The Evil Within 2 New Footage
Looks pretty cool to me.

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Is the first game good?

do these games have any levity or self awareness at all? the overly serious tone is really offputting. especially considering how tryhard and ridiculous it is. at least RE knew to be silly sometimes.

Trash RE4 clone.

Yes. Very good.

I hope this game has some more levity. It looks like everything from the original is being improved, but I seriously hope it has some more humor.
Yea. It depends on what you're looking for. Many things in the game one-shot you. The camera is unwieldy. The story is extremely hard to follow. However, it has absolutely gorgeous art design, boss fights are fun, and it's immersive as can be. However, it feels like it was made 10 years ago; this was done on purpose to make it feel more like a classic horror game. Some people dislike it, but I absolutely loved it. I can see why people don't, though.

is this series like silent hill?

Imo it was it was a solid 7/10

yeah, looking at the rest of the video maybe it does. you're fighting this feminine legged monster with a camera for a head moaning constantly.

It's a lot more Silent Hill than Resident Evil, which is funny considering the creator of Resident Evil is the man behind The Evil Within.
But yea, it's dream-like and very strange, just like SH.

I can see why it'd be offputting but after Shadows of the Damned I was glad to get a RE4 style game that wanted to take itself seriously. I think it really nailed down an oppressive atmosphere unlike any RE.

It's fine, it's worth playing at least.

I loved it. I think it's underrated. When I first played it it was ridden with bugs and PC issues, but it has been smoothed out. On my second playthrough last year I really clicked with it.

Looks really good. I was worried about the open world, more crafting etc. but it seems like they're going in the right direction with crafting being more tactical choice than necessity.

It's very cheesy B movie like story. Very Resident Evil.

>The mirror room and the cute nurse is back

Yeah I'll get it.

>cute nurse is back
>Kidman is also back
Feels good, man

that looked rather non threatening, yawn

It's probably the most self-aware horror game out there.
>the overly serious tone is really offputting
First game is not serious at all. I was laughing my ass off on my second playthrough because its campiness suddenly became too tangible. Almost every cutscene is comedy gold.

That's just because it's bad. It's not self aware at all.

>what the hell
>what the fuck
>I'm going crazy
>what's going on here
>something's up
>I gotta get to a hospital
>this place again
>this place again
The best thing about TEW is that it manages to be funny without using constant jokes. The protagonist has absolutely no idea what's going on the entire time, and it's great.

It's just your sad opinion.

they really threw that guy through the wringer, and he takes it all in stride
It's looking like the cheeky interjections are coming back, which is great

I have mixed emotions on it but in all the first one wasn't very good. Sabastin or whatever never seemed to understand anything, kidman was dull , the asian dude was kinda cool but then became a dick and the guy you were supposed to save was annoying as shit. I wanted him to die.

Thought that was toby mcguire in spiderman 3 haha

I feel like I read this everywhere when it comes to TEW.
>hated it my first time through
>gave it a second try and loved it
It's really one of those games that you'll enjoy more depending on your mindset. Don't go into it expecting everything to flow perfectly and make perfect sense; just let yourself be taken for the ride, and it'll be one of the craziest and most fun games you'll ever play.

I'm not feeling this new villain. I can see why this guy was scrapped for Ruvik in the first game. Hoping him and Seb's new voice and chattiness will grow on me.

>The protagonist has absolutely no idea what's going on the entire time, and it's great.
No it's fucking not. He was in stem and saw some shit. Why the fuck he act surprised at all after all that happened to him

>Sebastian never understood anything
But that's what made the first game so good, poor son of a bitch had no idea what was happening

The boss looks like Amnion from Silent Hill Homecoming without being scary.

Not really fear inducing, it's just bizarre nonsensical imagery.

He's not the main villain. It's looking like there are going to be "arcs" in TEW2, with each one having a set villain. So far, we know that Stefano and Theodore are going to have their own sections of the game. I'm willing to bet Ruvik returns in some way, as well; we know that he managed to leave his mark on Sebastian from the first game.

For me it's more about his ridiculous obviousness, he literally talking like every generic horror protagonist simply because genre expectations rules him to.

No it's a generic third person shooter with shit crafting and ammo is very rare. Second looks the same so don't even bother.

no it doesn't because he was a detective he's main job is to piece things together , if they made him a beat cop or just a normal person then fine I would agree but he wasn't.

He stands above other horror protagonists, because of how dry he is.
Best part is when Leslie walks away from him while screaming about the hospital, and his reaction is so dry and campy that it's perfect

When you're thrown into a simulation set in the mind of a serial killer, your profession is kinda thrown out the window, and instinct kicks in
The fact that he's a detective makes it hilarious as well; it's so cliche that it's perfect, considering how TEW is literally just every horror cliche ever thrown into a blender (Jap horror, Italian horror, psychological horror, slasher horror)

TEW is the ultimate pleb filter. If you like games from 10 years ago, you'll like TEW. If you like games with a ton of modern bullshit, you won't like it.

That doesn't sound bad at all. Looking forward to this a lot more now.

Shame it's still using id tech 5 in 2017.

Yea, the first two trailers were devoted to the Photographer. It looks like the first section of the game is devoted to him. After that, Theodore (the weird priest guy from the most recent trailer) is the 2nd villain, and after he's taken out, I'm willing to bet that Ruvik is the final villain. We've already seen Spider Laura in a trailer; there's no way she'll come back, but not Ruvik.

That shit's neat though.

the light woman was hot in the DLC

>more sexy leg monsters

Yes please.

One of the key things Mikami says in the interview is if the original The Evil Within was closer to Resident Evil 4 than RE1, The Evil Within 2 is much closer to Resident Evil 1 than RE4. He wouldn't go too full into detail here, but touched a bit on this, commenting that The Evil Within 2 features more downtime, exploration, and unlocking new areas than the previous one did, but there's more to that comparison but he wants to keep it more of a secret for now.

It will be kino


I wonder who is in charge in MOBIUS now ?

This monster is the only reason I'm hyped for this game.

yeah monster in TEW 1 were cool

>flamboyant villain
Shit is getting old at this point.

>dual scenarios
I can hope

the game has 2 antagonist

He's not the main villain. See

Anthony Cumia?
Get it? He's italian.

If I remember a leaked concept art from TEW2's designer show a image of Leslie

I love the story of the first one

That COULD be him in the background, maybe. I dunno. Very interested to see how all that plays out in this game.

Game looks gorgeous.

I loved G-MAN in the TEW DLC

Just another reason why TEW is so good. It's a giant clusterfuck of horror cliche; the DLC even added an evil shadow organization with a mysterious suited leader

You're clearly taking game story too seriously.
For me TEW is more about self-awareness and cheesyness - they've promised 'return of the horror' and literally thrown every genre trend at the fans in the most blatant way. Mikami just couldn't give less of a fuck, with first TEW he literally wrapped entire setting around imaginary otherworld just to justify hospitals, mansions, sewers, catacombs and other spooky locations within one game, just simple as that. When it comes to story - yeah, it makes sense and shit, its not nonsensical at least, but its clearly not what makes this game unique. After all, every design and background was made after VERY recognizable blueprint for a reason.

And that's why I am not sure if TEW2 worth it - from all the trailers I can assume devs now really tryharding to make people care for these characters backstories or some shit. It just looks too serious now. Plus it's a fucking open-world for some reason. And it's not scary, even in terms of jumpscares.

I think you replied to the wrong comment, my dude
Because I agree with everything you just said


Super Possessed Leslie HYPE


Did they fire Ikumi or what? Her twitter is dead.

Where this Leslie art is from?



I think I get it now why Joseph is so hot.



I'm glad she is back

Did Mikami actually say that? RE7 was the only game in recent memory that scratched that classic RE itch. I thought the first Evil Within was a 6-7/10 game but I think I'll have to give the sequel a look.

Shut the fuck up.

So what's this man up to after TEW2? I get the feeling like he doesn't want to stick around with Bethesda anymore.

I think I get now why Leslie is so hot.

Just came here to ask shills keep us posted on this matter.

>different actress
What went wrong?

I think he's just going to oversee his studio. His mission statement has always been to let younger people take the reins; he's the producer of TEW2, not the head director (that role goes to the direct of the original two DLC for the first game, John Johanas).
I think he's done "making" games after this one. I still think he'll oversee the projects at Tango Gameworks, but won't intervene directly in production.

Bethesda forces him to port the The evil within games super downgraded to nintendo switch

I have a Switch, and I love it, but I'm getting it for my PC, so I don't give a shit if it comes to Switch.
Good for Ninty if they get more 3rd party support, though.

TEW was a pretty good game. It's certainly not perfect, and I can get why others don't like it. However, it's DLC is probably some of the best designed shit I've ever seen in a horror game.

Also, the lighting in TEW is amazing. It truly is. And the G-man character and the Light Woman are amazing designs.

Akumu mode was shit. You literally just run pass everything.

Hopefully it's better than the first one, which ended up being 6.5/10 imo maybe a 7 with one of the DLCs which is bad enough to even mention already.
It started out interesting but dragged on too long and everything was way too obvious too early on, from story stuff up to jump scares and scares etc.
Also the fact that it was cross gen ruined it even more

Mikami said:

He could direct RE8 If capcom ask him
He has good ideas for a new Dino Crisis game but Capcom owns the IP

I'll get it when it's 20 bucks with all DLC just like the first one.
It was kinda mediocre. i don't get how anyone can say that it's an amzing game let alone close to 10/10 or other stuff Mikami has done and the boss fights were either too easy and boring or just bad.
At least the artbook was good

>it's DLC is probably some of the best designed shit I've ever seen in a horror game
Fuck no. DLCs were streamlined as fuck, its like every situation in those was designed with only one possible solution in mind.

Looks to me like they fucked Seb.
Talks all the time. Face is shit. Obviously different VA. Even character himself seems different.

It will just be dude random enviroments and imossible space with monsters haha because it's all not real and this time you know it from the start

It's feels like everyone who praises this game and it's fucking DLC has never played a horror game or only shit like RE5 and 6
so deep dude, dreams, ugly monsters

That's the point though
People like TEW for funky set-pieces, even if they don't make sense


Gun sounds are great
main character design is dope
graphics are good
animations are ok
boss design is whack
enemy design is meh
gameplay looks too easy
main villian looks like shit

He's not the main villain though.
Look throughout the entire thread. There are several antagonists, each with their own arc and section of the overarching story.
The photographer is just one of many villains.

Played Mikami games since PSX era and I liked the The evil within

Seb's new voice makes me miss Anson Mount.

Did Bethesda only put celebs in the first game because it was a new IP?

Most criminals are gay. Take a look at any prison.
You should be more accepting of other sexual orientations, user.

I understand that. They were very linear. However, I don't feel like that's necessarily bad. Design wise the Light Woman was actually very intimidating, and so was the G-Man. I was actually scared in a lot of places.

Played every good SH, RE, Siren, Dead Space, Fatal Frame, Clock Tower, P.T., Outlast, Penumbra, Amnesia and Haunted Grounds - am I legit horror fan in your eyes now senpai? TEW is great action horror, best right after RE4, you simply can't oppose that.

he looks like shit