Should children be allowed to play video games?

Should children be allowed to play video games?

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Only the hardest ones

>mlp hat

>these people are probably browsing Sup Forums right now

well Sup Forums likes overwatch so you're right

thats the platypus from phineas and ferb


It's not even mlp, you mongoloid.

that's terry the beaver mate

heIIo reddit

you don't need to announce it every time you go there

I'm going to say yes, but limited time and supervision until like 9-10. I REGRET playing games 100%. Im an addict with them now.

>those kids will soon be old enough to post on this site

Aren't video games for children?

yes, just make them actually play the E rated games.

why are your generations white males so afraid to share their toys?

no. they should also be banned from the internet until they are 18

No at least not under 10 years of age

>parents all wearing sweatpants
all that welfare money to piss away and not an ounce of class to be found

yes, video games are toys.


I waited in line at gamestop at midnight to get that

they just don't care anymore, it's probably their day off and they wasted it buying a expensive as fuck toy for their ungrateful kids

only spics and nigs, white children should be raised with ascetic purity