What the fuck is happening?

What the fuck is happening?

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It's a good game that's fun to watch?


>more people are watching Ocarina of Time than this

I personally don't like watching it, it has the same problem as KI for me. There are way too many "fireworks" on screen.

>more people are watching runescape than this

the list goes on

Did Marvel vs Capcom Infinite deserve this fate after Capcom spent the entirety of the PS4 generation remastering games and outsourcing their work?

>did a lazy, unpolished cash-grab with no fan-service deserve to sell low amounts of copies


So where can I get this game for cheap? Not paying $60 for this. Im on PC BTW

>more people are watching on pc than playing

No, because pretty much every complaint people have about the game was Marvel's doing.

The DLC stuff is all Capcom.

because they didn't buy the game, also mobile users :^)

Capcom USA wrote the abysmal story and characterizations though.

>caring about story in a fighter

This kills the fighting game.

Can we post quality gameplay?


Nobody wants to buy a half polished game for $100 (game + 1st DLC season pass) and are waiting for a price drop or All DLC version most likely.

Same thing happened with SFV and same thing is going to happen here.

Is the crack up yet

Shut up Combofiend.

You use twitch views to determine how good a game is?

They judge it that way since MvC Infinite is supposed to be an Esports phenomenon.

implying combofiend wouldn't be shilling the masterpiece which is infinite's story mode

Capcom apparently gave enough of a shit to waste time and resources making this trash heap story to try and ride the Injustice story hype, so you "who cares about story in a fighter" holds no water when the creators clearly though it was important enough to make it one of their marketing points.

They actually hired someone from Marvel to write it though

Reality Stone

Crap roster
Too many complex systems

If EU cdkeysDOTcom.
Got my copy for 22 euro

You can't make this shit up, things are not looking good.

This entire thing is a trainwreck with no breaks

No wonder its bad then

The game looks pretty fun to play tbqh. I never got into mvc3 but I always liked to play mvc2 every now and then and now I'm itching for that mahvel feel again. But man does the game look bad visually. Everything looks half-assed.

Also now would be the best time to play the game until some fag develops the Magneto/Storm/Sentinel of this game.

They've touted "story mode" with every game they've had out after SF4. It's never mattered in the long run.

>They almost had my interest with Monster Hunter
>They doubled down on the Jew and cut her to immediately release as DLC
Game looks like trash anyway so if I'm being honest I probably wouldn't have picked it up either way, but damn do something right.

They already did, its Ultron and Dormammu

I'm waiting to pirate it

>It doesn't matter they wasted resources

Why can't you buy new characters separately? I would even spend real money but no I have to buy all the other characters as well. If dbfz is more alive than this game I would rather play dbfz even if its not so complex.

That is an embarrassingly low viewer count for a game that came out 3 days ago.

Not to mention the peak steam numbers are 3.5K

Someone buy me this game,

Which is it? I keep hearing Marvel wrote then, now it's Capcom wrote it.

What's your agenda?


>MvCI still doing better than GG and BB


This game's UI is so fucking ugly.

Piratebay release soon

what the fuck is happening here

the game is fun and plays well, it just looks like a fucking holocaust

Wait for the steamfix Crack and play with other piratebros. Legit pc community is gonna die in 3 months anyway, no point in giving ca$hcom a single penny

You left your trip on. This isn't fgg fag

Zero has a clone super and time stone's infinity storm gives you the ability to custom combo

There's absolutely no news on a crack yet. Denuvo has been getting cracked fairly quickly so it might be soon, but nobody knows

>wanting to watch people sit in training mode

fighting games never get high viewer counts unless there is a tournament going on.

How can you play online after pirating it? Serious. Never seen that before

>Free gift

No thanks. I think I will pass

The Time Stone Surge is basically V-ism. Everything cancels into everything. Faced a Hawkeye with this. He locked me down from full screen.

> Tripl-Exlosiv-Tripl-Scatt-Poison a-tripl-scatters-tripl-scatt-triple arrow! GIMLET

The story mode in InJusutice 1 &2 (capeshit) and Guilty Gear/BlazBlue put Capcom to shame.

>An AAA game is doing better than niche anime fighters
What an accomplishment.

Internal Capcom marketing presentation shows they don't give a shit about the actual game, just using e-sports and sponsorship revenue to make a bunch of money from the title while Justin Wong and others shill them infinitely


This is a scheme to turn the MVC series into a profitable revenue exploitation for both companies with minimal costs.

Anyone got a torrent for this? I ain't fucking giving capcom my money.

>Too many complex systems.

The fuck are you on about?

Some games get steamfix cracks that let you play with people who have that same crack. Tekken 7 got that

The depth... The creativity. Wow

But Capcom still needs to pay for pot, winning, ads, etc. Marvel isnt even involed in the "Battle of the Stones" thing.

Activates time stone, smashes the same button repeatedly for optimum damage.

Just let the computer play itself instead. Might as well

tl:dr creative combos is a waste of fucking time

>smaller roster than last game in franchise
>much of it is the same roster
>removal of fan favorites like X-men and F4 characters
>ugly character designs

the only nice thing I can say about this game is it gave Carol long hair instead of that awful style she has in the comics

Fuken loled

No kidding

Wow... It's almost as if fighting games are boring af after a while and more than 1 a year is over saturation

Gee it's almost like that's exactly what a custom combo mechanic allows you to do

Fighting games don't have dedicated streamers so most of the viewerbase comes from tournaments.

I mean look at SFV. It has less than 1000 viewers most days, but every time there's a tournament it beats out everything except LoL/DotA on Twitch.

they made a fanservice game with decent gameplay and no fanservice. look at DBFZ it might not have great gameplay but it takes so much fan service from the series people can look past it. If MVC had the fanservice and the gameplay it has now it would most likely be a huge success

>inb4 retards act like most casuals do not play mvc for fan service


>it might not have great gameplay
but it does.

you don't get it user, mashing a is a sure fire way to get optimal damage than doing cuhhrazy combinations,

with custom combos with multiple combonations it's veyr likely that you'll drop it and they still do the same damage as mashing a.

why take the fucking risk

I wouldn't call MvC a fanservice game, at least not 100%. The thing is you need a fine line of good gameplay and fanservice or the game will die. MvC goes completely in the gameplay direction while sacrificing pretty muich all the quality to achieve that whereas DBFZ throws depth and skill out the window for fanservice.

So how long is it gonna be until people start shitting their pants over the "Time Stone to light jab death" combo?


>mashing a is a sure fire way to get optimal damage than doing cuhhrazy combinations
That's only for Zero and only under specific conditions (has a super and fully charged stone) though. Other characters still need to do actual combos with the Time Stone.

I just hate Zero. He was obnoxious to play against in MvC3 and he will be here too.


Wheres the viewership numbers for Marvel 3 when that came out?

Sup Forumsloves to pretend Marvel is some huge flagship franchise of Capcom's so surely the numbers were huge, right?

Reminds me of cvs2 custom combos

I can guarantee that the damage you saw is baby tier compared to what people are going to find. It's still the baby stage of the game. Soon you'll get V-ism type combos. like these


this is the problem with mvcis combos

the scaling is so shit that technical impressive combos dont really do much damage for the degree of difficulty to pull them off

may as well easy combo into super for 55% instead of juggle for 10 seconds anf get 60%

>dbfz has no depth

holy shit I feel sorry for you faggots who didn't manage to get into the beta, you're probably the type of guys who dragon dash and gets punished.

also are faggots forgetting that when vanilla mvc3 released people thought it was a casual shit game too. it's like going through history again here.

No point in doing this when Power can OHK and Reality can do way more damaging combos. Soul has done more damage as well, but fucking me if it isn't consistent yet.

oh it is a fan service fighter for the most part especially when they wanted to include a story mode where the worlds collide but then decided not to actually have a good story, use anyones comic design or personality and in general just have a decent game with nothing else to offer. At least MVC3 had arcade endings comic accurate character designs

>People crying about spammy v-ism combos
lmao what shitters

Everyone knows the pros are going to figure out the really broken combos that involve more than spamming light jab. I can actually see Capcom nerfing the duration so you can't keep someone locked down forever.

Vanilla MvC3 was pretty bad. DHC glitch was legit cancer.

There's an image with something like 34k at one point. I personally didn't see more than around 20k when max streamed though.

so is it true you can only do counter supers with simple super options

You can activate your stone maybe twice during an entire match, and your opponent will most likely be playing defensive as shit trying to avoid it, you won't be able to land this type of combo for free.

If you think this invalidates the combo system you are fucking retarded

Tell me straight Sup Forums, how badly are they going to fuck him up?

I'd say the crossover games are 50-50 in terms of fanservice. If they played like shit or too simple they wouldn't have the following that they do.

Look at Injustice, it's a pure fanservice game and its struggling pretty hard outside of NRS sponsored stuff.

Can I buy and use this in Burgerland??

He's going to play well like every other character in the game.

I have literally never even heard of BeamNG drive

They say you can use a VIP to activate it on steam, but please go lurk some MvCI group and confirm it. I just bought it from a third party site for $40

Monster Hunter DLC is already in Steam's database.

>Persona characters

Goober please go.

Release date?

Any word of a crack yet?