This is probably the most fucked up thing I've seen in a videogame

This is probably the most fucked up thing I've seen in a videogame.

Play a h-game then

if you keep on the danganronpa train, the anime will top it. twice

You are like a little babby

Between UDG and Rule of Rose, I'm surprised there aren't more little girl antagonists in games.

I mean, men can be vicious and bloodthirsty, but little girls? Little girls are just CRUEL.

Why did she wear a headband to take a bath

the tubmlr butthurt still makes me laugh

That's not even the most fucked up thing in that game, OP.

what did tumblr do this time?

tumblr had a huge Dang it ronpaul fanbase
Guess their reaction when they found there was actual rape in the game

Just finished this chapter and I already want to get off this wild ride.

Reminder that you're no better than tumblrfags for playing this trash surface level VN. No, before you ask, the anime isn't good either.

They were upset the little girl in the wheelchair rape-triggered the other little girl who goes on to strap the main character to a wall and molest her. where as you play a minigame to avoid her orgasming (which would mean a game over).

but did the "remaster" VNs have actual CGs of her dying to green hair girl

Triggered? Aren't they practially one of the major reasons the series came overseas? And because of one thing now they hate it and some of the biggest complainers wish it never came over?

I'm honestly glad I'm one those who only look at tumblr for porn

Says the person entering the thread.

What is your favorite VN then, weebmaster?

something that i always wondered is why was junko always against sexual innuendo

i'd assume she'd like it because muh despair but no

So, for the oldfags who haven't played past dangit ron paul 2, what happens here (among other parts of this gaem) that get so bad that apparently they even make hopeman look sane in comparison?

Pretty sure only the anime adaptation and the manga adaptation had images
The VN was the most gruesome because of the descriptions though

imagine any other dr game but with kids

now double check characters like mikan

Don't forget to add some fucked up child abuse in there.