Op thread

Op thread,
ITT, we discuss, ANYTHING that is Op, broken, etc.

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Express ticket to Nerf Town

Prestige mode in need for speed 2015. Shit is fucking impossible in 99% of cars.


This son of a bitch doesn't even need to look at you or even know you're there to kill you on legendary difficulty.

... people play racing games?

Do you have a picture that was made for people instead of ants?

They do.

The question we should be asking is, people play NFS 2015?


>High morale due to delusion perk
>Political support buff
Yeah, I'd say so


these niggers


why, my peanus weenus of course


it's my weeeeeenus peanus! hahah

ITT: things that are broken - my answer, of course, my peanus weenus


... people still play mmo games?

Lee Sin in league of legends.
Will never be nerfed because he's the poster child of tournament play and every jungle is required by law to learn him.

>high health
>fastest potential movement
>high damage
>splash damage
>can disrupt ubers more easily than other classes

the only class that's even close is soldier

Agreed. In the right hands a demo player can make people leave the server out of frustration.

As much as I hate to admit it, the Mini-14 just outclasses every other rifle in the game currently. Zero drop, rapid fire, and the sights settle super fast. Damn shame too, because it should stay the same, but bitches gonna bitch



>sortie assassination
>boss won't leave invincibility phase unless he can see you
>decoy goes down as soon as you summon it
I wouldn't say that he is OP. Plus he's squishy as fuck, high level enemies need to just breath in his direction and he's fucking ded. He is well balanced and pussyfying ranged enemies isn't that strong.
Hard mode: eximus stronghold, eneregy leeches everywhere.