Rainbow Six Siege gets recoil patterns

I'm mad



So the big nerds will have a big advantage by learning each recoil pattern right?
That means it will favor spray at mid/long range (unrealistic btw) over tapping??

Also if i understood, it's a problem specific to the Aim Down Sight right? How other fps like squad, insurgency, arma 3 or cod are managing with this?

Wait, I thought rainbow six siege was actually a decent game? Why are they trying to downgrade?


fellow rainbow six siege bros
reminder to join the PUBG master race
where recoil patterns are always random and the real skill lies in adapting in real time!

Why don't they just make it like Call of Duty? Or that other game that people seemed to have forgotten about, Quake? What's the point of shooting a guy in my fantasy video game if the bullets aren't gonna go where I'm aiming?

Realism should fuck off.

Is this the system that causes like three feet of bullet spread at pretty much all distances?

I think now it will actually support tapping more now, since the first bullet will likely go where the gun is aimed and the rest of them will follow the recoil pattern like in CS

funny thing is cs:go has recoil patterns but they have RNG as well (seed) that increases the longer you spray, so after 10 bullets on long distance it's all luck as well

>Why are they trying to downgrade
Pretty much every update they've introduced has broken some part of the game and ubisoft logic means that the only way to fix it is to make it worse


what the fuck

>realism should fuck off

R6Siege is pretty fucking far from realistic you stupid fuck. Also are you implying Call of Duty has good hipfire ?...

Go play a game like Insurgency, Squad, Escape from Tarkov, or Red Orchestra, if you want your bullets to come out of your gun and not randomly get painted where you aim.

>CSGOYIM spray patterns
>not RNG based to heck
still hate siege cucks though

Shield ops buff now?

It is and it isn't
When you hold down the trigger you'll have a narrow path on which the bullets will land so if you place that "path" on the enemies head while spraying odds are you'll hit the head

I'd rather play a good video game than any of those.

the funniest thing is these retards in this thread that think siege is a good fps

unlike CSGO, when you ADS in siege your bullet will always go where you point, it's just now the recoil is a static pattern so I can turn every gun I use into a laser rifle with macros

>first shot goes exactly where you were aiming
>a combination of the recoil pattern and player movements makes the rest of the shots not go where the crosshair is
Are you retarded?

Didn't they just nerf Montagne's hipfire accuracy too?

This. siege is terrible and I will never understand the ubicucks on this board.

Please be joking.

Honestly what takes more skill actually reacting to recoil on the fly or muscle memory shit where literal babbies can get to Global elite.

I'm wary about changing the recoil patterns to such simple lines but we'll see how it goes. I don't like them making Kapkan traps non-lethal, even if they are removing the visible laser. But fuck that Blitz buff where he can now sprint with his shield in front of him looks great. I can't wait to try charging in with him even though I'll probably die every time.

lol anybody who thinks this is a bad change is a fucking retard. people actually want MORE rng in their fps games? guarantee everyone who is bitching about this recoil change is below plat



Well it's not a video game, it's an e-"""""""sport"""""

Haven't you got streamers and espurts to watch, Carry on being basic GE.

I like seeing you white cucks cry about a game you've never played before

Are we going to remove Blackbeard next because the """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""Pros"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
cry that he's op and they can't one shot him.

have you seen the mk17's recoil in TTS

>blackbeard isn't a retarded design
how's life in bronze bud

>Balancing the game to please the 0.1% of players who it doesn't really affect anyway

Current recoil is a fucking travesty, its like a 10 year old holds the gun, recoil sends your weapon flying

I've played siege you shitpsoting larper, it's a bad game.

what are you? some pro player who can't handle recoil?

>hurr hurr blackbeard is stoopid I can't kill him
I don't know, whos the one crying about being bad.

yeah if you're a bad and play csgo 24/7

>not an argument

>hmmm maybe I should reinstall rainbow si-

Well being bad at the game and thinking its a good change makes your point mute.

i have over a 4 kd with blackbeard in diamond. the operator is busted, a terrible design. so bad in fact that the guy who designed him was fired from the team. if you think blackbeard belongs in the game you're just too terrible at it to see how broken he is. you must frequent the reddit, everyone over there defends blackbeard with their life. funny enough the average redditor is also silver.

>tfw I almost bought this
Fuck me, dodged a high caliber bullet there.

Carry on being bad and playing with shitters kiddo