What is something you would like to see in this game? Any gameplay features added, specific missions, music...

What is something you would like to see in this game? Any gameplay features added, specific missions, music, references etc.

I'm just thinking of all the possibilities with the joycons motion control on the switch. Hopefully they give us the option to use the lazo like that.


PC version pls gib

No teleporting cops/bounty hunters. GTA5's system was really fucking bad.

I just want crazy shit to happen like TBoGT and the return of Jose Gonzalez.

hopefully we learn that it's coming to pc at the same time as consoles. need a good reason to upgrade my dying rig. barely any games that warrant an upgrade.

>all of Rockstar's effort is going to go into multiplaye microtransactions
>tfw there's nothing you can do about it

Should we tell him?

I'm so sick of GTA/RDR gameplay
>go to letter
>watch cutscene
>listen to conversation while riding to destination
>shoot some people
>go to letter
It's time to drop the cinematic story driven bullshit and go full BOTW, go wherever you want whenever you want, random encounters and side quests only, in whichever order you'd like

leave the child to his toy.

This negro

You just explained GTA IV. GTA V had some creative missions though.

Niggers vs cowboys multilayer mode.

I'd love to see a whole new set of shark cards, and multiple protagonists that all feel shallow, and I'd love for the game to have the majority of the content cut out of SP and slowly trickled in as MP content.

>You just explained GTA IV
And RDR, and GTA V was pretty much like that too.

Just let him dream user

The triple A American industry died years ago. All we can hope is that the Japs and Polish keep giving us worth while games, and that stuff like RDR2 is at least worth a single playthrough.

And GTA 3, VC and SA too only without the conversations while you go to the destinations

A segment that mirrors the Far Away part

Bloodborne style combat

Fully interactive gay sex with lasso mechanics.

Good shooting mechanics for once in an open world Rockstar game

I love RDR but the shooting in that game is trash

Whores that you don't turn down because of "muh marriage"

Not to make it multiplayer focus like fucking GTA V... not one single player DLC since release

I would love to see Rockstar bring the old west into modern times by promoting gender neutral bathrooms and open borders. I appreciate that the original allowed me to eventually cross the US/Mexican border via a bridge, but the barbed wire and obstacles blocking Mexico during the first act of the game was racist.

>And RDR
I'll give you that one
>GTA V was pretty much like that too.
Except it wasn't. I'm not going to deny that there are missions out there that follow the formula listed earlier, but when I replayed it I noticed how many missions took a unique approach. The minority of the missions are like IV and RDR

I want to see some injuns and some references to residential schools and shit.
Rockstar knows how to put these story elements in a satisfactory way

i dont get why im the only one who finds this game boring. id rather watch deadwood.
"realistic" old western games are boring

i would be happy to pay $60 and tax for an RDR port.

but it will most likely end up like GTAO, so i'm just going to enjoy the first few months and trash it afterwards.

at least i havent played witcher 3 yet.

The only difference is what happens after the cutscene and trip to the destination, everything leading up to the main mission is so formulaic and tired.

what would you prefer then?

I don't even care about it anymore, with rockstar focusing so much on gtao this has went from one of my most anticipated games ever to I'll probably wait months to pick it up since I can't shake the feeling it's going to be a half assed piece of shit that they changed development focus to online for

Optional side quests and random encounters, exploration rewarded with upgrades, survival mechanics etc. I wouldn't have minded if they removed the main story altogether.

better random events and more of them, more side quest people, the ones on gta 5 were amazing.
also collecting shit can fuck off

Needs a strong black woman with an afro

The ability to run your own little settlement / town / mining operation / gang and hire duders to protect your ass, hire hookers / dancers to keep them entertained and work mules to do the dirty work and so on.
Having more dynamic events would also be nice.

I want the Assassin's outfit back. That shit made even Jack look pretty badass


I'd like the hunting mechanics to be more complex this time. Like baits and stuff to track rare animals.

A better story, Red Dead Redemption's story was pretty ass.
More diverse weapons. All the guns in RDR felt samey.

If we're talking improvements from GTA V, RDR 2 needs all the interactivity from GTA 4 back. All those cool little details that they took away from 5 to get it to run on the PS3 and 360.

>The ability to run your own little settlement
Like in Yakuza? I like this idea.

A bit like that yeah.