in this thread.

Literally not. I don't even have the console yet

nice opinion, now give me an actual reason.

This is third party on Wii all over again

>we're just barely getting back up to where 60 fps is becoming expected again.

If you want 60 fps then you'd already have been playing games on PC. No console player has ever cared about that.

But is there Gyro aiming? I can deal with 30fps, but I'm not buying it unless there's gyro aiming.

you honestly think a bing bing wahoo machine could run any game of actual substance at 60fps? lol stick to your fischer price babby toys lel

You know most games have worse performance when docked, right?

3rd party on Wii lasted. Switch's will fizzle out when the console fails to sell which is already happening

>60fps was a gold standard in the 2D era. It's because of 3D that we settled for less and we're just barely getting back up to where 60 fps is becoming expected again.
doom was locked at 35 fps.

oh cool source?

now that's delusion