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what about it

This isn't directly vidya related.


out of curiosity can you walk me through your thought process before/while making this thread?

not op, but

yeah, each one's a different service. you can go to services and turn them all off if you don't want to see that anymore, but i don't think your computer's going to work very well afterward

Do you guys actually get paranoid from looking at your fucking task manager or is this just a meme? You know you can click on a process and read exactly what it does, where it's located and when it was created. How can people who spend 8+ hours a day on their computer be tech illiterate?

>using windows

oh yeah, linux would be a real good fit for people who can't figure out what svchost does

What do you expect?
Fags pirating everything.
I would be paranoid too if there is a chance of getting a trojan or my shit being mined.
Wouldn't mind a keygen though.

Once from a modern version of utorrent, with the ads on it - it automatically installed a virus that would open a 24million memory usage thing and set my CPU on fire, had to reformat obviously. The first time ive ever had a program just install a virus in my life, so now I use some 6 year old utorrent and dont update that stuff ever.

I managed to make my friend's laptop run out of available RAM with something like 7 tabs open. What a piece of crap.

Aren't keygens extra dangerous, especially when they require to run in admin mode to patch memory registers?

yep, but the music is so good though.

>hogs your internet

it truly is sometimes

>wuhelper (32 bit)

I wonder what software is used to make this.
Forgive the link

wops messed up

>view araki eating a donut image
>no screamers but firefox starts crashing every time i close it now
great you niggers gave me annoyingware

I sure do love spending more time compiling software than actually using my computer

Posting my all time favorite
This song is pure magic

These are sidtunes or fastracker tunes. There's probably tons of tools for Windows these days. Ever search for fastracker alternatives for windows?

I've looked up FamiTracker and LMMS,
And use "FL"
I admit I haven't done much research, though.



Noice! Intro reminds me of this red sector tune

You do realize that the image doesn't do anything, right? Modern browsers have those kinds of interlaced vulnerabilities patched, the screamer trick doesn't work anymore. If everyone on the internet could get fucked over by a simple image file loading then we'd all be doomed by now.

5 years ago these people were too afraid to use computers.

I know
It's just a funny coincidence that my browser fucked up right after viewing it
Also I can't help but be paranoid when everyone's in on the joke
It really is a fucking masterful meme

this is the shit im talking about


I used it on Amiga a lot. If you want to use c64 sounds, there are ways of emulating the sid chip pretty well.
Great community is on


>Doing a little reading, sitting in computer chair with a kindle
>HDD access light starts flashing like mad
>Non SSDs start grinding
>Touch mouse
>It stops


I'm afraid to say it, but you have been hacked

I'll check it out.

every time

I sometimes leave my PC idle and lay in bed, only to hear my hdd randomly go off like I'm installing something.

>Host Process for Wii Fit

Updates and if you are using windows 10, your keylogs of the day

it's indexing files. you can turn this off but then searching for anything will take forever

How come everytime I do this I get maced :(

emulators sure are bloated these days


U weren't supposed to see that..


What? What's wrong with it

he's lost please find him


>playing vidya
>monitor suddenly loses signal
>sound suddenly gets all fucked up for about 10 seconds
>sound becomes normal again but monitor stays blank
>monitor cable is screwed in as tight as possible
>only solution is to restart the PC
Please tell me why this is happening. I was looking forward to a good weekend of videogames after a hard week of despair.


You are using an HDMI cable? Sounds to me like a handshake problem.

DVI cable.

Why are you using a dvi? Do you not have a displayport or a hdmi port in your GPU or monitor?

>Why are you using a dvi?

So the sound is played through external speakers and not through the monitor?

It's played through headphones. Or I could use speakers if I wanted. The monitor has no involvement in audio output.

I'll tell you what's lost is my credit score that's what

Sorry m8, I have no idea. Seems like the problem runs deeper than a faulty cable.