Has anything ever made you reconsider playing video games as a hobby?

Has anything ever made you reconsider playing video games as a hobby?

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Sup Forums


I was so disappointed in FFXV that it made me stop playing games for quite some time.

The cloying desire for a woman to love me.

Does anyone ahve that MAKES YOU THINK webm by this goy?

ahhh.... hnggg.... i can feel this image firing off my neurons...

look forward to the coming generation of mongs that cannot function face to face without their screens and then keep making fun of it

I know, right. This generation is doomed.

I haven't been able to bring myself to play video games since the disaster that was the No Man's Sky launch. Now I just sit on Sup Forums all day.


26 years old and nope, never.
Actually started playing even more after college.

current state of the industry
>tfw haven't even touched a single game in almost two months

>Has anything ever made you reconsider watching movies as a hobby?
You see how stupid this sounds?

Getting Drakengard ending E
I still like the game though

dat pic.......mhhhhh....

wake up Sup Forumseeple


Does the top-left guy have bootstraps he's pulling himself up by? Is this actual medieval art or just imitation?

there was a guy i used to play a lot of halo MP with. I accidentally betrayed him in a math and he told me to turn my xbox off and stop playing so i did


the virgin pokemon go player vs the chad idol gacha player


I thought I didn't like video games, but I just hated the people I would always play with. Quit playing online games with them after my friend literally REE'd at me and started hitting his keyboard and shouting insults because I lost a round of CS:GO.

Came here and have been playing only the recommended games on the wiki since, all is well.

so, is this pic saying guns are bad or dogs are bad

>The only red things are the blood of the chess pieces and the wine.
What if the chess pieces just had a really wild party and they're covered in wine, while the sophisticated kings and queens drink cordially? Given the Arabic signature in the bottom left, this is clearly meant as a statement about temperance.

Use your intellect

either one works



>inb4 someone posts the webms and everyone replies "really makes u think" or "really activates my almonds"

>implying ye olde Quentin was wrong

which is a really lame meme btw

All memes are lame

really makes you think

Really makes you stink

>O maners, o tymes
>People just don't act right anymore, man today sucks.
Shit like this and the Pompeii graffiti makes me happy to know that people really haven't changed at all.




Two almonds

No games that really keep my attention anymore, I keep going back and playing the same old stuff. When I see people arguing over which platform runs the likes of the new Tomb Raider I just let out a sigh, who the fuck cares about this game, who actually thinks "I need to upgrade my PC to play this game at its best" or "shit, I made the wrong choice in console because this AAA forgettable title runs better on the other platform".

Using my intellect, the concept of comparing a gun to a dog and saying it's your friend is really fucking retarded. Therefore it must be comparing Dogs to guns that could go off at any time, because while that's still stupid, at least a dog could actually become rabid or conceivably hurt someone on it's own since it is a living creature.

Guns are not capable of hurting people on their own, and can only do so when used by a person, intently or not. At least, barring freak accidents anyways.

I was really disappointed in 2013 and 2014 at video games as a whole
.>Microsoft literally everything leading up to the xbone
>Nintendo in 2012 "40% more powerful than a console released in 2005"
>Sony paid online
>EA Online passes
Played Halo reach and NBA 2k15 until last year

Plus, the kid looks like he got mauled, not shot. So ya, its definitely making a statement about dogs.

Sometimes wondered what my life would be like if I never got into video games. Been playing video games since I was 6 years old. 19 years later im still doing the same thing.
Its been almost a life sentence but I dont regret it at all. I love being part of this community.

Things really are getting progressively worse, just because people have taken notice of it over time doesn't make it less true.

If nothing else, be glad that you're not part of the modern art community.

At least they're not a bunch of cuckolds like millennials. Generation Z is conservative.

Ever since I started riding a motorcycle I barely play video games anymore

That's a stirrup user. The implication is that the nobility were once warriors who earned their keep, but are now dandies who play frivolous games and care only for indulging their vices.

Market took as shit as the gambling legislation are finally in line to crack down and fuck cross country contend right up the ass. The largest stacks of cash are being pulled in until they hit and its been years of domination by the meek.

The mailbox says "USA." It's comparing a firearm to a poorly trained dog: dangerous to everyone around it. It's suggesting that americans are too stupid to see a obvious problem and resolution right in front of them.

ME3. Haven't been big into vidya ever since


I am always struggling every month to chose between going on a date or buying games.
I guess i stop playing video games whenever im horny.

the state of modern vidya has, and I'm barely playing any games nowadays, and I've given up hope for the future of video games.

This, the people here are the worst examples of the bitter virgin gamer elitist bullied nerd stereotype

>tfw used to play games and watch chinese cartoons all the time
>met a qt japanese girl, hit it off
>live the life of my dreams for 6 months before she moves back to Japan
>can't derive any pleasure from anime or vidya anymore
don't get involved with 3d, it'll mess you up real bad

Nooo, you think?

It's still a retarded comparison, and too complex an issue to be in some moron's political cartoon, which is why I made fun of it.

Yeah, it's not like people died at age 25 from some fucked up plague or something. No, people saying dumb things on the internet is worse for sure.

Game sizes increasing faster than downlaod speed
20 links, everyone with captchas

If you wanna go scavenge for berries and skin rabbits no one is stopping you user and yet here you are on Sup Forums

>implying they're drinking wine

>man: Why are you here?
>Colt .45: I am here to kill you

Gen z is literally the most globalist and non white generation.


Copy that.


Not really. I've been playing vidya since 1988, and while obviously the time I spend playing varied massively, and I get about 6 hours per week these days - I still enjoy it.

Not even faggy little shits like you guys.


>royalty never enters battle
>royalty is never killed

That picture actually makes me think.

I play videogames to have fun, i come to Sup Forums to laugh at all the retarded shit people in here post, i wouldnt let anything anyone said here reconsider anything in life.

Once I had enough disposable income to buy all the gaming stuff I wanted, it lost all allure. You spend your whole life striving for your gaming paradise, but then you learn that moderation is key.

>playing chess not using the queen
What are you stupid or something?

Prepare to think like you've never thought before.

If you expectations of the game weren't already dead and buried when you heard of it's dev process, you've really gotta measure you situational awareness.

what else is there?
sports? woodcarving? meh.

This cunty mcfuckface also did some "we are killing the enviroment" short in the same offensively retarded vein.

I cannot fucking fathom the same guy did this as well.


I like the animation, but that's just overly dramatic satire.

Not really. I like games.
Even the 'gamer' stigma that used to exist didn't get me back in the day. I wanted to be alone anyway.

Wtf get money poorfag

hah,that was pretty good.

to smart too use cellphones

video games got me a job

playing video games

I only play video games to escape of my reality

what webms? I want to think.

Uncharted single handedly killed any possible enthusiasm I could have for 'mature' western games.

Woah... it's like... computers are controlling us...


឴ ឴

>animator gets famous by having all his videos spread through social media
Heh, fight the system from the inside, amirite? of course, everyone who shares it are true intellectucals who know what's really up.

woah there, i don't want to be two smart.

>the dating scene
Chad wins yet again. I wonder if the animator is a robot.

>cunty mcfuckface
go away reddit

Sex, but I got old and can't get it hard without drugs anymore, back to gaemz for me

really joggles my noggin

Yes, deep thoughts

wow ive never thought like this before

playing mmos solo. i regret ever wastin my middle school and freshmen high school year playing runescape and buying membership for it only to quit in the end