Kek. As long as the snowflakes keep getting triggered over nothing they'll continue to do things like that

Kek. As long as the snowflakes keep getting triggered over nothing they'll continue to do things like that

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Who gives a shit, they are certainly not /ourguys/ after they added that fucking retarded skin slider difficulty bullshit.

You talk like a fag, but I agree with you.

They added it precisely so that you'd get butthurt, seems like it's working out pretty well

post austin walker and alex navarro having a fit over the coon

>game is supposed to be offensive
>faggot game "journalists" get offended

who would have thought

Digital blackface

They can suck a dick for that one. His mother died.

You're such a fucking faggot user holy shit.



This is Amy Schumer-tier

People like you are the exact reason why they did that.

I can't even scream it anymore, leafs are so fucking exhausting.

Nice plebbit post holy shit

We leafs had a meeting and we think this is hilarious.

>South Park made a racially-charged, politically incorrect joke


Please reign in that rouge cuck leaf on the OP.


>All those butthurt replies to the tweet

How can you even hate South Park? It makes everyone SO mad

Yep, that's the beauty of it

Just last week, the same camp was praising the racial-difficulty slider too

Say what you want about the show's quality, but it's fucking WORLDSTAR in blowing out assholes on both sides

>we'll never go back to the golden age when shows like The Simpsons and South Park were actually enjoyable

The new season is sucking ass

>Not realizing it was a gift to darkies to let them be white at least once in their lives


>abloo bloo bloo my phony hip-hop 'genius' is getting made fun of because he's a trainwreck of a person

>The Simpsons
Sneed's Feed and Seed

*rips a bong* dude south park is sooo fucking EPIC, I mother fucking love social satire

Does the show meta-apologize for going up its own ass with the serialized stuff?

The problem isn't making fun of him. It's going after his dead mother. It's low hanging fruit.

Calling something reddit doesn't make you any less of a triggered faggot with hurt feefees.

Stick of Truth was dope, I hope this is as well.
I know it's not the cool thing to do anymore but I fucking love South Park.

>The show that offends everybody makes a game that offends somebody

Amy Schumer's also a fat kike who only got in her position because of her dad.

>South Park doing what South Park does
It's like these people don't realize that South Park has been on air for 20 years. This kind of shit is expected.

Sometimes you're on a freaky pursuit, and you just want some low-hangin' fruit.

They know. But now that it's [CURRENT YEAR] that sort of thing can't be allowed anymore!

They won't even show them shoving food up their asses in that one episode.

This is America, God damn it. I want to see people shove food up their asses.

>Game has black skin be the highest difficulty
>Game makes fun of Kanye and his dead mom


Sure they do. I saw that episode last week.

South park has been absolute trash for over a decade and their games are trash too

its a good point. why should kayne be allowed to profitably gain from parading her dead mother around? its exploitation

I haven't seen it in a while but the last time I did they used black bars to hide them actually shoving food up their asses.

I remember when that episode first aired they didn't do that shit. They showed everything.

It's a joke, the slider doesn't actually do anything except make idiots rage.

thank fuck
kanye needs to get the fuck over his mom dying like any normal person would like 20 years after

sjw btfo, this game is goty

The real news here is that the ythough it was a good idea to market their game as it goes gold by...parodying flappy bird?
Wow, what a hip reference, guys, and timely too.

What makes the flappy birds reference relevant was that the Kanye's mom game is also Mobileshit.

wtf I love south park now

Nice imgur filename, redditor

>He doesn't use ShareX to instantly screenshot shit

Very sneedcraftian

>Trying to make a game out of your mom going up to heaven

Look, I don't have anything mean to say to his mom, she seems like a nice woman, but you don't make a fucking video game of her going up to heaven and expect people not to make fun of you for it

it seems they went full damage control to me backpedaling so hard.

How much anger do you thing the game will amass on release?
It's come to the point where I expect people to start attacking retailers for even offering it for pre-order and im loving every laugh.

God bless Matt and Trey

>Liberals are offended and triggered by everything
>Acts like this

More proof that Sup Forums is for redditors and children

yeah, that's weirdly cold of them.

But its just fine for him to make a fucking video game based on his mother's tragic death? How is he not exploiting it for his own monetary gain, and why is no one allowed to poke fun at that?


klepklop is such a fag.gif

That may be simply be due to the time slot in which it aired when you saw it. I've seen them bleep shits and fucks during the day but watched the same episodes late at night with all the cursing untouched. And even if how to eat with your butt is censored sometimes, that's not SP studios doing it, its likely just the network.

leave yeezy alone

I see this type of post in every South Park thread
>Haha Yeah! All these butthurt tears! NAILED IT!
Like offending someone is a substitute for actual good writing or clever jokes

Oh wow, he lives like 15 minutes away from me, I can't wait to do absolutely nothing about it, you raid-calling jackass.


>Reference to classic episode and a riff on something more recent is just being offensive now

Yes. I believe it's the last episode of the season Kyle says so in the Church. "We used to deal with something new every week and now we've been spending all our time caring about trolls!" or something to that effect.

I thought libtards were the oversensitive idiots within the political world. But Sup Forums is doing their best to take the throne.

But Wolfenstein has always been like that regardless of the political environment? Are they just gonna cancel their game because some retards are protesting in the US?

Should have responded to one of those posts, Kanye

I think it's pretty funny, at least with the context of having seen the episode.

The joke isn't that his mother died.

The joke is that he's a sensitive egotistical idiot

>does that fish feel a little blackfacey to anyone else?

Not making fun of her isn't going to bring her back