Aim down sight

>aim down sight
>everything around the scope is zoomed


Other urls found in this thread:

hey let's render the scene twice just so we can have a feature that LITERALLY NO ONE cares about

Rendering twice affects performance.

Go play some Insurgency+ Day of Infamy, you fucking nigger.

I care about it.

Not my problem, my computer can handle it and other games have managed it.

why not? are you some kind of contard

Apparently i care about it, OP cares about it. Most Red orchestra players cared about it. What else ?

I care, that shit fucks me up

This guy cares about it.
This guy too.
Seeing a little zoomed world of death inside you scope looks so neat and feel great.

I care

anyone got a proper zoom webm?

Use different scope


my grandma stopped playing video games because this feature wasn't in them, she cared

But work is haaaaarrrrrd

Why don't they just use a shader that acts like a magnifier? Even HL2 could do that.

>He didn't want true immersion in his vidya games

The games that do the PiP in game make you sick.

Arma 3 has a mod for it. Makes you vom.

not really

it'd be pixelated as it'd basically be a tiny portion of the screen stretched without any added resolution

rs2 does

Hold up. Fucking what?

rs2 also uses UE3, looks and runs better than PUBG
bluehole are just incompetent

>make you sick.

How about just not going everywhere with a 10x scope glued to your eyes? You know, like any sensible person?

Console tard, i assume.

The area of the scope is very small, and the field of view of the render area is very narrow, the performance impact from properly doing it is virtually nothing

Unturned does that

Fuck no, RS2 looks like doodoo garbage and plays like it too

If only this were true. The problematic parts you can't get around and they are not the amount of stuff that needs to be drawn but rather the complex stuff that has to be calculated twice from different angles. You know, lighting and all the billion post-processing algorithms that make it look at least roughly not shit.

why does it work in VR games of all things, where it literally renders four times then

seriously it's all a matter of optimization


if the scope is aligned with the player viewport then it's from the same perspective, just zoomed

racing games handle rear view just fine

ITT shooters handle a working scope just fine

That's not at all true, just set your fov to like 15, same exact thing.

as if 1920x1080 is any better in 2017

What the fuck are you smoking? RS2 looks like perfection compared to PUBG

The reason games don't do it because it genuinely feels pretty weird. Traditional 2D (or fake 3D) scopes are just a lot easier to use.

>it's a let's beg for extremely demanding features in a game that already runs like ass thread

>extremely demanding

portal runs on any toaster and the portal holes are just textures with a a different viewport rendered on them

Arma literaly alread hy as PiP in it dont know why it isnt enabled on scopes or atleast an option, works on RHS scopes though

t. 16:9 cuck

t.cucks arguing about anything

Yeah, but it doesn't have the same amount of players so therefore it is garbage lol

Modern parallax-free optics are basically magic. Just put the glowy dot on the bad guy and pull the "go away" switch.

Most video games don't do them justice, but I was honestly surprised when I saw that a game like PUBG bothered to put in somewhat-accurate bullet travel and drop that you can compensate for with the optics.

If only the world revolved around you user.

Yeah let's also not animate anything and make the entire game just visually hitboxes and hurtboxes and polygonal landscapes because we're not trying to emulate a real experience.

>hurr it takes up so much processing power
>yet a myriad of PC games have it, even low budget indie titles
Clearly the problem is consoles

Real talk: Even if it does affect performance negatively, why not make it an option for people who have very high end PCs?

>doesn't even have wind
>doesn't even have water penetration
>doesn't even have wall penetration
>has really dialed in and perfect bullet travel and drop though

shut the fuck up you have no idea what you're talking about

It doesn't

I care too. I even like in some games outside the scope it gets blurry.

Insurgency & Day Of Defeat for goat scope gunplay.
Support them. I am not even a shill. Best military shooters atm.

>realistic zoom in the scope and normal outside
>zoom in the scope and blacked out the rest of the screen
>zoom in the scope and everything zooms in

Did I say anything about windage?
Did I say anything about penetration?
Did I say it had perfect ballistics?

Get that vibrator out of your ass and actually pay attention to what's being said.

If you like Insurgency and have VR, get Onward
Literally just Insurgency but with full gun and motion control in VR

Then why is there a thread about this, you dense fucker.

insurgency is great but dod is kind of garbage desu

>those graphics

yeah HOW did they manage to render THAT four times?? It is a mystery.

Call of Duty Ghosts did this just fine, its not a performance thing.

>not playing VR games with scopes that actually function.

And it's codded by a fucking teenager.

The absolute state of the video games industry

>Shader that acts like a magnifier
Let me know when you invent that
Doesnt matter, you're rendering the entire scene twice, even with object culling it doesnt matter.
Because its not an option its built into the rendering engine.

Exactly, it's a lazy programmer thing.


CoD maps are the size of a backyard, basically the bigger the scene you have to render the more performance loss it will result in

Figure out how to do it with next to no performance loss, publish it inside U34 and make tens of thousands of dollars selling it.
I look forward to seeing your results in the following quarter.

>Because its not an option its built into the rendering engine.

I use UE4 on a daily basis. It's very easy to render the scene to a texture and apply it to the scope's material.

It's also very easy to swap materials based on the player's settings.

You claim it to be impressive, where as I claim it to be shallow.

No applicable variables, other than velocity, distance, and bullet size, if those even matter between the shit lag and unfinished game.

Take those hype glasses off son, and see this game is a broken pile of shit.

>KF1 xbow
>move to the left slightly
>vomit out your lungs


People obviously have never used a scope irl, where you focus on the scope only, which pretty much covers all your field of view anyway. In videogames that is different, the scope occupies only a small portion of the screen and visually you'll be majorly affected by the unzoomed surrounding which creates a distorted, annoying depth of field

Plenty games already do that

>not PIP scopes are unrealistic
>having any sort of peripheral vision while aiming with a scope is

rendering that twice would be a lot easier than anything that isnt intentionally low-poly and flat-textured

i care about. that kind of shit triggers my autism.

I know full well what that is, problem is it cant be applied to a moving actor, its part of a static object.
Again, you're rendering the game twice via an overlay that only shows up when the scope is being used which causes hitches to begin with.

>he can't look through the scope with one eye and keep the other open to stay aware of the surroundings

People seem to be struggling with the fact were saying its not impossible but has a steep performance cost.

BTFO by a real dev

No one has ever complained about FPS drops while looking down a scope user. You're like one of those lazy devs who just wants to justify his lack of effort.

>he can't look through the scope with one eye and keep the other open to stay aware of the surroundings

You do that only with shit like eotech, not actual scopes.

I don't even own the game. The only exposure I have is the shit streamers on the twitch main page as I click through to go to someone worth watching.

Most video games make guns lasers. Instant travel and no ballistics at all. So you take a mass-appeal FOTM thing like PUBG and make the bullets not lasers, and yes, I am surprised. Surprised. Did I fucking say it was impressive? No. I said it was uprising. Quit projecting and fucking read, you ignorant ESL.

Read the article, its for static objects only, and I didn't say its impossible.
I said it has a steep performance cost because again you are rendering the game twice.

Why is this so hard for people to understand?

The fact that a 16 year old is doing this been school and dad drunkenly beating him is impressive but rather depressing when you consider the quality of it compared to massive AAA titles

>decade old games do it just fine without causing any problems
it's not common because it's awkward as fuck to play with, simple as that

Modern battle optics are designed for both eyes open.

i think that would be exactly the time FPS drops would be most annoying, when trying to lead a target and compensating for bullet drop and the potential other factors programmed in

I'll just leave this here.

So thats it? Dev should give up? Why games like red orchestra is doing it then?

they shouldnt bother with peripheral vision at all. it shouldnt be there

I like using ironsights

Of course not, just know that if you want to add this feature in your game you will have to compromise elsewhere to make it work smoothly.
ARMA and Red Orchestra are awesome games that need that feature to add to the experience, so they lack graphical fidelity. Games like the new Battlefront look incredible and would not be able to have that in their game due to the performance hit they would take, but it hardly requires it since its more arcadey.

Did subsequent CoD games keep this feature though?

>FOV of 15 for scope means it's an extremely tight render angle
>only massive objects like terrain (low poly easy to render) and skybox get doubled
>being a shit tier 3rd world with a garbage comp and whining about performance

Get fucked faggots you're holding back gaming like the console tards.

You have to first render things so the engine knows what to line of sight cull my man. Hence the hitching.
Also below average hardware machines are 90% of the market.

Based LucasArts



dude monitor resolutions LMAO

Does Squad do this?