Times have changed

If art style, stages and music didn't really matter virtual fighter would be king. Can you imagine of sf2 had shit character design, shit stages and shit music? Fighting games would not exist today if style didn't matter. I can't believe this was actually released for more than 30 usd.

For the longest time, I believed that good gameplay would make up for shitty sound, story, graphics, and everything else in between. After playing MVCI, I can safely say that I cannot continue believing that phrase anymore.

That's the sad truth my friend. I always thought that gameplay>visuals but this is the worst visuals and ui I have ever seen in a generation. No game mechanics can make this feel satisfying please please please give me wireframe over this.

An important aspect in fighting games, for me and some others, is the idea of character loyalty and or attachment. To get into a fighting game needs me to pick a character and drive myself forward in learning the character. While the MVCI cast is definitely familiar and has characters with established backgrounds, the presentation in their looks and voice acting just pushes me away. Sometimes I begin to like a character just by what they do with their moves and the likes but nothing in MVCI even looks all that cool. Dorm's new feature to charge up a creation/destruction spell charge in nearly all of his specials is cool as hell but I just can't bring myself to keep playing the game at this rate. The PC-users can hopefully just mod the returning cast's voice so there's some hope there but the consoles are just stuck with shitty everything sans gameplay unless Capcom decides to patch it in between any of their DLC

It's perfectly fair to avoid MvCI because of the artstyle, i mean, i've always read people saying that they couldn't get into Blazblue or Persona 4 Arena because of the anime artstyle, so this is nothing new

Would this game be well recieved if the presentation and roster were up to snuff? is the gameplay that good or does it just seem like that cause everything else is shot? Would you guys say this is a better game in general than Injustice?

Virtua Fighter has good music and its 3D graphics pushed the envelope back in the day.

>Would this game be well recieved if the presentation and roster were up to snuff?
Without a doubt. The roster could use a bit of touching up though
> is the gameplay that good or does it just seem like that cause everything else is shot?
By itself, there's nothing to really complain about
>Would you guys say this is a better game in general than Injustice?
Haven't played Injustice

>Would this game be well recieved if the presentation and roster were up to snuff?
Yes by far better graphics and X-Men and the game probably would've been very well liked

> is the gameplay that good or does it just seem like that cause everything else is shot?
The gameplay is fucking great mate it'd be great even with everything around it up to par

>Would you guys say this is a better game in general than Injustice?
As a fighting game no, as an overall package even though I like playing MVC:I more Injustice gives more bang for buck.

Yeah, it's mostly the fact that the character designs are pretty bland

>As a fighting game no

It really is a problem. I rented it last night and my thoughts after playing it for an hour is.
>This voice acting is horrendous in comparison to MvC3
>This game instantly feels better to play than MvC3
>Holy shit I can actually play Dante, because he doenst feel awkward as fuck anymore.
>Why is his theme song completly ruined now?
>Why is everyone's theme song completely ruined now?

Yeah, it's almost like when people look for quality video games they look for a balance of quality aspects. Not okay gameplay and utter shit tier everything else.

I still have residual habits from playing MVC3 for 6 years so I still felt that Dante was easier to play in 3

Thanks, kind of a shame really. Shows how talented Capcom is, they're just incredibly lazy and money hungry.

Netherealm games have this kind of clunky feeling to them, like most characters feel really heavy and I personally really dislike Dial-a-combo

i have been going from tekken nrs games and street fighter i dont know where this clunky shit came from

The positives of a game can only carry it so far. Gameplay is still the most important aspect, but if the negatives of everything else are bad enough they can sink a game.

Duke Nukem Forever's gameplay was passable sometimes even fun, but everything else about it was fucking abyssmal and dragged it down. Thus "Capcom makes good gameplay" is not an excuse for everything else being fucking awful.

Aside from that fighters really aren't in short-supply this year, so MvCI really has no excuse when there are so many alternatives.

I think the roster is the biggest problem, having 24 of the 30 characters being repeats from the previous game is not very exciting, some of the returning characters they chose to bring back are also not really popular which didn't help either

The in game graphics aren't that bad. The UI and various character screens though are terrible. The gameplay is overrated too. It's good the same way every single anime fighter is good. Lots of mobility and stuff happening. I suspect MVCI is going to get worse as time goes on as people find out more messed up mixups and resets with the tag system.

>I suspect MVCI is going to get worse as time goes on as people find out more messed up mixups and resets with the tag system

So basically exactly like how MVC3 went?

Pretty much, MvC3 got incredibly boring to watch when it all boiled down to TAC ToD combos and X Factor Lvl 3 Vergil

It's impressive, really. Sup Forums used to recognize the preeminence of gameplay over all other factors. But /r/Kappa and its bizarre vendetta against Capcom has this shit going backwards.

Just fuck off already. The jury is out and Infinite's gameplay is 10/10. That's the important factor and scoring that high is something no other fighting game has done before

It's 7/10 at best and the lack of character choices makes it meaningless.

have you played this game user? or are you just mirroring popular opinion?
because the gameplay isnt even that good, something feels way different compared to previous MvC games

The characters in this game don't feel all that good compared to 3. Not a fan of what they did with Dante either, both visually and as a character

Having actually played this game now I feel like all these complaints are wildly overblown. None of this is really noticeable outside of the story mode and the core gameplay looks and feels great.

just keep shitposting, they are not supose to know this

To be honest I actually had a lot of fun playing Marvel, but not $60 fun so I refunded. The game should be a fuck of a lot cheaper then it is, especially because you KNOW its going to have a shitload of DLC. I think the gameplay is very fun, but jesus christ is it hideous, sounds like shit, roster is lame, and the overall presentation of everything is boring. It's super frustrating because of the presentation was better this game would be great, fantastic even. But they fucked up and deserve whatever response they get about the game.

a fan service game where characters act out of character and do not even get their actual costumes. who thought that was a good idea?

>a fan service game
>fan service
>literally every character people want arent in the game


it is the same marvel vs capcom gameplay in the end. people know how it will be from day 1. also crossover games sell based on the cast and presentation because you want your charaters to look cool and cool shit.
Also capcom wants the game to be milk te shitout of its players thanks to DLC and eSports. people can finally tell them to fuck off.
that company is only alive because of Monster Hunter and Resident Evil anyway

X and jedah are the only ones they got right and that is because of 8 years of people yelling "X AND JEDAH FOR FUCKS SAKE"

a game designed to be fan service I did not mean it was executed well

>If art style, stages and music didn't really matter virtual fighter would be king.
Except virtua fighter had shallow bland gameplay too

pretty sure darkstalkers fans wanted talbain, demitri or lord raptor instead

Gameplay is legit one of the most fun fighting games I have played.

People say this, but it's barely true, especially for the competitive minded players. For example, everyone cries about wanting Doom, Wolverine and Mags but if all of them made it in and were as shitty as Chris and Ryu, no one would fucking use them no matter how much they liked the character.

This. People talk about the MAHVEL HYPE but MVC3 is the most boring game to watch now. It's the same fucking teams every time doing the same fucking combos and set ups. Nothing changes ever. MVC3 is anti-hype.

It's actually a fun game though, i'm enjoying it a lot.
I wouldn't pay full price for it though, im only playing it because I got it for 35$ from a key site.

So, do you believe only gameplay matters and a game could be wire frames with a solid black background and it would still be okay if the gameplay was top notch?

To believe this is to believe nothing else matters even a tiny bit except the gameplay. Can't say I feel that way. You know in game reviews they'll sometimes rate different aspects of the game. If only gameplay mattered, there'd be no point in listing any other ratings on other aspects of the game because only the gameplay matters.

Which is why DBZF is also the superior game to MVCI. Its gameplay is not as fun, but everything else is fucking top notch. MVCI gameplay is more fun but everything else about the game is an embarassment.

No, we didn't, talbain and demitri are both boring, Jedah is a much better choice than all 3

>To be honest I actually had a lot of fun playing Marvel, but not $60 fun so I refunded.

You know I'm wondering how much the cdkeys fuckup hurt the playerbase on Steam. As a big time Marvel player despite all the dumb shit I was more than ready to try the game for $26 dollars, when I found out they had zero US keys and I was gonna have to pay 45-60 I said fuck that, and I know I saw a lot of posts on here with the same. I figured if I was gonna pay full price I'd not only wait to see how the game is but also most likely pick it up on my PS4 instead, which it looks like I'm gonna have to do no matter what since the Steam playerbase is so small.

I doubt the game would have reached anything near T7 numbers but I feel like that had a huge impact on that day 1 playerbase.

>Which is why DBZF is also the superior game to MVCI
Stopped reading there. DBFZ is casual as shit, everyone plays the same. The tag system in Infinite encourages creativity, make your own team. And then the Infinity Stones? All kind of different playstyles.

But hey, keep mirroring that r/kappa

I swear, only people from /fgg/ bring up the term "Kappa".

Gameplay question:
For Morrigan's Mission 8, you're supposed to do aerial lp, lk, hp, lp, lk, hp halfway though the combo.
As far as I can tell though, hp and lp don't combo into each other. What's the trick here?

gameplay is meh tbqh. they didnt really learn anything from the clusterfuck of umvc3

VF has really good stages and music though you secondary poser

I'd probably be playing the game right now if the presentation and roster were better.

>proper damage scaling
>stones that give characters tools they might be lacking so that they arent useless
>no xfactor
no they learned a fuckton from MVC3.

of fucking course not they have no comprehension of whats going on inthis game outside of the buttons thier mashing accomplishing things. On a developer level MVCI is simplified garbage. The worst is the pro community showing how deeply they need the sheckels and pretty much drawling an line between all the shit heels.

>On a developer level MVCI is simplified garbage.
what does that even mean

>Incredibly large damage scaling
>Combo breaks
>not enough game knowledge for a proper turbo charge

Some day you people will learn what getting buttfucked by mercenary devs really means. Make a checklist and outsource it.


try harder, nigger.

what about them

UMvC3 was a great game

try again r/kappa

Could you rephrase that in a way that doesn't make it sound like you just came from /fgg/?

>UMVC3 is a bad game because i cant watch anything new about it.

Youtubers everyone, The cancer killing videogames because they can't will themselves to be inventive when given multiple options.

The damage scaling is fine as it is, you kill a character in two combo. Try harder

but its true. everything about the game is too safe.

you're defending xfactor.
off yourself.

>muh kappa bogeyman!!!
Holy fucking shit, for a fanbase who constantly throws shit on other fighting games not made by Capcom you faggots sure can't take it. The game is average; it plays ok but has subpar everything else, with poor PR and an even worse business model than Arcsys games.

off yourself

Except I clearly did you faggot shill.

Gameplay is the biggest factor, but if everything else is shit, I have better options to choose from where everything is good, and not just "muh button mashems".

Gameplay is trash too though. Tag is actually retarded.
Capcbros have the gall to say YRC is retarded while MvC:I has practically the same thing.
YRC is retarded though even with it scaled down in rev2.

Literally all you do in these games in mash buttons, hoping that you're the first one to land a hit. If you are the first one to land a hit, and you know what you're doing, you can lock your opponent into non stop attacks. The fact that all it takes in one fucking hit to do this is ridiculous. I don't care if some of you think that shit is fun, I'm just saying from my perspective that it's not.

DSP said the same thing btw.

Yep, tag is even worse than assists. Then you have lockdown supers into tag for free multiple mixups. Once people stop dropping things and tighten up their game you're going to see a lot of single player mixup action even with the tag combobreaker.

>DSP said the same thing btw.

at least street fighter takes some skill

Great debate. Can someone please just buy the game on PS4 though? I can't find matches.