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Save for INT Gogeta retard

Tfw gohan won't get his turn. Vegeta won't either

This banner is going to be insane int gogeta, int ssji trunks and even int ssb vegeta if i remeber correctly, there is going to be some heavy salt.

I was going to say trying to get the saiyan waifus is a pants-on-head idea because Super 17 and SS4 Vegeta are available, but gave you an even better reason.

Ss3 goku better be on this fucking banner

I deleted my account after throwing 380 stones at the fucking baner and getting nothing but triple Piccolos and Whisus


Yeah I'm a retard for not being able to control RNG from a Gacha game, genius.

Skilled players make their own luck

>gacha pulling


>he doesn't know

Not him, but that can only happen when you have a degree of control over certain actions. Losing against Super 17 because your character placement didn't minimise risks and your weakest defender got hit by a Super attack would be a good example of "making your luck", but with the mere act of DS summoning you just push a button. You either receive bacon, or receive shit.

I only kale about maxing my Caulifa right now.

Lol lemonade from lemons

That's nothing.
I spent over 800 stones on the original Gogeta banner when that first came out on global over a year ago and got nothing but that shitty Gohan, Picon and to shit even further down my through; fucking Uub.
Quit the game right after that.

>gonna be able to rank up shortly after I leave the house to go out for the night
>game is on pc with emulator

all your stamina should carry over when you rank up like when you use a stone to refill it

Yeah, other mobile games do this. A lot of other mobile games do a lot of things better, but because it's got the Dragon Ball name behind they can get away with all sorts of corner-cutting cheap tricks.

naw it's cool i'll just revolve my life around the game and keep setting up alarms on my phone

I blame myself for being a slave to the stamina jew

I'm currently playing a game that gives away 120 stamina each day, 40 stam every 8 hours. It's like a Fire Emblem clone even though it's older than Fire Emblem mobile.

Waiting & stamina/energy mechanic are the worst aspect of mobile games. Those Clash of clones and base-building games are the absolute worst.

Why not transfer it onto your phone before leaving?

Due to wise choices I've made i have amazing units and have played a little under 2 months. Using stones for 3+1 banner for example, saving good guaranteed ssr tickets for better banners, controling impulse rolls, grinding events that give awesome free units etc etc.

I asked multiple times in this thread how feasible it is to switch between mobile and pc. How long would the download take? If I have it up to date will it transfer seamlessly or will it need a full download?

I had literally the best units in the game. SSJ4 Goku, SSJ4 Gogeta, Super Gogeta, Super Vegito, Vegito Blue, Rose, Majin Vegeta, Broly, etc.

All I wanted was waifus from the universe 6 waifu banners, but no. I told myself if I weren't getting any I would delete the game and I did.

Besides, the game also stopped being fun for me, so whatever.

>have ~100 stones saved up
>do multi on #17 since I want a ssj4
>get no ssr
>go again since im upset
>get no ssr
It was a mistake.

holy shit waifufaggots man

You could have spent less than 15 mins and sold it for easy cash

You just have to create a transfer code and log in with that everytime you jump from emulator to phone and vice-versa.

Download doesn't take too long, a couple of minutes.

They go into more detail here.

I ended up giving it away considering how good the account was.

big words coming from a newfag frogposter

>muh reddit 'frogposter' whining

waifus have always and forever been part of this otaku website

go back to redddit with your 2016 meme frogs

>calling newfag
If you want to use the excuse that "frogs" are played out then it applies to waifufaggots too. It's even more reddit. It's not just that you're a waifushitter though, it's how much of an embarrassment the level of waifushitter you are.

Is there anyway physically possible to mute that loud ass cheering and voice when you boot up thee game?

Yeah he's an embarrassment. What waifufag would give up on his waifu and quit the game? Piece of shit, should have used every stone given out until the last day of the banner and then spent money of he didn't het her.
He's a traitor to his waifu

okay frogboy

Stop mocking me! I got a few suggestions on why my game doesnt work on my phone anymore, but nothing helped.

I'd rathe fly to japan and spend money on an actual Gacha machine and get a physical figurine of her, rather than a jpeg inside of a game that's going to be shut down in a couple of years probably.

Caved in and said fuck it, threw 50 stones at the waifu banner and my jaw dropped.

>clock fucking work
You are nu-Sup Forums personified. It's hilarious that you're calling newfag.


>nu-Sup Forums

It's "neo-Sup Forums" newfag


>this guy gets 2 brolys
>all I get are piccolos

Jesus keep going mr 2016

Luck will find you one day.

Is this new Buu banner going to be good to pull on if I have only Phy Broly.

Got them both. Been thinking of doing the Android banner for a Black, or SSJ4 Vegeta dupe. Either way saving for INT Gogeta

Thats 2 months away dude

Well he's the new Extreme INT 120% ATK, DEF, HP leader so if you have any extreme INT units that are good then yes, if not then save your stones.

If it's anything like japan's release a new dokkanfest will come out every 2 weeks.

2 months? Try 2 days nigga. New Kid Buu banner and new stage hit Sunday

When did Kid buu become Int gogeta banner?

>people say the Siper 17 banner is a trap
>get Super 17, SS4 Vegeta, str SS3 Gt Kid Goku and my final Rose dupe for less than 150 stones
It kinda balances the fact out that I went 300 stones dry at the Cooler banner.

It's only a trap banner if you're pulling for the respective leads but don't have the cards to make a team.

I've barely pulled on that or the waifu banner. It's all about saving for INT Gogeta at this point.

No, because if you only have phy broly then odds are you won't even have a good int team to put together.

The new kid buu will be great whenever they release a buu lead. Til then it's very limited and lackluster.

If you're curious what a good buu team is atm iirc it's
>Kid buu
>x3 supports turles, vegeta, metal cooler
The latter 2 aren't on global. It also doesn't help that kid buu needs those supports and janemba is pretty bad in the lineup.

>Barely at 100 stones
>Only god lead is a SSJ4 Goku
>Want to roll on Super 17 so bad but need all I can get for Gogeta banner eventually

Just can't scratch that itch yet.

Alright, what is the next best banner to pull on besides the INT Gogeta. I have SS4 Goku Strn and Agl SS4 Gogeta
The only other Extreme I have is Hit, but I know he is mid tier at best.

I scratched.
Got shit. Dont do it user you waited this long


>Inspired me to do a multi
Got this bullshit
Fuck this game and fuck them for delaying the ssj3 angel goku banner I wouldn't have the spare stones to do this multi if they just fucking released him normally

hey guys whats may chances of getting banned from a emulator reroll?


If it wasn't for the fact I have a better chance of getting a 4 Vegeta or black dupe I would pull on the waifu banner for LR Majin Vegeta or LR Broly

>Agl SS4 Gogeta
Thats a nice card.
>what is the next best banner to pull
None of them are worth it really, except maybe the TEQ SS3 Goku one.

Only time they ban is during their precious world tournaments

>Teq SSJ3 Angel Goku

Bruh its too soon. He was suppose to be out by now. The only card my Teq team needs is him. I can guess they didn't release him though because he trivializes the Android 17 event


I think all the super lead banners are good to pull on. They have like 1 or 2 bad units, but they don't really help towards your 2 leads except SSJ3 Gotenks.

>PHY SSJ3 Gotenks banner
Has TEQ+PHY SSJ3 Gotenks, Gotenks, SSJ Gotenks which can make your SSJ4 Gogeta team, I assume he'll have his leader skill then.

Better than pulling on waifu banner and all you get is this piece of shit

INT Gogeta and Str Janemba are the big 2 after this Kid Buu banner. There will be a guaranteed SSR banner between Kid Buu and Gogeta/Janemba. After that is the fusion banner which will introduce Phy SSK3 Gotenks to global. That banner will mainly be fusion cards to help fill out the Gogeta team for when his leader skill finally hits. Somewhere in there will be Teq SSJ3 Angel Goku since his banner wasn't with Phy Cooler.

I might be crazy, but hear me out with SSJ4 Angel Goku and why they're delaying him.

Dual banner with SSJ3 Broly

Problem with that is

Masked Saiyan is on the Janemba banner and SSJ3 Angel Goku is on the INT Gogeta banner

Problem with that is

They tend to change up the featured subunits on banners

Angel Goku is a featured card on Gogeta banner. Masked Saiyan is a featured card on Janemba and SSJ3 Broly banners

>Masked Saiyan
Does it matter if it appears first on Janemba? Makes it more appealing to pull on it.
>SSJ3 Angel Goku is on the INT Gogeta banner
repalced with SSJ4 Gogeta :^)

I'm not sure why it'd be a dual banner since SSJ3 Goku vs SSJ3 Broly wasn't a thing, but surely there has to be a reason why.


>surely there has to be a reason why
SS3 Angel Goku dokkanfest with DB Heroes event running alongside, complete with the SS3 Teen Gotenks awakening.

That would make sense if adult gotenks' medals were SSJ3 Gokus.

Masked sayian isn't a dokkan exclusive, He'll be on every single banner after his release like every other non exclusive SSR.

This includes the WT banner.

Doesn't change the fact he is a featured card on those banners and isn't even released yet on global. They've fucked enough with global to go changing who is and isn't on a banner, They should just roll out SSJ3 Angel Goku after Kid Buu then stick with the schedule from Japan. Guaranteed SSR banner then Gogeta/Janemba.

Will INT Gogeta be the next 3 multis for one free banner? Or is their one in between

Him and Janemba should be

But they DO change who is on the banner, I already told you that.

>SS3 Angel Goku will come out after INT Gogeta so he won't be featured on Gogeta's banner
God damn jews.

Has this been confirmed? Would be a pretty shitty thing to do but I've not seen anything confirming.

People think they will switch him out for SS4 Gogeta which I would personally prefer

It makes sense because SS3 Teen Gotenks works well on SS3 Angel Goku's team, people have been complaining about not getting Heroes since it was first skipped, and they recently added SS3 Teen Gotenks to the global database.

No. It's just speculation since he came before buu and super 17 on jpn. To further add to it Janemba+Gogeta are also translated which people put on til foil hats thinking they'll come first, but so is SSJ3 Angel Goku..

Any other heroes cards translated?