Which one do you pick?

Which one do you pick?

The leave game option and accept my penalty if applicable.


This is a tough decision. I think I would join Blue. Furries are shut-ins and probably have a lot of playtime. I assume anyone with a name like Sister_Fister has mastered the game and is just bored now. They're all faggots but RDT 1 and 2 on red are probably streaming and just want to fuck around for their audience.

Blue team, mute everyone in voice chat

Furries and BRs are alright and Mister_Lister is obviously from Sup Forums so blue

I dunno what RDT is but sibling telepathy tends to be a good thing. Anyone with a name like RipRoarinBoogerPenis must be someone formidable, also. Also while I dislike bronies, I feel like they tend to have a decently high power level if they're not Deviantart-tier, especially if that "MLP" refers to the board here.

Gonna put my stock into Red on this.

Either one, because it'd be a 7v6 advantage and you'd have to be a buncha potatos to not win that.

Blue team, BRs and furries have tactical advantage against reddit, plus Lister

Blue team for sure

Mister_Lister is the typical good player that's so bored he loves to troll people with shitty troll names.
I'll go with blue.

If its a TF2 clone red, if its a twitch shooter blue.

ive been playing siege and every time some ponyfucker appears they slay

Red team

Blue Team

Read Team sounds like it's filled with preteen trashers with names like lederpydude, lederpydude(1), and using your real life name in your username like Jordan99. Blue Team is filled with weebs, furfags, and an average cunt. Also, playing with a BR is to our advantage. His lag can be to our favor.


Blue team. Mr lister and the furry guy are probably decent.


i would take the BR's team, they're always a wild card.

>tfw [MLG]Jordan99 is no longer underage

Ponyfags tend to be valuable players. I guess they spend a fuckton of time playing games in general.

>BRs are alright


red team
either there's atleast two people working together or (1) is griefing original which will be funny enough

>RDT is Reddit
Shit, didn't even consider that. Still, could be worse I guess.

Did you miss the tribes thing?
BR with 500 ping is good


Red, you are all underestimating RipRoarinBoogerpenis

How many years ago was rip roarin' boogerpenis?

If Tribes Ascend taught me anything, Blue has this in the bag.

horsefuckers tend to have autismal level of skill and maybe lederpydude(1) is aimbotting

red if i want to win, blue if i want fun

>Someone being from Sup Forums is a sign of a good player

Have you seen the dumbasses who post here?

because Tribes has shitty lag comping, user, if it was CS he would just look like he's standing in place
what's the game being played in ops hypothetical shitty situation?

Blue has either a woman on it, or a man pretending to be a woman. Either way, that team is almost guaranteed to lose. Team Red is the only option.

well now he has

have you played on /partyvan/ or any /v4c/ server? Sup Forums is largely pretty fucking horrible at vidya

Every brony (do they still call themselves that?) I've ever played with has either been pro-tier good or absolute garbage. I don't think I've ever met one who is just okay

Red, because it's 5vs6.

-Two guys playing together, even if they're underaged it's still a good point.
-RipRoarin may be good, a lot of guys with swears in their names are tryhards despite their shitposting attitude.
-2 incompetent guys, [mlg] and [420]. Basically two memers from cs:go/cod who overestimate their skills.
-A brony, a lot of them are tf2 veterans, even if they have +1000 in rp/ponyville servers.

>Guaranteed to lose
>If Jessicakes is a female, have her speak on mic globally.
>"DUDE WEED" and the couple of preteens in team red will be taken aback by it and will either concentrate their fire on her in angst teeny rage, or will be too busy trying to whiteknight.

Nah faggot, I see it as a win and an opportunity that can be used in blue team's favor.

It was 250 ping, also he did join us one time on a Xx[mlp]xX account to fuck with shitters.

Blue is just objectively worse.

I think this is close.

I bet there's some nice milk in those.

>le weed man
oh god he's 18 years old already, still, 0
>reddit memester
>another reddit memester, what the fuck?
seems like it's the same guy twice, probably an error, so -5 since he'll soon be dropped from the game
>4th grade humor

>9gag memester
>gamer grill
can range from 0 to -5
>self conscious brazilian
>gaia narutard
can range from +3 to -3

I'll take blue team, please

What kind of retarded ass competitive games have global voice chat? Play CS, R6, League, fucking ANYTHING with a random chick on your team, and you'll notice that 90% of the time she's doing worse than anyone else in the game.

th grade humor
and you actually think MISTER LISTER THE SISTER FISTER isn't 4th grade humor?

I'm 29 and I legitimately laughed for a solid couple of minutes. I'm really easily amused though.

Here comes a new challenger


change server

Going with Capitali$tDog

MISTER LISTER THE SISTER FISTER goes full retard, completing the loop of cringe and going back into god-tier humor, even daring to go online with such a tag

it's like Episode 3, it's so bad it's good, unlike Episode 7, which is just middle of the way and just boring

red would win every day what the fuck is this

Medic isn't a f2p and heavy is probably using lmaobox.


>2 spies
>2 scouts
>2 soldiers
>2 heavies
we all know how this is going to end

Red wins hard.

I think Blue might have this one.


Well that was uncalled for.

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who weren't around during riproarinboogerpenis

I hit random team like I always do and make fun of faggots.

>there are people on Sup Forums right now who expect people to perfectly remember 13 years of memes

Red, blue is going to lose because they have a furry, girl, and a brazilian, Red team's dead weight is the guest player.

>destroyer of worlds somehow isn't mvp
blue, absolutely. i need to see what Lister's doing
the shitty nightcore will up my heartrate and make me faster as well

This is important. Do I have russian nickname for this one?

red, the girl on blue means you're playing 6v5

thats not how mmr based matchmaking works user. If she's matched with you, your equally shit.


Weed warrior won't take the game seriously at all.
fluttershy is going to be above average
jordan99 is going to be below average
lederpydude is going to be average and his friend will be utter shit and probably has never played the game before
boogerpenis will be the best, but won't be enough of a difference

everyone on the blue team will have autism guiding their shots, the girl might even support decently and the br might piss off the other team with his 1000ms ping.