Times in vidya where you cried

Times in vidya where you cried

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>crying because a video game
what, are you 14?


I didn't cry but it was fucking close, please no bully.



No, I just have emotions and like to cry when I feel it coming so I don't have things like depression old man.




Spent a lot of time invested into this game.


Also young when this happened but I understood the dad finished what his son started with someone he loved.

played Witcher 1 when it came out, played 2 when it came out, played this when it came out
felt nothing for her. if anything Vesemir's death was super sad and got me. it's a shame that everything after that, the game's quality dipped and I got bored.

literally not games

I didnt cry but I was fucking pissed they wouldnt let me go save my bro

Why couldnt they have left Fixer's bitch ass behind instead

Came here to post this, fuck.

that never got me because i never believed for a second that she was actually dead

>implying edgy 14 year old teenagers get moved by video games

Valiant Hearts: The Great War




Fallout 3 ending

fukken bawled

Luna's ending in VLR yanked on my poor heartstrings pretty hard.

This, Mordin and Legion in ME3, and LiS (Bae ending obviously but still emotional). Not full out bawling but I felt the feels

MGSV mission 43
Especially this part

I lost some good men and women there ;_;7
Nothing like making you attached to characters you helped develop, captured some really high level guys that you especially went to get and then having to shoot them in the god damn face.

I think the point of the scene was to show that Geralt actually did feel feels. They figured no one would think Ciri was dead

blown the fuck out

I've never cried when playing vidya, but the closest moment was in Planescape: Torment when Annah is killed after entering the Fortress of Regrets

too bad the west has forgotten WW1, WW2, and all wars preceding them.

Trying to remember a single case in vidya, but no - there's none at all.

Kinda felt very sad when the luggage man at the Nexus has found out the hairpin I found has belonged to his daughter - couldn't resist to keep it to myself.

This was the only time for me.

Why did they fuck up season 3 so much, bros?

Didn't all the Season 1 writers leave just right after they finished it? Maybe that's why

Season 2 wasn't bad. It removed a lot of the gameplay elements from S1 and was drastically shorter, but otherwise was still very enjoyable.

yes, they have to write Firewatch, Oxenfree later

firewatch has a disappointing ending, oxenfree is ok

Gaming desperately needs an IMDB site so people can finally follow lead designers/writers, instead of Studio names, but of course that won't happen.
Everyone may want to buy Bioware shit for years, before realising, there's no one from original creative team left, but no one in their right mind would go at cinema to watch a new film from Village Roadshow studios, because they once made Matrix 1

i'm not saying either bad - spoiler-texting is just for triggering retards

I know, I played both of them

I agree S2 wasn't bad, but the writing did decline in quality.


Nowhere near as bad as it did in S3... At least Clem has remained a great character through all 3 games.

Pity she had so little presence in S3, though.


When any game goes to a loading screen and I see my reflection.


Holy fuck this.

I gotta try

"No one's left. Everything's gone. Kharak is burning."