Why the fuck is gay marriage a thing in Skyrim, from a lore perspective

I know they did for political reasons but lore wise it makes no sense to me. The manly bravado driven culture of the Nordic people should clash with the idea of gay marriage and homosexuality.

Even in the Empire, with the Imperials I could see some dissent to it. The colovian which are the more traditional Imperials I could see them being opposed to it while the more free-spirited, multicultural nibbonese are fine with it.

The high elves I can definitely see them being okay with it them being in general more matriarchal and sexually lesbionic and bi.

I don't know about the argonians and I don't want to. The idea of scaly green lizards having gay butt sex scares me.

Dickensheet are definitely all for it as some of the Lord books tell us of their very promiscuous nature / culture.

The redguard would probably be like "miss me wit dat gay shit n i g g a !" Especially, with them being based off the middle east...

The Orcs would probably be the same as the redguards, but more green and possibly more brutal...

Dark elves probably but idk. Wood elves?

One thing is for certain, bretons being french and all are major fags, but the reachmen being ancient celts, not too sure.

Tell me what u think Sup Forums?

Dickensheet was suppose to be the khajiit sorry lol

>I know they did for political reasons but lore wise it makes no sense to me.

You said it all.
It was just a way to grab cash from SJW

Kill yourself you autistic sperg



why there are nigger nazi women in ww2 cod ?

t. wannabe loremaster

Skyrim doesn't take place on Earth, so there's no reason to assume they would have the same attitude to gays as we do. It's not like Earth has even had a consistent attitude to gays throughout history, so why should the people of a fantasy world?

Concepts of manliness and the like are very modern, so not really relevant.

Well a lot of gay hate stems from religion and I'm not aware of any religious text in the elder scrolls that forbid lying with the same sex so id say it's possible they hold different morals than in the real world. Also the nords could be like Athenians and partake in little boy love.

>reddit spacing

>The idea of scaly green lizards having gay butt sex scares me
Y-yeah me too.

Toddler is dumb.

Oblivion was like LotR. It needed palm trees and more tropical stuff. The Imperials were based off Romans.

Skyrim is saying white nordic nlondes are homos. But why? Because Toddler had another daze due to spending too much time playing Mass Effect 3.

op was uncomfortable when he was told to take off his clothes in morrowind

He's a phone poster, as you can see from his ridiculous spelling error, presumably the result of auto-correct: On his tiny phone screen, each of the lines in his original post is displayed as several lines, so he double-spaced between his "paragraphs" as is standard practice when paragraphs cannot be indented. Unfortunately each of those paragraphs is one line when viewed in a maximized browser window on a normal-sized monitor, so it looks retarded to the rest of us.

Pursuit of manliness doesn't necessary imply a hate towards homosexuality, you dip.

Also Elder Scrolls doesn't have Christianity and abrahamic religions or any real direct equivalent.

>muh real world politics and religion apply to fake fantasy land
if gay marriage was illegal, interspecies relationships would likely be outlawed as well. and the idea of telling some lizard man not to fuck his cat wife seems pointless in the world of skyrim.

>"manly" cultures can't be gay
user read a book please


>Tell me what u think Sup Forums?
I think you might want to look at the Greek and Roman societies, and reassess what you think a "manly" culture would consider acceptable.

Most warrior culture were full of homo butt buddies.

>implying male orcs don't fuck other males in order to establish dominance within their tribes

>game contains thing i dont like and can ignore but i'd rather nobody else have it either
I think you are the real faggot here OP.

this. unproven theory, but I'm sure the first generation of mankind engaged in homo shit all the time. once niggas realized just how good cumming felt, they were probably stuffing any hole they could find.

literal ooga boogas having dirty butt sex while on hunting missions.

>Well a lot of gay hate stems from religion
And where do religions come from?

retards explaining why floods kept washing away their food and babies every year

Pretty sure the in-game explanation was because Nords don't do "marriage," just unions between two people that felt close or some shit.

It's a dumbass cop-out answer, but it's what they chose to go with.

It's another "moron on Sup Forums knows shit all about history" episode again.

to be frink guys even if his statement was dumb and sweeping, the nords are obviously based on norse peoples who im preddy sure where not gay

on the other hand bethesda can do whatever they want and none of the races are direct 100% copies of something from real life (and they shouldnt be). they all take aspects from various cultures while creating tons of fiction.

that's right, people
so, to reiterate
>A lot of gay hate stems from people
astutely put user, well done

>The manly bravado driven culture of the Nordic people should clash with the idea of gay marriage and homosexuality.
This is the problem with your mindset. Those two things have nothing to do with each other, especially not in the vacuum of a made-up world.

i think you're shittalking out of your mouth user

Discrimination against gays is really only comes from Abrahamic religions last I check Skyrim doesn't take place on Earth. Stop being a faggot and accept homosex.

>The manly bravado driven culture

Yeah and the Spartans were fags as well


>Applying real life culture to a fantasy world that has drastically different culture than ours

>manly bravado driven culture
>no gays
>what are spartans and ancient general

*ancient greeks in general

actually in the olden days no one cared who you had sex with.

>I don't know about the argonians and I don't want to. The idea of scaly green lizards having gay butt sex scares me.

Normalfag detected

Actually kinda they did. Romans were perfectly okay with giving it up the ass but receiving it was a massive no no

why would it matter to anyone else if 2 chicks lived in a hut together? They still have to make their own cash and farm for food or buy it from other people.
The only issue I can see is if they get too old and can't support themselves. Not having any children would mean no heir, so no one can start doing work when it gets too hard for them, and no one has the moral obligation to support them considering they don't have childhood bonds. Unless it's up to the society to take care of them, which I can see happening in the temple of mara or that other temple in dragonsreach.

Cultures around the globe have historically had a negative reaction towards homosexuality. Typically this is due to religion or cultural ties that focus on a family unit and procreation. Cultures that have historically embraced homosexuality are in a minority and any prominent figures in history that were known homosexuals were anomalies made possible by any mixture of wealth, status or power and are not representative of their respective societal realities.

I'm talking before christianity cucked the whole thing up

beth has repeatedly shown that they don't give two shits about lore consistency. they will retcon whatever the fuck they like at any opportunity. for example: everything new in fallout 4.






Also who cares even in lorewise we're talking about an adventurer no one cares what the adventurer does in their free time as long as it doesn't mess their lives who gives a shit.
If the adventurer was a part of the community then we will be talking about culture clashes.

Homosexuality is a mental illness and the sooner people realize this the soon we can start finding a cure for it.

I think most of the modern day opposition toward homosexuality only comes from the "unique" personality and overzealous pride that people think has to come with it. When people are straight they just have sex, when people are gay they just have sex.

then you get these other groups of people, who are either yelling that they are gay and you have to accept me, or yelling that other people are gay and that they shouldn't be.

I wonder if the thalmore are against homosexuality? Or maybe they were developing toward that once they started infringing on peoples rights, like banning talos warship and stuff.

I'm pretty sure it only got added because how easy it was, the fact there isn't unique dialogue depending on your characters gender is further proof.

I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up saving time by not coding the game to recognize your character's gender. This is bethesda after all.

I've been misinterpreted but fuck it

Pretty sure people assaulting, killing, locking up or executing gays predates the pride parade.

>gay hate comes from retards

everybody fucked everything in olden times, people even married and made their horses royalty

true stuff, but that would tie into the opposite end of the "snowflake" groups, the ones yelling about how other people are gay

>I know they did for political reasons but lore wise it makes no sense to me

to be honest with bethesda I think they were just too lazy to do a sex check in the marriage algorithm of the game.

>Ive been misunderstood, Butt fuck it!

So you can marry and then sex a hunky Argonian.

>Caring about lore

Lore reasons they don't care. Even political reasons they don't actually care, I'd be surprised if the marriage system in skyrim even takes notice between male/female, an NPC is likely in a state of eligible or not, which lets them do things as lazily as possible while not worrying about reactions one way or another. It also means they don't need to get in depth with any marriage dialogue for NPCs, which allows them to be even lazier. Why put effort into the game when the community will drown you in cash and then finish it for you? Now if only they could find some way to make money off that too.

So does Sup Forums know nothing about gay people? They come in all shapes and sizes.

Quite a few of them could kick your ass.

I think there's a godess (don't remember if it's Mara or Dibella) that says no love should be questionned. And gods are real in Elder Scrolls so you don't fuck with them. Also in a lot of cultures, people get married to have children, which gays are unable to do, that's why gay marriage is considered useless. But Nords don't care about children, they actually consider them useless. And marriage is just a gameplay feature, they just wanted to let you marry your character, even if you choose to play a sexy female, you can still marry another sexy female, it's not meant to make sense, Skyrim is not a real RPG.

how does that matter? lol

you're as dumb as OP if you generalize like that

>but my headcanon says it's not lore friendly

>The manly bravado driven culture of the Nordic people should clash with the idea of gay marriage

You really dont know what it means to be gay do you.

>around the globe
Exactly, planet Earth. Not Tamriel.

I'm not seeing why you're so upset seeing as you're such a fucking faggot.

Dark Elves probably don't have gay marriage, but probably are okay gay people. Crassius Curio is a high ranking Hlaalu councilor, and he is notably bisexual, and a deviant to boot. Vivec is a hermaphrodidic god who had sex with Molag Bal that one time, so gay sex is probably okay with the Temple, but it probably encourages traditional marriage for more stable family structure. Same goes for Redoran, Indoril, and Dres. The Telvanni probably don't believe in marriage at all. I'm unsure about the Ashlander tribes, and it may vary from tribe to tribe.

>The manly bravado driven culture of the Nordic people should clash with the idea of gay marriage and homosexuality.

If anything, that would fuel homosexual thoughts and culture because of a greater appreciation for masculine traits and disdain for femininity.

Although female Nords are also considered strong so maybe it cancels out.

>Ancient cultures and homosexuality are mutually exclusive
>Ignoring ancient China, Rome and Alexander the fucking Great

>yfw dragon age inquisition did it better
>yfw dragon age inquisition has actual nuance and characters with opinions on the subject
>yfw in dragon age inquisition you can try to convince dorian to forgive his father for trying to use mind control magic on him to pray away the gay

>Why doesn't Nirn follow the same rules as Earth?
You're okay with talking cat people and sexually amorphous lizard people and magic and dragons and zombies but gay marriage is where you draw the line?

>The manly bravado driven culture of the Nordic people should clash with the idea of gay marriage and homosexuality.

Spartans were ten times manlier than Nords and fucked dudes like it was nothing. in fact fucking another dude was a symbol of manliness. the idea that homosexuality is inherently unmanly is a social construct.

since it's a fantasy race, it doesn't necessarily have to adhere to every facet of the culture upon which it is loosely based in order to "make sense" or be realistic. that being said, the way that the societies in Skyrim view sexuality or gender is woefully underdeveloped and obviously the bi or gay characters are just thrown in there to pander and make certain members of the audience feel more comfortable. I guess it often saves the developers a bit of time and effort because it means they don't need to make gender specific dialogue or code. there are lots of situations in the game where one would think that most cultures would treat the player character differently based on their gender, but the devs sort of handwave it all by just saying that everyone in the setting is really neutral about gender.

inb4 someone calls me an SJW for having a passing familiarity with ancient history

>culture of the Nordic people should clash with the idea of gay marriage and homosexuality
Tell me one nation gayer than the nordic Sweden. Gay and nordic have almost become unseparable by this point.

>I know they did for political reasons
>Gay marriage especially in a somewhat medievalist fantasy setting makes no sense.
No shit.
Ironically not to sound like a fag, but it really was created to denote a woman as property.
The way it is portrayed in the game however is just as an expression of mutual devotion.
The writing of the game is fairly racist at times, as well it should be, practically the main focus is race relations.
But it also should be vastly more sexist.
There should be different marriage rituals like engaging in canablaism with a wood elf or some kind of dowry shit for a kajiet or redguard.
Instead it was just lazy.

On the subject of fudge packing the Empire with it's groko/roman aesthetic should have fukboi's.
High elves are foppish.
Most others should take moderate to strong issue with it.

True that, but Nord culture is also hardy and anti gay hate also was about the need for high reproduction for agriculture.

Now the Imperials definately like em young.

The "lore" reason is that life is short in Skyrim and you should do whatever makes you happy.
Its kind of a cop-out answer, but there you go.

Never used reddit fag

Not necessarily but they are often at odds. For example, in Rome, they were mostly bi, but it was unmanly for a man to be a catcher if you will. Also, i dont think norse wete gay in our world... were they tho?

Quote me as saying that. Cite the post.

>take literally every thing from middle earth lore and culture
>"lmao nuh bruh, dis isn't earf, it's not held to it's standards"

They cared more about "how you did it" ten "with who you did it"

Well I rarely see anyone here speak out against the pervading attitude here on Sup Forums. But you're right I'm sure there are non edgy teenagers and bigoted morons here. I'm sorry.

Cultures around the globe have historically been relatively accepting of homosexuality. It's mostly abrahamic religions which have a hate boner for gays and spread most homophobia. You obviously have no idea what you're talking about.

Why would homosexuality not be a thing? Romans were mostly bisexual. It's a fantasy world. I would like to see a game where there is a faction of anti gay though. Could be a cool commentary on society.

Again not saying impossible, but even in those societies it was seen as unmanly if a man was to do the catching...

Also norse societies are a better analog for the nords.

I'm pretty sure vikings IRL were like the older era of Japs in that you were absolutely expected to marry, reproduce, and raise your family; however they weren't required to love their spouse and most didn't care if you took on multiple and/or same sex partners. Maybe the bottom(s) were more frowned upon.

Bethesda was lazy and didn't want to give every marriage NPC a sexuality value, so they're all gay.


vickings probably had gays. Like all societies in human history.

>I'm pretty sure it only got added because how easy it was, the fact there isn't unique dialogue depending on your characters gender is further proof.
And yet they went out of their way to record dialogue for Serana turning you down...

>I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up saving time by not coding the game to recognize your character's gender. This is bethesda after all.
The game does recognize your character's gender. People will use the appropriate pronouns in dialogue and so forth.

There's literally a norse myth about a guy so cute all the einherjars in Valhalla wanted to fuck him. The original swedish trap if you please.

You can thank the supporters of player sexuality. You can find such fans at Divinity Original Sin 2 threads.

don't take silence for approval.
there's too much retardation here to actively engage it all.
you're fine, m8

>there are lots of situations in the game where one would think that most cultures would treat the player character differently based on their gender, but the devs sort of handwave it all by just saying that everyone in the setting is really neutral about gender.
That's true in just about any fantasy game, and just like with the gay thing, fantasy worlds aren't beholden to real-world ideas about gender either.


Narcissisus, the guy so in love with his own reflection that he drowned trying to kiss himself

>everything is politics

No it's not, you sperg. Not all gamers are straight, and there's no harm in simply making all NPCs bisexual so players can self-insert however they want. The option doesn't appeal exclusively to gay gamers either; I would imagine most straight guys create female characters and then put them in lesbian relationships. Geez. Look at FF14.

Depend. Fallout has some things where men an females get different result

Fallout takes place on Earth, though, albeit an alternate-universe Earth.

maybe its videogame

nobody wanted bitchy faggots giving them bad press, unfortunately your here being a bitchy faggot