Explain the general lore of the Elder Scrolls Series to me like I'm 5, user

Explain the general lore of the Elder Scrolls Series to me like I'm 5, user.

You realise reality is dream and become god

It's dumb and there's elves

Elves are always bad and never trust them.

Some wizard kills a king and takes his throne and this event sets in motion a snowballing chain of disasters where every generation there's a legendary hero who starts out as a prisoner and just barely saves the world while failing ever so slightly enough for things to be fucked up even more every time, proving that there are no heroes here.

kirkbride memes are NOT canon


>he doesn't know

They still use his lore books and I think he occasionally consults

its Gnosticism

seek sameal de woer

>At this point all transcription becomes impossible, except by way of sheet music, an orchestration of which was attempted during the reign of [NUMINIT], who, along with everyone else in the symphony’s radial madness, was vaporized by adjacentia. The requisite adachimelic holding-tendrils activated, preventing Imperial collapse. Imposthumously, the Amulet of Kings granted to the “Cocoon Council” that the spore-dream “et’Ada, Eight Aedra, Eat the Dreamer” be immediately stored in the one thousand and eight Cyrodilic weapons of rapture

This sums it up pretty well

Some humans came across sea and made a new home. There were some angry elves that just wanted to sleep there. Also some dragons. There were some dwarves too, but they left because they were awesome.

lorkhan LITERALLY did nothing wrong though

rank the elder scrolls races according to Dick Size

>according to Dick Size
With or without mods?

Once upon a time a cookie-cutter game was made on a shit engine and some pot-head came up with the brilliant idea of transcribing failures on the tech-side to in-world occurences, so the form and functionality of the engine and it's development would be synnymous with lore and development with the game creators, who were 90's kid pot-heads with archeology degrees and also D&D players who later plagerized a bit of D&D in their works, sometimes even ripping concept art for 3d modelling later on.

Fun fact, the closer you mod a post TESIII game to morrowind/D&D.5 tabletop, the more functional and playable the game becomes, as someone at it for 4 years I can tell you this as a fact.

The Ice Atronach in TESIV a Psionic Construct from the PSionics handbook.

It doesn't say what he did was wrong, just that he did.

no mods . official Lore ranking

Biggest are the Sload

OP here: thing is I did play Oblivion and Skyrim (and some TESO) and nothing that's been said here even remotely resonates with me.

You could be talking to me about a completely different series than the thing I experienced when playing and I wouldn't notice. Is reading the lorebooks in-game etc. imperative to get a clue about what's going on, or is the overarching story just something you need to play the entire series for to get?

Honestly I've learned all my Elder Scrolls lore from shitposting in these types of threads, from there I went on to read up on a bunch of the in game books, listen to the lore podcasts on kirkbride's youtube and replay some of the games paying closer attention to the dialogue and I still barely understand most of it.

It's all interesting at least.