ITT: Video game universes you wanna live in

ITT: Video game universes you wanna live in.


Because I wanna fight zombies and shit, looks cool.

You would be the first to die dipshit.

What makes you think that?

because you are a normal person who play videogames, not a skilled police man.

I'd be some Toreador's sissyboi

any fantasy rpg where I can respawn. If we're going with no respawns I'd want to be In any mmo where I can befriend a healslut to Rez me after I fuck up.

i would maybe want to live in somewhere in the pokemon universe, almost every trainer is a cute girl, so why not.

You'd die.

most are under 18 you pedo

Columbia without the stupid shit happening in the city. Just a normal peaceful flying city

I think any kid that has played Pokémon has thought about this at least once.

im not a pedo if im underage too.
*tips fedora*

Are you fucking retarded? VTMB is like days from Gehenna you won't get to shit

>every reason is sexual

>killing zombies is sexual

But Gehenna never came.

This game but for different reasons. I'd love to talk to VV about "life" and poetry for eternity.

there are dead bodies on the floor, maybe some of them are a cute chick, you know.

at worst im a low rank shitter light bow gunner doing odd jobs
still a decent living in a comfy world


What about vidya universes you don't want to live in?

The Wolfenstein universe.

you want to lose the oportunity to kill mecha hitler?

The Fallout Universe. Exaclty before the war so I can die in nuclear fire.

>work as an architect in raccoon city
>just finished work for the police chief
>watch people store grenade rounds in public storage closets
>i need three keys spread out across the city to access a public bathroom
>the populace grows "herbs" for medicinal purposes

jesus christ, what is wrong with these people

The heroes in the resident evil universe all have some degree of expertise in survival and weaponry. You're just some guy, you'd die and then get killed by some of the heroes of RE

I will probably not be the hero in this universe.

This, but I'd rather be a mage and hang with the Sons of Ether.



All the women are smoking hot.

your dick becomes infected and becomes sentient.

>ywn turn into a zombie and try to bite Jill or Claire in the ass as they then push you off and then kick your head off

maybe, i havent played the first 3 games of resident evil, but atleast had sex.

Why? Everyone is either dying of some disease or fucking insane.

truly a lovecraftian piece of art




low hanging fruit




Final Fantasy
12 in particular or any fantasy based rpg where any average Joe schmo can make a legend out of himself

Wherever she is.